can you improve the medicinal herbs use? I turned it on, and it never used them, and then when I freed the king, it started using them. I haven't tested it a lot.
also, can we have a setting to always have 5 combat mp restorers on hand? it's sometimes unreliable and runnning out is annoying
Also, the configurable quantities would be great; from the short time* I've used this script, I have over 30 anti-anti-antidotes sitting in my inventory.
Heeheehee's assumption was correct; that's how many I've accumulated after having 3 left after many consecutive runs.
If we get a spammer that takes us to 200 will you congratulate us on quantity again?
Well, if you ever spent time in aftercore they'll whither away.![]()
--- Universal_recovery 3.76.ash Wed Sep 15 15:55:37 2010
+++ Universal_recovery.ash Wed Sep 15 16:09:18 2010
@@ -1487,8 +1487,11 @@
-// This returns true if the character is currently mining, or is in the Hidden
+// This returns true if the character is currently mining, or is in the Hidden
Temple, as long there are no free Mini-Hipster fights left.
boolean need_only_1hp() {
+ if (my_familiar() == $familiar[Mini-Hipster])
+ return false; // be prepared for free fights
switch(my_location()) {
case $location[hidden temple]:
case $location[Desert (Unhydrated)]:
The LEW quest bounty hunters seem to me to have a much broader scope than this, which is limited to the use of one familiar (and, once Mafia tracks them, only while you can still have fights). That said, I don’t think that paying attention to when bounty hunters are after you is something outside the scope of the script, although I don’t expect it to be implemented. More below.Eh, if you're going to go that route, then you'd want/need to take into account the whole bounty hunters sent out as part of the LEW quest. Since they can happen anywhere you're adventuring as well, etc, etc. I think the easier solution is to just not try to use the Temple if you know you're going to end up in fights...
I dunno, I don’t really see this as a hack, conceptually. In general, you only need 1 HP in the areas that the function checks for because you know you aren’t going to be meeting any enemies. If that changes—i.e. you know you might meet enemies—then shouldn’t you act accordingly? As regards bounty hunters, consider this: is it really safe to adventure with 1 HP during that 15 adventure window where one can appear? Is the feature outside the scope of the script or is it rather that implementing that feature in a robust fashion would be a pain in the neck (if not impossible)?Though I suppose this doesn't have THAT many options yet on its Relay settings page... an "always use restoration levels" setting could be added that allows for ignoring the location, always returns need_only_1hp() as false, and can be set by the user whenever their status changes without needing to implement a lot of hacks to try to figure out current status, familiar, or other problematic feature.