New Content - Implemented The return of formerly extinct monsters

Manuel says that 'drunken zombie half-orc hobo' (296) has attack 1, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'drunken zombie half-orc hobo' (296) has HP 1, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'drunken zombie half-orc hobo' (296) 'Initiative +40%', but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'drunken zombie half-orc hobo' (296) has element spooky, but KoLmafia says it has attack element none and defense element none
Manuel says that 'drunken zombie half-orc hobo' (296) has phylum undead, but KoLmafia says it is none

Manuel says that 'zombie apathetic lizardman' (298) has attack 20, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'zombie apathetic lizardman' (298) has defense 18, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'zombie apathetic lizardman' (298) has HP 12, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'zombie apathetic lizardman' (298) 'Initiative +60%', but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'zombie apathetic lizardman' (298) has element spooky, but KoLmafia says it has attack element none and defense element none
Manuel says that 'zombie apathetic lizardman' (298) has phylum undead, but KoLmafia says it is none
Manuel says that 'Zombie eXtreme Snowboarding Orc' (310) has attack 74, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'Zombie eXtreme Snowboarding Orc' (310) has defense 66, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'Zombie eXtreme Snowboarding Orc' (310) has HP 65, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'Zombie eXtreme Snowboarding Orc' (310) 'Initiative +60%', but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'Zombie eXtreme Snowboarding Orc' (310) has element spooky, but KoLmafia says it has attack element none and defense element none
Manuel says that 'Zombie eXtreme Snowboarding Orc' (310) has phylum undead, but KoLmafia says it is none
The blazing bat is in the fax network. Yea! I faxed one in and fought it - and Manuel did not pop up to tell me about it. So, no further monster stats from it.

Wiki has monster ID and attack and stats and resistances and such. Wonder how it got that info.

In any case, I reported a bug. We'll see if anybody cares.
Well, I just got a bug report back, saying it shouldn't have appeared in Deck of Cards. Maybe it didn't, and was added from a copy instead ?
HotStuff also communicated with me and has made both the blazing bat and the snakefire in the grass uncopyable.

He also told me that if I want to lobby Riff to put in factoids for those monsters and then lobby him (i.e., Riff should lobby him, not me) to remove the special "end of battle" code which makes them unsuitable for the Deck, I should feel free. ;)

I may do that, but I'll wait until we see whether various other monsters also need a similar treatment: the wire-crossing elf (since that used to drop a quest item to advance that year's Crimbo), the Grim Grimacite penguins (which we should be seeing, but aren't. Missing factoids, perhaps?), and so on.

I'm going to give the deck a bit more time to shake out what is and is not in it.
Talked to Metool and the Blazing Bat came from FaxBot, and never had factoids, so didn't arrive with Deck of Cards.
New monster #863 found in Manuel with name 'pumpkin tree' image 'shiv_pumpkin.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: -10000 P: plant'
Manuel says that 'fiendish zombie can of asparagus' (297) has attack 2, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'fiendish zombie can of asparagus' (297) has HP 1, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'fiendish zombie can of asparagus' (297) 'Initiative +50%', but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'fiendish zombie can of asparagus' (297) has element spooky, but KoLmafia says it has attack element none and defense element none
Manuel says that 'fiendish zombie can of asparagus' (297) has phylum undead, but KoLmafia says it is none
New monster #439 found in Manuel with name 'Weapons-Assembly Elfborg' image 'borgelf3.gif' attributes ='Atk: 0 Def: 0 HP: 80 Init: -10000 P: construct'
New monster #327 found in Manuel with name 'Bashful, the Reindeer' image 'reindeer.gif' attributes ='Atk: 0 Def: 0 HP: 0 Init: -10000 P: beast'
New monster #219 found in Manuel with name 'emaciated Knott Yeti' image 'skinyeti.gif' attributes ='Atk: 60 Def: 72 HP: 50 Init: 60 E: cold P: beast'
New monster #219 found in Manuel with name 'emaciated Knott Yeti' image 'skinyeti.gif' attributes ='Atk: 60 Def: 72 HP: 50 Init: 60 E: cold P: beast'
Man, I've been waiting for that one to appear in the fax network. Did you save one for metool?
Manuel says that 'three skeleton invaders' (1003) has phylum undead, but KoLmafia says it is none

Manuel says that 'four skeleton invaders' (1004) 'Initiative +50%', but KoLmafia says it is 65
Manuel says that 'four skeleton invaders' (1004) has phylum undead, but KoLmafia says it is none