Auto 2-day HCCS

Could you post a log that goes through the script smoothly? Also, in case anyone is wondering, I just successfully completed a 2/428 HC Pastamancer run using my latest build of the script. I'm going to test the other classes as well, but I think that with the right skills, this script should be able to work with any class after I'm done with my changes.

I decided to test Pastamancer as well (figuring it was closest to Sauceror). Had my Smoothest Day 1 yet (didn't have to manually drink!).

Thanks for all the work you guys have put in. Has made catching up on Skills after an absence much easier.
I decided to test Pastamancer as well (figuring it was closest to Sauceror). Had my Smoothest Day 1 yet (didn't have to manually drink!).

Thanks for all the work you guys have put in. Has made catching up on Skills after an absence much easier.

You're going to hit the tough parts on day 2- mainly due to the power leveling. Make sure your CCS is mana conservative and if you have to spend an extra rest for mana or autosell some stuff don't hesistate to do so.
Is there any way to stop the script from filling up on fortune cookies when there are choco-mint patties (from non-free rests in Chateau bed) available in my inventory?
Is there any way to stop the script from filling up on fortune cookies when there are choco-mint patties (from non-free rests in Chateau bed) available in my inventory?

Choco-mint patties aren't currently supported since the script originally never thought it would have to spend turns on rests. I plan an adding costed rest support to the script to make alternate classes more likely to succeed, although I have two exams coming up for next week so I'm a bit booked this weekend. I'll likely slip something small into my personal master at some point for testing purposes, so if you want to check my fork here: you can try out whatever changes I make. That being said, I don't recommend trying things that I haven't pushed to release.
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Could you post a log that goes through the script smoothly?

Here it is.

I ran Dairy Goat in my Chateau (which works way better for me), and ice housed a Salamander or whatever it is in the Caldera.

I was thinking of selecting astral energy drinks in Valhalla since I don't have a spleen familiar, but that's probably a horrible idea that would screw up the script.
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i have been trying to use the script and it always manages to fail for me on eiteher day 1 or 2. as far as i know i am missing shrub,dna,a garden and a grill and a bunch of skills.

if it breaks on day 1 i might end up doing one of the day 2 services causing day 2 to break as well i have a sugestion how to handle this a bit more gracefully and also for a day 3 recovery attempt..

I rather like this suggestion; I often can't log in two days in a row and so the "Too slow" message is annoying. Could we get a similar update to help those of us who don't quite have the skills and/or items to do two-days?
I rather like this suggestion; I often can't log in two days in a row and so the "Too slow" message is annoying. Could we get a similar update to help those of us who don't quite have the skills and/or items to do two-days?

Generally speaking, if you're missing many skills and items for CS, you shouldn't be aiming for a 2-dayer, which this script is optimized for. If you're missing a day inbetween the first and second login, you're also missing chateau potions that help a lot. Regardless, I'll add a setting that can be switched on to treat any day past 2 as day 2. If you are failing on day 1 this script isn't for you.
I got beaten up a LOT of times at the Caldera this run.. so much so that I ended up getting the ghost dog volcoino. I thought it was mainly to do with losing initiatve, but even when I won initiative I was still losing the fight.

[72] The Bubblin' Caldera
Encounter: lava lamprey
Round 0: interdrama loses initiative!
Round 1: You lose 65 hit points

[74] The Bubblin' Caldera
Encounter: basaltamander
Round 0: interdrama wins initiative!
Round 1: interdrama casts SAUCEGEYSER!
Round 2: basaltamander takes 122 damage.
Round 2: You lose 12 hit points
Round 2: You lose 57 hit points

cast 1 Tongue of the Walrus
You gain 35 hit points
You lose an effect: Beaten Up (0)

[75] The Bubblin' Caldera
Encounter: lavatory
Round 0: interdrama wins initiative!
Round 1: interdrama uses the DNA extraction syringe!
Round 2: You lose 12 hit points
Round 2: interdrama casts CURSE OF WEAKSAUCE!
Round 3: lavatory drops 5 attack power.
Round 3: lavatory drops 5 defense.
Round 3: You lose 14 hit points
Round 3: interdrama casts SAUCEGEYSER!
Round 4: lavatory takes 129 damage.
Round 4: lavatory drops 6 attack power.
Round 4: lavatory drops 6 defense.
Round 4: You lose 10 hit points
Round 4: You lose 39 hit points

cast 1 Tongue of the Walrus
You gain 36 hit points
You lose an effect: Beaten Up (0)

