Using "Miniature Sword &" also works, and give the same error message.
Where does one post about mafia issues like this?
4) is it possible to instead of listing every familiar in the game, scripting it to look at each fam you have and figue out what to do with it
foreach f in $familiars[Machine Elf, Rogue Program, Puck Man, Galloping Grill, Golden Monkey, Grimstone Golem, Hand Turkey]
if (have_familiar(f) && f.drops_today < f.drops_limit)
..."DropFams" is the one what changes familiars once they reach their daily item drop limits, and then switches to one without drop limits, if you have adventures to spare after farming. It's a lot simpler than "famchanger".
View attachment 8974
"Dropfams" script is exactly what i have been looking for for such a long time. Been using it for the past month and its great.
Though, does anyone have an idea as to how to force no fams on this script for area's that require no fams to be used? Such as Fantasyrealm.
//script FR_Start.ash
void main()
cli_execute("set [COLOR="#FF0000"]afterAdventureScript[/COLOR] = ");
equip($slot[hat], $item[FantasyRealm Mage's Hat]);
equip($slot[weapon], $item[LyleCo premium magnifying glass]);
equip($slot[acc1], $item[FantasyRealm G. E. M.]);
equip($slot[acc2], $item[LyleCo premium monocle]);
So I found this thread when i was looking for something similar. So couple questions, 1) So assuming fams that don't drop items were added to the checker, how would it handle a check like "f.drops_today < f.drops_limit" (lets say a lime)
2) Fams that drop "infinate" drops, like gnat or RoboGoose, how would it be handled if you used that same if?
3) do drops from throne count towards their daily drops? like if you have a Grimstone Golem in a cot, and it drops grimstone mask, can you take it with you as an active fam and get another mask?
4) is it possible to instead of listing every familiar in the game, scripting it to look at each fam you have and figue out what to do with it
I was thinknig the logic would be, lok at your collection of familiars. If it can drop limited things per day, use it for its drops. After that, you can set a variable to either default to something (like gnat) or "go to 20" which would attempt to take each familiar wiht you and level it to 20, then if all your fams are 20, and you have all your items farmed, then default to something.
Also if you have cot and/or bjorn on, it farms items if it can, and once you have all your daily drops, it tries to 20 everything before defaulting each to something.
you could also add "blacklist" code so it will skip anything you want it to, like OAF.
This way, the script is automatically updated for any new fams that come out once they are inputted into mafia