the dictator
The mouthless murmur is immune to physical damage. I'm killing the other two with no problem, but I'm level 256 and they are capped at 10k, so that doesn't mean too much.
Does anyone know if this script plays well with the new Fantasy Realm monsters?
My limited experience says it could do better than it does. I think, though, the solution is to get Batfactors updated.
I"ve been kind of neglecting KoL lately. I have a couple of chars in aftercore in the level 50 - 70 range. Most days, I just run a farming script for them that hasn't kept up with all the new items and adventuring areas. I'd like to update that to handle more items and areas and maybe even get back to ascending. As a first step, I've decided to adopt WHAM/Smart Statis/Batbrain/zlib to handle combat. The configuration seemed a bit daunting, so I decided to just let it rip and see what happened. I went with the defaults and things seemed to be going ok. Yesterday, for no apparent reason, one of the chars switched from attack with weapon to using love songs. What I'd like to know is why this changed when I didn't change anything? And how can I get it to go back to the previous behavior?
Thanks for any help with this. I'm also looking for a guide to configuring and using this set of tools. The information in the various forum threads is spread over a lot of posts and I'm having trouble navigating it all.
I'm also looking for a guide to configuring and using this set of tools. The information in the various forum threads is spread over a lot of posts and I'm having trouble navigating it all.
It's not exactly a guide, but Prefref Plus (link in my sig) will show you all of your current ZLib settings, and quite a few of them even have documentation. You can edit all the WHAM/SS/BatBrain/ZLib settings there on a single interface. Hope that helps!
In my experience, most of the time that WHAM etc. changes strategies it is either because the cost of something has changed in the mall or monster data somewhere (Kolmafia or Batbrain) has been updated. Once in a while, usually in run, an item will drop and WHAM will start preferring it. But this is all speculation and a better answer would require logs and/or verbose runs.
I deliberately suppress my desire to micromanage when I use scripts that I did not write. As a consequence I have made very few changes to the associated scripts's defaults. When I have it is because there is a specific problem and I can usually figure out a setting that might have an impact. That saved me the effort of figuring out what could be configured. Most of the tweaking that I recall involved stasis. Sometimes the in game gain of 25 rounds of stasis was not worth the real time minutes added to every session. Sometimes stasis would end and WHAM could not kill the monster or didn't figure out how to do so.
Since you have been away for awhile things have changed. Bale, Winterbay and Theraze have not been around in a while and so various scripts could be updated but have not been so publicly. Zarqon is active but has gotten married and seems to be spending less time on KoL than he once was.
Veracity wrote and is maintaining a meat farming script that is very robust. It does require configuration but it is well documented and the defaults are well thought out. The thing that confuses people is that the documentation is embedded in the script so they need to read it and set values via the command line.
Thanks for the info. While I've never used an ascension script, that's probably the only way I'll get back to ascending on any kind of regular basis. I have been keeping my IOTM subscription running, so I think I'm in pretty good shape there.cc_ascend and sl_ascend are probably the current best choices for automated ascension. Both work best with a lot of ITOMs and have various flaws when the ITOMs are lacking. I am reluctant to recommend either because cc is deliberately not supporting paths other than Standard and sl is supporting the script on Github and is explicitly less responsive to support issues posted here.
I'm looking for info restricted to the combat suite.
WHAM: Failed to enqueue beehive. Aborting to let you figure this out.
Happening a lot recently in TCRS runs.
I have not found a pattern except that a) the beehive was previously used in combat and b) many times there is the KoLmafia thinks it is round X but Kol thinks it is round X-1 message immediately before the failure to enqueue.
Ideas? I'm thinking this might be due to the round counting which as I recall has been a tough nut to crack.
Where you using the new spoon? That might have prevented mafia/wham from noting that the beehive was used.
Hey people,
The bad happenings drew me back to the forums and I'm extremely happy to see that WHAM seems to live on even though I haven't logged in to the game in years.
I wonder how much of my code I would still recognise![]()