Universal Recovery Script

Nope, no PVP steals. Think I MIGHT have broken the stone twice in aftercore in something like 700 ascensions. Maybe. But I really don't think there was a second time.
Updating mafiarecovery...
U https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mafiarecovery/code/scripts/Universal_recovery.ash
At revision 12
Expected ), found return (Universal_recovery.ash, line 1065)

Sure enough, line 1064 has an "if (get_property(...==...)" which should be "if(get_property(...)==...)".
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Sourceforge is giving me an odd error, "could not begin a transaction" so I can't fix this right now. :(

Thanks for the report and I'll repair it when I can. In the meantime I hope most people can add that closing parenthesis to line 1064.
You put the ) in the wrong spot. Look up at 2142 again... you need to put it after the get_property("" instead of at the end and doubling up the parenthesis... If you end up with == "false")) then you did it wrong.
You put the ) in the wrong spot. Look up at 2142 again... you need to put it after the get_property("" instead of at the end and doubling up the parenthesis... If you end up with == "false")) then you did it wrong.

I got that wrong the first time too ...
Here's a possibly thorny issue, I'm not sure if its come up before in the thread.

I'm wearing the Astral Bracer (-3MP cost to skills in combat). mp_cost($skill[lasagna bandages]) returns 3, but it actually costs 6 outside of combat.
UR has determined that the most efficient HP heal is lasagna bandages, then fails to restore my HP because I don't have enough MP to cast it.

It's a bit of an edge case, and relatively simple to work around, but I thought I should report it.
The wrong mp_cost being returned would be a mafia bug... but it's technically correct, and therefore not a bug, as the cost is 3... just not outside combat.

You could make a FReq. Potential requests: default the mp_cost of dual-skills to the out-of-combat cost; default to whichever cost is higher; split in and out of combat prices entirely and have two different functions.

Any of those three could solve this. Unfortunately, for script-writing purposes, there doesn't currently appear to be any easy way to differentiate lasagna bandages (combat and non-combat healing) from saucy salve (combat healing only), for example, without manually parsing the classskills.txt data file...
The first two suggestions would just shift the problem elsewhere. The third seems a bit of a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
> ashq record classskill {skill sk; string image;int type;};classskill [int] classskills;file_to_map("classskills.txt",classskills);foreach k,s in classskills if (s.type==7) print(s.sk);

Lasagna Bandages
Devour Minions
Those are the only two skills affected, and Devour Minions wouldn't be affected by this afaik.

It might just be worth fixing with a special case in UR's mpcost() function. Or ignoring, cause it isn't really a huge deal.
My kludge fix was just to add the following in mpcost() after the chilled to the bone clause:
if(sk==$skill[lasagna bandages]) return max(1,6 - mana_cost_modifier());
mana_cost_modifier() doesn't include in-combat cost reduction even though mp_cost() includes it? Really? I'll trust you on that.

I'll go and include an adaptation of your fix. Thanks!
mana_cost_modifer() returns mana reduction, not including in-combat reduction.
combat_mana_cost_modifer() returns combat mana reduction.

The former definitely doesn't include in-combat cost reduction.
You taught me something today. My code for mpcost() is now a little more involved than that quick kludge, but it is definitely built around your post.
I didn't forget that. I was just testing you. Yeah, that's it. You'll be pleased to know that you passed my little test. Congratulations.
Very strange behavior. I was running my logout script, came back and saw my CLI spammed with

Searching for "Medicinal Herb's medicinal herbs"...
Search complete.
Desired purchase quantity not reached (wanted 1, got 0)

Firstly, I do not know why UR was even being called to fully restore HP as it was trying to do nuns for MP.
Secondly, I am surprised UR wanted to use one of my spleen hit points when a drastic healing scroll would be far cheaper.
Thirdly, I do not know why this item was trying to be used regardless of the above, as it is untradeable, I have 0, and you need to be a muscle class with guild access to get one.