Bug - Cannot Reproduce Maximizer quirks - "-combat" and melee vs ranged.

Big Money Sylvia

New member
Pictured: The maximizer is downgrading my gear (and score) from fish hatchet and rusted-out shootin' iron to two iFlails.

I think it's trying to dual-wield a melee weapon with a ranged one, and then - strangely - resolves the incompatibility by keeping the weaker piece of equipment (iFlail should be 1.1 from softcapped combat rate and familiar weight, fish hatchet should be 2.1, rusted-out shootin' iron should be 1.0).

I remember reading there's unintuitive behaviors related to negative maximization strings, which is another possible factor.
It might be worth aliasing "-combat" as "noncombat" in the maximizer, for QoL and - possibly - mathematical consistency.
I think it may be that it is assuming you will also be using the effects suggested further down in the list, and hitting the -combat cap.
What class are you? What weight is your Disgeist? I assume you don't have fuzzy slippers of hatred, because they aren't equipped?
The effects hypothesis is interesting, but I've never seen behavior like that before, so I think it's unlikely. Especially since this maximizer string is from an ash call that shouldn't even consider potions.

I was a level 12 or 13 seal clubber, Disgeist base weight was around 4 iirc, I was not meeting the stat requirement for slippers (because I'm a low-shiny CS looper).
Can't reproduce, sorry.

  // https://kolmafia.us/threads/maximizer-quirks-combat-and-melee-vs-ranged.29104
  public void shouldNotDowngradeBetterOutfitNonCombat() {
    var cleanups = new Cleanups(withClass(AscensionClass.SEAL_CLUBBER),
        withFamiliar(FamiliarPool.DISGEIST, 100),
        withEquipped(Slot.HAT, ItemPool.XIBLAXIAN_STEALTH_COWL),
        withEquipped(Slot.WEAPON, ItemPool.FISH_HATCHET),
        withEquipped(Slot.OFFHAND, ItemPool.RUSTED_OUT_SHOOTIN_IRON),
        withEquipped(Slot.CONTAINER, ItemPool.SMOKERS_CLOAK),
        withEquipped(Slot.SHIRT, ItemPool.XIBLAXIAN_STEALTH_VEST),
        withEquipped(Slot.PANTS, ItemPool.XIBLAXIAN_STEALTH_TROUSERS),
        withEquipped(Slot.ACCESSORY1, ItemPool.BRAMS_CHOKER),
        withEquipped(Slot.ACCESSORY2, ItemPool.RED_SHOE),
        withEquipped(Slot.ACCESSORY3, ItemPool.RING_OF_CONFLICT),
        withEquipped(Slot.FAMILIAR, ItemPool.STILLSUIT),
        withEquippableItem(ItemPool.IFLAIL, 2),

    try (cleanups) {
      assertTrue(maximize("-combat, 0.02 familiar weight, 0.0001 init, 0.2 bonus \"fuzzy slippers of hatred\", -familiar"));

passes fine.
Thank you for testing.
I think having Disgeist out caused the issue (because it was counting the familiar weight bonus in the maximizer as well as the -combat bonus *from* familiar weight). That still doesn't explain the displayed numbers, but things make more sense now.

I thought Disgeist only changed combat rate in increments of -5 (at 37.5 and 75 lbs), , since that's the way it's scored for the community service test.
That's why I wasn't expecting this behavior.