Feature - Implemented Track progress in Oil Peak, A-boo Peak

r12099 should handle The Horror... properly. Untested. I'm not 100% on the logic when you choose to Flee, so if someone could check that's working properly that would be good.

If you flee you get 0 points for that particular test, but you still get the points for all the tests you passed. More surprising is that if you fail a test you get 1 point. Failing is more useful than fleeing.

Looking at the commit it seems you consider failure and fleeing to be the same.
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r12101. I just went through this quest. twinPeakProgress updated after each choice turn, as expected. The other two did not update unless I hit the quest log first. Are these working for everyone else ?
Values for A Boo Peak and Oil Peak are not decrementing for me unless I hit the quest log. r12101.
Everything in Twin Peak is properly tracking without manually hitting the quest log.
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Seems that M_P just reported (#45) exactly the same thing as AR (#43)?

I guess he was confirming since AR asked for it, but that's really not necessary.

Also, I just realized I can get fights in boo- and oil-peak after completing the quest. r12103 squashes a bug that I'm somewhat ashamed of involving out-of-place brackets. Preferences update after fights again.

I don't see any reason why booPeakProgress won't update after The Horror... choice adventure. Please verify that reports of it being broken were also talking about the choice adventure.
My report did include the choice adventure. I passed through there by using 3 clues, and a few fights, and never got it to update without hitting the quest log first.
I buffed cold & spooky res & HP. Adventured, then clicked the mafia button which gets added to the CAB, which then automatically followed the choice chain to completion. I think the max is 5 times ? However, this is normally 1 click for me, as I have the choice pref set to take damage and it is the same choice each time. Mafia follows the chain until the choice is no longer available.
I'm still thinking about how to fix this, but I think the stuff in preChoice() should be moved to postChoice1().

Edit: While the intermediate steps would not have updated anything, the end of the chain should have at least updated the setting by 2 (for failing) or 10 (for finishing), and fleeing should have incorrectly updated the value by some amount. I don't see how booPeakProgress didn't change at all.
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There is also code in postChoice1() to detect success or failure. The stuff in preChoice() needs to be there.
My edit above will probably get overlooked. The code looks wrong to me, but booPeakProgress should be updated by the wrong amount with that code rather than not at all.
The fleeing code updates booPeakProgress. That is wrong. findBooPeakLevel() should be called only if you did not flee. It seems like fleeing, then failure/overall success, then intermediate progress, would be a good order to check in postChoice1().
The fleeing code updates booPeakProgress. That is wrong.


I think you need to reread either how the adventure works or exactly what the code in preChoice() is doing.

ETA: there is a simpler/more reliable way to do everything in postChoice, and we should do that, but that doesn't mean the current logic is wrong. I mean, something is broken in the implementation right now but it's in the postChoice side.
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I am back at this quest with another character and I am using r12103 this time. This character is much lower skilled and has no fancy toys, so I doubt that I can buff myself way up and just take all of the damage as I did before, but I thought I would post in case there is any suggestion about any info anyone might want me to gather. I have 10 advs, 3 spleen, a prismatic wad and a clover. So I am probably going to do the A-boo peak first.

One thing I noticed, I clicked 1X on the a-boo peak & the oil peak, to get the intro/starting adventures which do not use turns. (Haven't clicked twin peak at all.) The quest log now says A-boo is 98% haunted. So, apparently you get 2% completion for the free intro adventure, or it actually starts at 98% ?

Edit: Forgot to mention that booPeakProgress was 100 until hitting the quest log.

here is the html after clicking oil peak & boo peak 1X each ( free intro advs ):
<b>Council Quests:</b></p><p></p><blockquote><b>There Can Be Only One Topping</b><br>The Highland Lord wants you to light his three signal fires in the Highlands.<p>You should keep clearing the ghosts out of A-Boo Peak so you can reach the signal fire.   It is currently 98% haunted.</p><p>You need to solve the mystery of Twin Peak and figure out how to light the signal fire.</p><p>You should keep killing oil monsters until the pressure on the peak drops enough for you to reach the signal fire.    The pressure is currently 310.66 microbowies per Mercury.</p>

Edit #2: Adventured once at A-boo with clover. Quest log still said 98%.
Adventured again for a normal fight, got my 3rd clue, booPeakProgress correctly updated to 96 without hitting quest log. Going to mess with the choice adventures now.

Edit #3:
starting booPeakProgress = 96
Buffed myself to:
Cold Protection: Amazingly High (11)
Spooky Protection: Very High (6)
Max HP: 305

Used 1 clue, then adventured at A-boo peak. Manually chose the damage option 4 times. Then chose the flee option. booPeakProgress = 88 without hitting QL. Visited quest log, which reported 76% haunted. booPeakProgress then updated to 76. So it is updating, but not by the correct amount ?

Edit #4:
starting booPeakProgress = 76
Used clue, adventured. Manually chose damage 5X (only survived that last hit by 2 HP, whew). booPeakProgress = 66
Hit quest log, it said 46%. booPeakProgress after QL hit = 46.

Edit #5:
starting booPeakProgress = 46
used 3rd clue, adv
choices: dmg X4, flee X1
booPeakProgress = 38 before hitting QL
QL says 26%, booPeakProgress = 26 after QL hit

Edit #6 (last one, I swear !):
start: QL & pref = 26
1 normal fight, (mob penguin from nemesis quest)
pre QL pref = 26
QL = 26
post QL pref = 26.

1 normal ghost fight
pre QL pref = 24
QL = 24
post QL pref = 24

1 normal ghost fight (got another clue)
pre QL pref = 22
QL = 22
post QL pref = 22

Cold Protection: High (5)
Spooky Protection: High (5)
Max HP: 241

start pref: 22
use clue, adv
choices: dmg X4, flee X1
pre QL pref = 14
QL = 2
post QL pref = 2

1 normal ghost fight (got another clue)
pre QL pref = 0
QL = You should keep clearing the ghosts out of A-Boo Peak so you can reach the signal fire.
post QL pref = 0

Final adv (light fire, DOES cost an adv)
pre QL pref = 0
QL = You've lit the fire on A-Boo Peak.
post QL pref = 0
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I only had 4 advs left after finishing A-boo peak, but did manage to gather a little data from the oil peak.

starting: QL & oilPeakProgress = 310.66
no dress pants
ML = 30 (ie fighting tycoons, 19.02 pressure / kill)

fight 1 tycoon
pre QL pref = 291.64
QL = 291.64
post QL pref = 291.64

fight 1 tycoon
pre QL pref = 272.62
QL = 272.62
post QL pref = 272.62

fight 1 tycoon
pre QL pref = 253.60
QL = 253.6
post QL pref = 253.6 (Yes, the pref updated to remove the trailing 0)

fight 1 tycoon
pre QL pref = 234.58
QL = 234.58
post QL pref = 234.58

So it looks like this one is working as expected, though the data set is small and only covers tycoons.
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