New Content - Implemented The return of formerly extinct monsters

It's not a problem with KoLmafia per se but, in the past, messages like that have pointed to a typo in the data record for the monster.
"For some reason" intrigued me so I decided to look into this BatBrain error. I found the cause here:
            matcher imgm = create_matcher("adventureimages\\/([^ ]+\\.gif)",page);
            if (imgm.find() && image_to_monster( != m) vprint("Warning: image '""' does not match monster '"+m+"' ("+m.image+").","#8585FF",3);

That causes an error because these two things don't match:

[COLOR="#808000"]> ash $monster[white zombie].image.print()[/COLOR]

Returned: void

[COLOR="#808000"]> ash image_to_monster("zombie2.gif").print()[/COLOR]

zombie zmobie
Returned: void

My personal opinion is that BatBrain shouldn't assume all monster images are unique. Alternately, should KoLmafia provide a way of telling if an image can disambiguate to more than one monster?
After finishing all my faxing and ascending to get all the mushroom guys:

You have exhaustively researched 1662 creatures

That includes the blazing bat, which I still have in my chateau painting but which is still not copyable.

In a recent podcast, Jick apparently said that Riff had posted a list of 9 monsters that need to be made copyable - and possibly have special end-of-fight actions removed - which all had factoids. So, we are still waiting for that.

I think I'll send a friendly message to Jick reminding him of the following monsters:

7-Foot Dwarf (Moiling)
7-Foot Dwarf (Royale)
wire-crossin' elf
Mob Penguin Smasher
Mob Penguin Smith
Mob Penguin Supervisor
rock snake
blazing bat
snakefire in the grass

I'd love to see all of those in the fax network so we can finally get the monster stats and close this thread.
My personal opinion is that BatBrain shouldn't assume all monster images are unique. Alternately, should KoLmafia provide a way of telling if an image can disambiguate to more than one monster?
Each monster has a list of images accessible via proxy field.
Internally, we have a map of images to monster which goes from the first listed image to the first monster with that image.
That is the data source for image_to_monster( string).

I suppose we could change our internal map to map ALL of the images for every monster into a list of all the monsters that have that image - and the first one would be as before.

We could then make

boolean [monster] image_to_monsters( string)

to get all the monsters. If the map has only one key, the image is unique.
Bumping from page 23 of Bug Reports. I think we may as well close this, since I think it unlikely that Jick et. al. will ever bring back any more old monsters, but maybe there is something in this mega-thread that needs attention. I'll look at it later. Maybe.