Destroy All Monsters

You're welcome. I'm glad that people find it useful since I know it is absolutely full of flaws.
In case you're interested I've set up this little snippet to automatically use "Release the boots" if it's available and the monster I'm facing doesn't have the goal I'm currently after. It seems to be working fine (it even fired after I got the last goal item in a pickpocket attempt which was nice).

string special_action()
	if(my_familiar() == $familiar[Stomping Boots] && get_property("bootsCharged") == "true" && m.phylum != $phylum[none] && has_goal(m) == 0) {
		enqueue(get_action($skill[release the boots]));
		return macro();
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I know I have a bad singing voice, but today DAM thinks that I can sing the monsters in the castle to death:

Run SmartStasis! (0 profit to stasis with Sing -- low)
DestroyAllMonsters starts now! (0mp option Sing -- killrounds: 66, dierounds: 1300)
Round 2: Pawn69 executes a macro!
Round 2: Pawn69 casts SING!

this goes on for my 30 rounds, and then I have to manually kill the monster...

It seems to have started doing this with the new BatBrain update.

This character is a lvl 33 AT with no combat spell skills
Ok, after a few more times of this occurring with the procrastination giant, I finally went into the code for and simply 'removed' the check for the Procrastination Giant

boolean no_cunctatitis() {
	return TRUE;
        //m != $monster[Procrastination Giant] || weapon_type(equipped_item($slot[weapon])) == $stat[Moxie];

I have power nap, and would rather get the cunctatitis and remove it than not be able to complete the fight. I'm not sure if there is a good way to combat this problem. But clearly, picking a skill that calculates to 60 rounds to kill isn't a good skill...

No. No it isn't a good way to do that... Perhaps if the player has power nap and no good way to kill a procrastination giant then it should take the chance... sigh... I'd have to refactor a bit to even make that work sanely.
Is there a limit of one use per skill per fight? DAM only fires off a couple of pasta spells before switching to a failing attack strategy while I still have 200+MP (which is over 60%) left for spell usage. I even have the Feed skill which means most spells hardly cost me any MP after combat. Any thoughts?

Also, I noticed DAM mentions it starts twice during the same combat? Is that normal?

[1290] Battlefield (Hippy Uniform)
Encounter: War Frat 110th Infantryman
Strategy: /Users/Sander/Library/Application Support/KoLmafia/ccs/standard.ccs [default]
Round 0: bsander wins initiative!
Running ZLib version: r33 (current)
1 MP costs 4.082μ. ( 0 / 364 )
1 HP costs 0.427μ. ( 0 / 242 )
beer bomb (5.0 @ +45.0): 150μ * 7.25% = 10.875
beer helmet (10.0 @ +45.0): 721μ * 14.5% = 104.545
bejeweled pledge pin (10.0 @ +45.0): 600μ * 14.5% = 87.0
bottle opener belt buckle (10.0 @ +45.0): 717μ * 14.5% = 103.965
distressed denim pants (10.0 @ +45.0): 989μ * 14.5% = 143.405
giant foam finger (10.0 @ +45.0): 723μ * 14.5% = 104.835
keg shield (6.0 @ +45.0): 689μ * 8.7% = 59.942997
Value of stat gain: 403.9μ
Running BatBrain version: 1.15 (current)
Profit per round: ActionProfitDamageOtherbase; Untamed Turtle (0μ)0μ--75% stun chance
New Version of SmartStasis Available: 3.10
Upgrade from 3.9 to 3.10 here!