[78] The Bubblin' Caldera
Encounter: lava lamprey
Round 0: interdrama wins initiative!
Round 1: interdrama uses the DNA extraction syringe!
Round 2: You lose 7 hit points
Round 2: interdrama casts CURSE OF WEAKSAUCE!
Round 3: lava lamprey drops 4 attack power.
Round 3: lava lamprey drops 6 defense.
Round 3: You lose 7 hit points
Round 3: interdrama casts SAUCEGEYSER!
Round 4: lava lamprey takes 128 damage.
Round 4: lava lamprey drops 6 attack power.
Round 4: lava lamprey drops 5 defense.
Round 4: You lose 8 hit points
Round 4: You lose 53 hit points
Is Song of Sauce cast before the script sends you to the Caldera? It does in mine, but I vaguely recall myself putting that in as a fix for problems such as yours.
I got beaten up a LOT of times at the Caldera this run.. so much so that I ended up getting the ghost dog volcoino. I thought it was mainly to do with losing initiatve, but even when I won initiative I was still losing the fight.
Is Song of Sauce cast before the script sends you to the Caldera? It does in mine, but I vaguely recall myself putting that in as a fix for problems such as yours.
I had this problem too. I just set "acs_useCCS" to true, since WHAM makes better choices than always starting with weaksauce and saucegeyser. I don't have any of those dread skills. It took most of a weekend just to get one clannie half of them. Talk about fiddly.
Could you post a log that goes through the script smoothly? Also, in case anyone is wondering, I just successfully completed a 2/428 HC Pastamancer run using my latest build of the script. I'm going to test the other classes as well, but I think that with the right skills, this script should be able to work with any class after I'm done with my changes.

I'll try with the two Mus classes this week. I am missing 3 skills from those classes.
Ok, with the addition of the Glaciest, is anything new optimal?

Getting an exotic travel brochure to get the +25% to stat gains for powerlevelling elsewhere, while getting epic 3 drunkenness booze from raiding the bar in the Ice Hotel?

Picking up VYKEA woadpaint for the +25% weapon damage?

Neither has particularly good drop rates, and there's nothing particularly useful that can be bought with the amount of currency likely to be acquired in one day unless you gamble very effectively on the dog races.

Perhaps the skill that lets you summon a single perfect ice cube each day, if nothing else.
Ok, with the addition of the Glaciest, is anything new optimal?
The season for CS is almost done, so the real question is, "Will CS be supported outside type69?"

In less than two weeks there will be dozens of possible new optimizations. Many people who couldn't do a 2-day HCCS run will be able to with those new features. It could be very interesting.
I have most of the IotMs that are used in this script, but today I noticed it tried to equip the barrel lid when I don't have the Barrel Shrine. There may be other cases where this occurs (the script tries to use something you may not have, and aborts) as well. Could you add a check, so it doesn't try to use an item I don't have? Thanks!
I have most of the IotMs that are used in this script, but today I noticed it tried to equip the barrel lid when I don't have the Barrel Shrine. There may be other cases where this occurs (the script tries to use something you may not have, and aborts) as well. Could you add a check, so it doesn't try to use an item I don't have? Thanks!

Is your script up to date? I fixed this bug a while ago by adding the function equipIfHave.
I haven't looked into the maths of whether or not this would be worth it in-run, but the latest charter has an underwater zone "The Ice Hole" with drops including the norwhal helmet (+60% spell damage, +60% booze drops) and the sardine can key (4 hot resistance). The issue with this that I can see is that these monsters have 225-250 hit points, and we don't know the drop rates on these items, or if YRs would work on them. Their combat initiative seems to be easily manageable, however.
I haven't looked into the maths of whether or not this would be worth it in-run, but the latest charter has an underwater zone "The Ice Hole" with drops including the norwhal helmet (+60% spell damage, +60% booze drops) and the sardine can key (4 hot resistance). The issue with this that I can see is that these monsters have 225-250 hit points, and we don't know the drop rates on these items, or if YRs would work on them. Their combat initiative seems to be easily manageable, however.

The issue is that they are probably 0.1% drops that don't react to +items, and can't be yellow-rayed.

(ETA: I mean, I *know* they can't be YR'd, I tried. The "0.1%, +items doesn't matter" is a conjecture based on the rare items from other charters and places, and other people posting their findings on those in G-D)
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If you can't yellow taffy them, then they're not affected by +items. (due to a quirk in how the game is written, yellow taffy is something like +10000% item drop to that combat)

The 0.1% then is the only conjecture which would be supported by public data, if any existed.
almost time run manualy script from some points, mainly before nitecap to get few spleen and booze for next day, and can do manulay before level up too, but idk where's fruit farm, seems script pass those..or i over pass myself doing manualy ... and then reamain out of necesary my best are be to farm all fruit in day 1 in skeleton store to be prepared for day 2.. sure that my options since havent CI and no WG too, so can waste turn there instead CI locations...
The season for CS is almost done, so the real question is, "Will CS be supported outside type69?"

In less than two weeks there will be dozens of possible new optimizations. Many people who couldn't do a 2-day HCCS run will be able to with those new features. It could be very interesting.

i have skeleton garden , can be sniffy :)
also stomping boots:mad:
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