Auto 2-day HCCS

Can anyone share their WHAM.ash settings/config please? I have stuffed mortar shell, flavour of magic & saucegeyser now.

Although... I'm still getting beaten up at the caldera even when I cast manually...
Could you post a log that goes through the script smoothly? Also, in case anyone is wondering, I just successfully completed a 2/428 HC Pastamancer run using my latest build of the script. I'm going to test the other classes as well, but I think that with the right skills, this script should be able to work with any class after I'm done with my changes.

If you're still interested in one, my runs are now pretty much going perfectly. My last one gave me a 2/386, which would have been a 2/380 if I hadn't chosen to manually get royal teas before running the script each day. And this run was on a day where my powerlevelling was done with a G-9 bonus of 41%. I'll post my day 2 log tomorrow, but my day 1 can be seen on this google doc:

Right near the end it says "Unexpected error, debug log printed." but it does not seem to have any negative effect on the run at all. Will post day 2 tomorrow :)

Also right at the beginning where it says "acs_powerLevelTurnsLeft => -1", I'm not sure if that's because I ran the script for my last run's day 2 and hadn't refreshed mafia since then, which would explain why it's thinking of powerlevelling.

Also there's a little weirdness near the beginning with stuff like the familiar it's taking out, and mafia gets confused with the chateau painting and thinks round 2 onwards is in noob cave, but you get the idea.
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and mafia gets confused with the chateau painting and thinks round 2 onwards is in noob cave, but you get the idea.

That's not really a bug but it is weird. You can't tell mafia to "adventure" in the painting, so the only way to get it to run a combat using the script's custom settings from inside the painting is to start the combat by visiting the painting URL and then telling it to adventure somewhere (I chose the Noob Cave). Took me a while to figure that out :p
Or you could use run_combat() to tell mafia to handle the combat.

I don't think it's possible to provide a combat/macro-function name when you use run_combat() (when I tried to it just went to the default ccs), while adv1() in the noob cave you can use your custom function like normal.
I don't understand how adv1() is using something other than your CCS...

Anyway, run_combat( string combatFilter ) also exists. I've never used that, but it sounds like a solution.
I don't understand how adv1() is using something other than your CCS...

Anyway, run_combat( string combatFilter ) also exists. I've never used that, but it sounds like a solution.

Last time I tried this (March 24, 2015), this did not work. As far as I know, no one looked into that issue any further, although I had deleted my post about it for unrelated reasons. Since I haven't seen any further posts in that thread, I'm assuming that it hasn't changed but if it is working, I can clean up a few of the adv1 workarounds in my own code.

I don't think it's possible to provide a combat/macro-function name when you use run_combat() (when I tried to it just went to the default ccs), while adv1() in the noob cave you can use your custom function like normal.

Yes, it did exactly this and ignored the combat filter.
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BCA loads fight.php first, which is possibly doing the same thing internally as the adventure.php request that adv1() leads with.
If you can't yellow taffy them, then they're not affected by +items. (due to a quirk in how the game is written, yellow taffy is something like +10000% item drop to that combat)

The 0.1% then is the only conjecture which would be supported by public data, if any existed.

I forgot to recheck yesterday, but I have now verified than even yellow taffy does not drop these.
BCA has used run_combat(filter) since shortly after it was added in r15590.

BCA loads fight.php first, which is possibly doing the same thing internally as the adventure.php request that adv1() leads with.

That may be why that method works, which may still have the problem of incurring a server hit (on fight.php) and isn't allowing us to just resolve combat directly. The filter version of run_combat uses a fight request and that may not work unless we just visited fight.php, I'm not sure enough of the internals to say that is exactly the case though. In any case, if bumRunCombat is able to utilize run_combat(filter) this way, it may be a technically better approach over adv1.
Smooth day 2 until familiar test. 32 adventures (54 required). I'm pretty sure it's due to not having any spleen turngen on day 1 as I don't have a spleen familiar. Can anyone suggest one? I'm thinking I might pick up a cheap out-of-standard one for when CS goes out of standard.
Finished my day 2, google doc has been updated to show what the script does with everything available:

Day 1: Pages 1-31
Day 2: Pages 32-63

Running my day 1 today, I'm assuming the script took a different route to normal, because just before casting simmer and overdrinking, I got this error:

"You need 1 more handful of Smithereens to continue."

To fix it, I just smashed my a light that never goes out and reran. I also got this error, but it didn't cause the script to stop:

"Using 1 delectable catalyst doesn't make anything interesting."

I presume this is because all 5 reagents for the day had already been used, but if that's the case I'd have a check in day 2 to use it then if that isn't already there.
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I'm finally able to do consistent 2-day runs now, even if sometimes I need to pulverize a couple smith items since I'm like 2 turns short.

Thanks everyone for putting up with my incompetence.
Can you please post your cheesellc snapshot? I'm still having difficulty ): Although I guess in a few days it might get easier once standard ends.
Just noticed this while watching the script run through - it's putting on the personal ventilation unit before stat tests which is sometimes harming the tests - had my buffed muscle go from 1660 to 1550 as a result and moxie from 1638 to 1550 - didn't see myst.

Jeff, I'll post my snapshot after my current run ends, but I have a lot more than is probably needed for consistent 2-dayers.
I tried running a SC 2-dayer with the script (to get non-sauce skills) and it ended up being 3 days or something since I guess the pulls were all wacky. Is there like a certain surefire way you need to set it up or something?
Attempting a Seal Clubber run, script hung up on needing a delectable catalyst (I'm guessing to make temporary gr8tness). Not a huge deal. Made the pots I could and incremented the script in options, but figured it was worth mentioning.
Can you please post your cheesellc snapshot? I'm still having difficulty ): Although I guess in a few days it might get easier once standard ends.

I'm not sure how useful this will be as I've been able to do 2-dayers with the script for quite a while, so a lot of the skills I have permed won't be needed, but in case it is of some help, my snapshot is as follows: Elemental

I may need to update the script as I do in fact have the haunted doghouse and the airplane charter: the glaciest.
I just got an inconvenience in day 2 setup, after creating staff of headmaster's victuals:
Creating Staff of the Headmaster's Victuals (1)...
You acquire an item: Staff of the Headmaster's Victuals
Successfully created Staff of the Headmaster's Victuals (1)

Worshiping at the Shrine to the Barrel God
You acquire an item: barrel lid
Updating inventory...
Xiblaxian Material counter expired.
-> this aborted

> AutoHCCS

Running HCCS Day 2...

Harvesting your garden
Skipping deck draws...
Using 1 Flaskfull of Hollow...
You acquire an effect: Merry Smithsness (150)
Finished using 1 Flaskfull of Hollow.
Verifying ingredients for Louder Than Bomb (3)...
You need 3 more handful of Smithereens to continue.

(obviously, because this has already happend; hopefully the extra missing flask of hollow won't hurt)

I am now working around this by manually finishing day 2 setup (which just means teatree, grab/open gameinform kit, switching eudora, and saveProgress(180)).

ETA: no, it aborted when visiting gameprodungeon. so just the kit, eudora, progress.
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