Running Destroy All Monsters version: (current)
Parsed round number: 1
Building options...
Options built! (91 actions)
Stasis action chosen: use 2678
Run SmartStasis! (0 profit to stasis with spectre scepter -- low)
beer bomb (5.0 @ +45.0): 150μ * 7.25% = 10.875
beer helmet (10.0 @ +45.0): 721μ * 14.5% = 104.545
bejeweled pledge pin (10.0 @ +45.0): 600μ * 14.5% = 87.0
bottle opener belt buckle (10.0 @ +45.0): 717μ * 14.5% = 103.965
distressed denim pants (10.0 @ +45.0): 989μ * 14.5% = 143.405
giant foam finger (10.0 @ +45.0): 723μ * 14.5% = 104.835
keg shield (6.0 @ +45.0): 689μ * 8.7% = 59.942997
Value of stat gain: 403.9μ
Monster: War Frat 110th Infantryman, ATT: 172, DEF: 155, HP: 185, Value: 1,018.47
You will die in 31 rounds.
Your attack will kill the monster in 46 rounds.
Building custom actions...
Custom actions built! (0 actions)
Stasis action chosen: use 2678
beer bomb (5.0 @ +45.0): 150μ * 7.25% = 10.875
beer helmet (10.0 @ +45.0): 721μ * 14.5% = 104.545
bejeweled pledge pin (10.0 @ +45.0): 600μ * 14.5% = 87.0
bottle opener belt buckle (10.0 @ +45.0): 717μ * 14.5% = 103.965
distressed denim pants (10.0 @ +45.0): 989μ * 14.5% = 143.405
giant foam finger (10.0 @ +45.0): 723μ * 14.5% = 104.835
keg shield (6.0 @ +45.0): 689μ * 8.7% = 59.942997
Value of stat gain: 403.9μ
Attack action chosen: skill 7116
This monster is not your huckleberry.
Stasis loop complete.
SmartStasis complete.
DestroyAllMonsters starts now! (0mp option Feed -- killrounds: 4, dierounds: 31)
Queued: skill 7116
Building options...
Options built! (90 actions)
Queued: skill 3005
Building options...
Options built! (90 actions)
Queued: skill 3003
Building options...
Options built! (90 actions)
Queued: use 2678
Building options...
Options built! (90 actions)
skill 7116; call batround; if hpbelow 31; abort "BatBrain abort: Danger, Will Robinson"; endif;
skill 3005; call batround; if hpbelow 31; abort "BatBrain abort: Danger, Will Robinson"; endif;
skill 3003; call batround; if hpbelow 31; abort "BatBrain abort: Danger, Will Robinson"; endif;
use 2678; call batround; if hpbelow 31; abort "BatBrain abort: Danger, Will Robinson"; endif;
Executing macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if haseffect 8 || haseffect 264 || haseffect 282 || haseffect 283 || haseffect 284; abort "BatBrain abort: poisoned"; endif; endsub; skill 7116; call batround; if hpbelow 31; abort "BatBrain abort: Danger, Will Robinson"; endif; skill 3005; call batround; if hpbelow 31; abort "BatBrain abort: Danger, Will Robinson"; endif; skill 3003; call batround; if hpbelow 31; abort "BatBrain abort: Danger, Will Robinson"; endif; use 2678; call batround; if hpbelow 31; abort "BatBrain abort: Danger, Will Robinson"; endif; 
Round 1: bsander executes a macro!
Round 1: bsander casts FEED!
Round 2: war frat 110th infantryman takes 44 damage.
You gain 22 hit points
You gain 22 Mana Points
Round 2: Your opponent moves to attack you, but trips over Grort and falls on their face (or face-analogue). Grort briefly peeks out of his shell, then withdraws again.
Round 2: bsander casts CANNELLONI CANNON!
Round 3: war frat 110th infantryman takes 60 damage.
Round 3: Your opponent moves to attack you, but trips over Grort and falls on their face (or face-analogue). Grort briefly peeks out of his shell, then withdraws again.
Round 3: bsander casts RAVIOLI SHURIKENS!
Round 4: war frat 110th infantryman takes 90 damage.
Round 4: Your opponent moves to attack you, but trips over Grort and falls on their face (or face-analogue). Grort briefly peeks out of his shell, then withdraws again.
Round 4: bsander uses the spectre scepter!
Round 5: war frat 110th infantryman takes 10 damage.
You lose 32 hit points
Happened: skill 7116
Happened: skill 3005
Happened: skill 3003
Happened: use 2678
Parsed round number: 5
Building options...
Options built! (90 actions)
DestroyAllMonsters starts now! (0mp option Feed -- killrounds: 6, dierounds: 29)
Queued: use 2678
Building options...
Options built! (90 actions)
use 2678; call batround; if hpbelow 31; abort "BatBrain abort: Danger, Will Robinson"; endif;
Executing macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if haseffect 8 || haseffect 264 || haseffect 282 || haseffect 283 || haseffect 284; abort "BatBrain abort: poisoned"; endif; endsub; use 2678; call batround; if hpbelow 31; abort "BatBrain abort: Danger, Will Robinson"; endif; 
Round 5: bsander executes a macro!
Round 5: bsander uses the spectre scepter!
Round 6: war frat 110th infantryman drops 1 attack power.
Round 6: war frat 110th infantryman drops 1 defense.
Round 6: Your opponent moves to attack you, but trips over Grort and falls on their face (or face-analogue). Grort briefly peeks out of his shell, then withdraws again.
Happened: use 2678
Parsed round number: 6
Building options...
Options built! (90 actions)
Round 6: bsander attacks!
Round 7: bsander attacks!
You lose 33 hit points
Round 8: bsander attacks!
Round 9: Your opponent moves to attack you, but trips over Grort and falls on their face (or face-analogue). Grort briefly peeks out of his shell, then withdraws again.
Round 9: bsander attacks!
You lose 33 hit points
Round 10: bsander attacks!
Round 11: Your opponent moves to attack you, but trips over Grort and falls on their face (or face-analogue). Grort briefly peeks out of his shell, then withdraws again.
Round 11: bsander attacks!
You lose 9 hit points
Round 12: Your opponent moves to attack you, but trips over Grort and falls on their face (or face-analogue). Grort briefly peeks out of his shell, then withdraws again.
Round 12: bsander attacks!
You lose 31 hit points
Round 13: bsander attacks!
You lose 33 hit points
Round 14: bsander attacks!
You lose 7 hit points
You lose 35 hit points
Round 15: bsander attacks!
Round 16: Your opponent moves to attack you, but trips over Grort and falls on their face (or face-analogue). Grort briefly peeks out of his shell, then withdraws again.
Round 16: bsander attacks!
You lose 31 hit points

