Recent content by Big Money Sylvia

  1. Big Money Sylvia

    Feature - Implemented Accessing `zone` effects listed in `modtrace` with `numericModifier`

    Perfect. I only knew about lastAdventure, which didn't have any effect when I changed it.
  2. Big Money Sylvia

    Feature - Implemented Accessing `zone` effects listed in `modtrace` with `numericModifier`

    I want to isolate the shadow-rift item drop penalty (so my last location visited does not affect projected turncount for the CS item-drop test). Modtrace shows it as a zone-based modifier: modtrace item...
  3. Big Money Sylvia


    Maybe this is niche: But I would like if there was a way to make shadowrift leave Kung Fu Hustler intact. (I could be using Expert Timing on my CS item test if it did.)
  4. Big Money Sylvia

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Maximizer quirks - "-combat" and melee vs ranged.

    Thank you for testing. I think having Disgeist out caused the issue (because it was counting the familiar weight bonus in the maximizer as well as the -combat bonus *from* familiar weight). That still doesn't explain the displayed numbers, but things make more sense now. I thought Disgeist only...
  5. Big Money Sylvia

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Maximizer quirks - "-combat" and melee vs ranged.

    The effects hypothesis is interesting, but I've never seen behavior like that before, so I think it's unlikely. Especially since this maximizer string is from an ash call that shouldn't even consider potions. I was a level 12 or 13 seal clubber, Disgeist base weight was around 4 iirc, I was not...
  6. Big Money Sylvia

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Maximizer quirks - "-combat" and melee vs ranged.

    Pictured: The maximizer is downgrading my gear (and score) from fish hatchet and rusted-out shootin' iron to two iFlails. I think it's trying to dual-wield a melee weapon with a ranged one, and then - strangely - resolves the incompatibility by keeping the weaker piece of equipment (iFlail...
  7. Big Money Sylvia

    Feature - Implemented Feature request: Record literals

    That's so cool. Thank you for the detailed explanation, too. Sorry it took me a while to respond, I wanted to make sure I'm in a state to really understand every step of it.
  8. Big Money Sylvia

    Feature - Implemented Feature request: Record literals

    I just intuitively tried to assign a record using a literal. I learned that is not a thing, but veracity suggested making it into a feature request. The example syntax in my not-currently-working code looks like this: exp_buff_score[int] scores; if(my_primestat() == $stat[muscle]) {...
  9. Big Money Sylvia

    Feature Maximizer: Consider owned items with worse tiebreakers + acquirable items with better tiebreakers, both

    What I did: Maximizer string: hot res (radio option: creatable) What I expected (at the time): pants slot -- equip lava-proof pants (+5) What I got: pants slot -- create & equip troutsers (+5) This information is already available by clicking through maximizer settings. This is a QoL feature...
  10. Big Money Sylvia

    Feature Maximizer: Consider owned items with worse tiebreakers + acquirable items with better tiebreakers, both

    You're right, looking at it this way, it's not a "bug" relative to the specifications of KoLmafia. Having opportunity cost as a tiebreaker would make more sense to me, but learning about creatable items with better tiebreaker scores is still desirable. When I'm maximizing, I would often like...
  11. Big Money Sylvia

    Feature Maximizer: Consider owned items with worse tiebreakers + acquirable items with better tiebreakers, both

    (Edit -- For context, this was initially filed as a bug labelled "Maximizer prefers making troutsers over wearing lava-proof pants.") Title is specific because I feel like the issue is hard to explain in concise words. When you're maximizing a stat, KoLmafia will suggest spending a limited...
  12. Big Money Sylvia

    No existing project named therazekolmafia-canadv. Did you mean to do "checkout" instead of "update"? Done. Huh. I could remove+reinstall CanAdv (rev 67), but it still can't handle these zones. Seems like I've got an issue with updating/the script manager in general.
  13. Big Money Sylvia

    I thought this was a problem with CanAdv, but it still happens after that script was updated: Considering The SMOOCH Army HQ: zlib reports that The SMOOCH Army HQ is unsafe to adventure in based on your 'threshold' setting. Considering The Velvet / Gold Mine: Unknown location: The Velvet /...
  14. Big Money Sylvia

    CanAdv -- check whether you can adventure at a given location

    > ash get_property( "hotAirportAlways" ); Returned: trueThis still happens in Mafia r16357, by the way. My version of both scripts and zlib are up-to-date too.
  15. Big Money Sylvia

    CanAdv -- check whether you can adventure at a given location

    MakeMeatFast gave me this: Considering The SMOOCH Army HQ: zlib reports that The SMOOCH Army HQ is unsafe to adventure in based on your 'threshold' setting. Considering The Velvet / Gold Mine: Unknown location: The Velvet / Gold Mine (zone: That 70s Volcano) Please report this missing location...