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  1. Big Money Sylvia

    Feature - Implemented Accessing `zone` effects listed in `modtrace` with `numericModifier`

    Perfect. I only knew about lastAdventure, which didn't have any effect when I changed it.
  2. Big Money Sylvia

    Feature - Implemented Accessing `zone` effects listed in `modtrace` with `numericModifier`

    I want to isolate the shadow-rift item drop penalty (so my last location visited does not affect projected turncount for the CS item-drop test). Modtrace shows it as a zone-based modifier: modtrace item...
  3. Big Money Sylvia


    Maybe this is niche: But I would like if there was a way to make shadowrift leave Kung Fu Hustler intact. (I could be using Expert Timing on my CS item test if it did.)
  4. Big Money Sylvia

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Maximizer quirks - "-combat" and melee vs ranged.

    Thank you for testing. I think having Disgeist out caused the issue (because it was counting the familiar weight bonus in the maximizer as well as the -combat bonus *from* familiar weight). That still doesn't explain the displayed numbers, but things make more sense now. I thought Disgeist only...
  5. Big Money Sylvia

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Maximizer quirks - "-combat" and melee vs ranged.

    The effects hypothesis is interesting, but I've never seen behavior like that before, so I think it's unlikely. Especially since this maximizer string is from an ash call that shouldn't even consider potions. I was a level 12 or 13 seal clubber, Disgeist base weight was around 4 iirc, I was not...
  6. Big Money Sylvia

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Maximizer quirks - "-combat" and melee vs ranged.

    Pictured: The maximizer is downgrading my gear (and score) from fish hatchet and rusted-out shootin' iron to two iFlails. I think it's trying to dual-wield a melee weapon with a ranged one, and then - strangely - resolves the incompatibility by keeping the weaker piece of equipment (iFlail...
  7. Big Money Sylvia

    Feature - Implemented Feature request: Record literals

    That's so cool. Thank you for the detailed explanation, too. Sorry it took me a while to respond, I wanted to make sure I'm in a state to really understand every step of it.
  8. Big Money Sylvia

    Feature - Implemented Feature request: Record literals

    I just intuitively tried to assign a record using a literal. I learned that is not a thing, but veracity suggested making it into a feature request. The example syntax in my not-currently-working code looks like this: exp_buff_score[int] scores; if(my_primestat() == $stat[muscle]) {...
  9. Big Money Sylvia

    Feature Maximizer: Consider owned items with worse tiebreakers + acquirable items with better tiebreakers, both

    What I did: Maximizer string: hot res (radio option: creatable) What I expected (at the time): pants slot -- equip lava-proof pants (+5) What I got: pants slot -- create & equip troutsers (+5) This information is already available by clicking through maximizer settings. This is a QoL feature...
  10. Big Money Sylvia

    Feature Maximizer: Consider owned items with worse tiebreakers + acquirable items with better tiebreakers, both

    You're right, looking at it this way, it's not a "bug" relative to the specifications of KoLmafia. Having opportunity cost as a tiebreaker would make more sense to me, but learning about creatable items with better tiebreaker scores is still desirable. When I'm maximizing, I would often like...
  11. Big Money Sylvia

    Feature Maximizer: Consider owned items with worse tiebreakers + acquirable items with better tiebreakers, both

    (Edit -- For context, this was initially filed as a bug labelled "Maximizer prefers making troutsers over wearing lava-proof pants.") Title is specific because I feel like the issue is hard to explain in concise words. When you're maximizing a stat, KoLmafia will suggest spending a limited...
  12. Big Money Sylvia

    No existing project named therazekolmafia-canadv. Did you mean to do "checkout" instead of "update"? Done. Huh. I could remove+reinstall CanAdv (rev 67), but it still can't handle these zones. Seems like I've got an issue with updating/the script manager in general.
  13. Big Money Sylvia

    I thought this was a problem with CanAdv, but it still happens after that script was updated: Considering The SMOOCH Army HQ: zlib reports that The SMOOCH Army HQ is unsafe to adventure in based on your 'threshold' setting. Considering The Velvet / Gold Mine: Unknown location: The Velvet /...
  14. Big Money Sylvia

    CanAdv -- check whether you can adventure at a given location

    > ash get_property( "hotAirportAlways" ); Returned: trueThis still happens in Mafia r16357, by the way. My version of both scripts and zlib are up-to-date too.
  15. Big Money Sylvia

    CanAdv -- check whether you can adventure at a given location

    MakeMeatFast gave me this: Considering The SMOOCH Army HQ: zlib reports that The SMOOCH Army HQ is unsafe to adventure in based on your 'threshold' setting. Considering The Velvet / Gold Mine: Unknown location: The Velvet / Gold Mine (zone: That 70s Volcano) Please report this missing location...
  16. Big Money Sylvia

    New Content - Implemented October 2015 IotM: haunted doghouse

    Did you eat a ghost dog earlier too? Because I did, I thought this was an issue with the consumption queue freaking out over the fact that hot dogs are not-quite-items, string-matching proper items first and trying to eat the chow. Except the ghost dog shouldn't be in the consumption queue anymore.
  17. Big Money Sylvia

    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    You got it. That's what I was trying to get at with my convoluted rat scrapple example. One problem with this: What constitutes a reasonable minimum is very different between food/booze/spleen. 3 adv/fill food is a no-brainer, but spleen items of that level are much harder to come by. (My main...
  18. Big Money Sylvia

    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    Given that this thread is downright monstrous, this has probably been suggested already. But I'd love if this script would skip checking for subpar food that can't possibly be selected, i. e. food that gives less adventures than the gross turn value gain of the best found same-size food. For...