You've had the crap beaten out of you... attempting to find some more crap.
It is normal such that the first Macro ran out and thus a second round needed to be performed so it restarted. What is a bit odd is that it clearly states that stasising with the scepter is low on profit but it still does it for whatever reason.
Also, it decides to use "attack" even though you clearly can't hit the monster which is a bit odd isn't it?
Wait. I just noticed my CCS had an "attack with weapon" statement after the DAM consult. Could it be that DAM somehow ended (without notification) and the attack statement handled the fight from round 6 onward? Though if that is the case, it's still strange that DAM silently failed, right?
Not so much... when it would have aborted with a message telling you that it couldn't figure out a good way to guarantee success and that you should be careful, it instead went to the guaranteed failure of attack with weapon. That's a you thing, not a DAM thing. :)
Thing is, I've seen that message many times over the last couple of weeks (since i started using DAM), with the same CCS, and it always aborted properly without switching to the weapon attack. Also, I don't see an actual abort message being printed in the combat log.
BB-based scripts (should) use exclusively macros. Since all those attacks were not macro'd, and they also lack any other non-mafia print statements, it's safe to say that DAM was somehow done and mafia proceeded with your CCS from the then-current round number, which you had specified as "attack".
Would it make sense for DAM to automatically recalculate stasis values after round 10 (or so) if using a meat-dropping familiar like the Cocoabo, Mimic, Fuzzy Dice, Hipster, or NZPR? Since their meat stasis value goes to 0 there, there's no sense in hoping to get more meat for 15 more rounds... HP/MP is still valid, but...
BB already caps familiar meat profit on the high end at 0 after round 10.

Also Bale, if perchance you take in the new Sherlock Holmes movie, stay for the closing credits, then pay close attention towards the end, just before they show all the song copyrights.
Also Bale, if perchance you take in the new Sherlock Holmes movie, stay for the closing credits, then pay close attention towards the end, just before they show all the song copyrights.

I was thinking about seeing it. Right before the song copyrights? Sure... Is this going to go by quickly or is it obvious?
Also Bale, if perchance you take in the new Sherlock Holmes movie, stay for the closing credits, then pay close attention towards the end, just before they show all the song copyrights.

I've never understood people that doesn't do that. I quite like looking at the closing credits especially to get to the song thingies since I often will wonder what one of them were.
Thanks for telling me to pay attention to the credits there. I was wondering if I'd spot this strange thing you were referring to. No worries though, there's no way I could miss that! I laughed from the amusing surprise.