New Content - Implemented The return of formerly extinct monsters


WhiteWed	adventure=88	Env: unknown	Future Market Square
WhiteWed	adventure=89	Env: unknown	Mall of the Future
WhiteWed	adventure=90	Env: unknown	Future Wrong Side of the Tracks
WhiteWed	adventure=59	Env: unknown	Icy Peak of the Past
OK, we have the adventuring zones - with our own names - but they are not in combats.txt.

scary pirate would be a duplicate monster name. Good thing we have monster IDs - although I don't think we are able to specify monster by ID in combats.txt, yet.
Scary pirate from cursed piece of thirteen is the same monster ID as scary pirate from temporal rifts -- at least, it falls into that block by monster ID, and the twitchleak of monster IDs showed there was only one scary pirate monster.
OK, we have the adventuring zones - with our own names - but they are not in combats.txt.

We should probably change those names then, to match the official names. Since you did that with all the other zones for which mafia made their own names. And of course, monsters need to be added to those zones since scripts, specifically missingManuel, rely on that.
Revision 16125 renames the 4 White Wednesday aftermath zones and populates them with the monsters that were there. We'll see if the capitalization and monster IDs are correct, once they start being pulled from the deck. No combat stats or drops, yet.

I sure hope that Riff gave ALL the obsolete monsters factoids!
Image names for pre-Manuel monsters

I wasn't sure whether to put this in the Deck of Every Card thread or not:

Encounter: Zombie eXtreme Snowboarding Orc
Warning: image 'zomsnow.gif' does not match monster 'zombie extreme snowboarding orc' ().
I think this thread is the right one for things like this.

What script made that error message?

(So, what ARE the Manuel details for that monster? id, image, Atk, Def, HP, Init, Phylum...)
Actually, the issue for that monster was that we had a typo in the name - we had it as the "Zombie eXtreme Snowbarding Orc", not the "Zombie eXtreme Snowboarding Orc".

Are you putting it in the fax network?
I see that Faustbot has a Knob Goblin Elite Zombie. Not only is that not in monsters.txt, it's not on the Wiki. I assume it was one of the White Wednesday followup monsters. I wonder which zone it was originally from?
One of those zones as 6 monsters and the other two have only 5 each... I am now wondering if those 5 monster zones are each missing a monster whose existence has been lost to history. Or maybe the Knob Goblin Elite Zombie was just never pushed to live during the event?
What script made that error message?

Zarqon added that feature to BatBrain to catch mismatches like this. I will add it to the FAX network but I couldn't make a copy when I got the encounter. If it's still missing when I do a Heavy Rains run next I'll add it.
I just encountered another monster that's not on the Wiki. Rudolph the Red is presumably an unreleased monster from Crimbo 2005.

From Manuel:
ID 323, Beast, no element, never wins initiative, 0 ATK, 0 DEF, 0 HP, reindeer.gif
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New monster #440 found in Manuel with name 'Decal-Applying Elfborg' image 'borgelf4.gif' attributes ='Atk: 0 Def: 0 HP: 80 Init: -10000 P: construct'
New monster #328 found in Manuel with name 'Grumpy, the Reindeer' image 'reindeer.gif' attributes ='Atk: 0 Def: 0 HP: 0 Init: -10000 P: beast'
New monster #756 found in Manuel with name 'Mob Penguin psychopath' image 'pengpsycho.gif' attributes ='Scale: 0 Init: 150 P: penguin'
New monster #217 found in Manuel with name 'Mob Penguin Thug' image 'pengthug.gif' attributes ='Atk: 95 Def: 85 HP: 80 Init: 80 P: penguin'
New monster #320 found in Manuel with name 'Striking Pencil-Pusher Elf' image 'crimboelf.gif' attributes ='Atk: 0 Def: 0 HP: 0 Init: -10000 P: an elf'
Monster: "Striking Pencil-Pusher Elf": unknown option: elf
New monster #645 found in Manuel with name 'swarm a-swarming' image 'swarmers.gif' attributes ='Atk: 0 Def: 0 HP: 0 Init: -10000 P: construct'
New monster #640 found in Manuel with name 'turtle mech' image 'turtlemech.gif' attributes ='Atk: 0 Def: 0 HP: 0 Init: -10000 P: construct'
Thanks. Revision 16174 fixes Manuel phylum detection for phyla that start with a vowel, adds the monster IDs and stats for the monsters you found, and fixes some monster capitalization to agree with Manuel.

Damn, that new logging makes it easy to do things like this. We still need to figure out the Scale factors by hand - like for that Mob Penguin psychopath - since all Manuel tells us is that it scales.
On the plus side, the new ones are all copyable, and there are now a lot of -stat and stat capping items, so reducing stats to 1 and ML below 0 to get floor is now cheap and easy. Cap is easy on an alt for me too.

Edit - My bet is Scale: 6 Cap: 10000 Floor: 10 Init: 75, as those are the stats of the 5 Crimbo 2008 monsters tested so far.
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Unknown monsters as of r16174

New monster #428 found in Manuel with name 'rock-banging cave elf' image 'caveelf1.gif' attributes ='Atk: 0 Def: 0 HP: 30 Init: -10000 P: elf'
New monster #429 found in Manuel with name 'sinew-stretching cave elf' image 'caveelf4.gif' attributes ='Atk: 0 Def: 0 HP: 30 Init: -10000 P: elf'
New monster #430 found in Manuel with name 'hunter-gatherer cave elf' image 'caveelf2.gif' attributes ='Atk: 0 Def: 0 HP: 30 Init: -10000 P: elf'
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Cap 10000 floor 10 are the default values. I actually have a screenshot of that chunk of code that I was looking at yesterday. I don't see a default value for scale. I suppose there's also a "statgainbase" fight property that we could somehow use (for instance, Dreadsylvanian werewolves are capped at 5k statgainbase).

Also, wormwood monsters are apparently bizarre and scale to 1.1x moxie and 1x muscle (and have HP that is 80% of their defense plus 75% of your ML).

As an aside, I remember that everyone was super excited when scaling crimbo monsters had a cap of 5k, or 10k, or whatever. That might be worth a bit of investigation.
Looking at MonsterData, it looks like cap and floor are the maximum and minimum values that attack, defense, hp, and experience can take. If we want to have 10000 be the default cap and 10 be the default floor, then we do this:

For every place we do something like
int cap = evaluate( this.cap, experience );
do instead
int cap = evaluate( this.cap, DEFAULT_CAP );

In the constructor, replace
this.floor = floor;
this.floor = floor < DEFAULT_FLOOR? DEFAULT_FLOOR : floor;

... and we can then remove a lot of bloat from monsters.txt by only specifying Cap: and Floor: when they differ from the default.

I may as well do that, since I am trying to make monster.txt simpler. :)
Yeah, OK. Revision 16177 does that.

Using my version of missingManuel which only considers monsters that KoLmafia knows the ID of, I notice that the following:

Mob Penguin Pasta Chef
Mob Penguin hitpenguin
Mob Penguin racketeer
Dopey, the Reindeer
Sleepy, the Reindeer
Sneezy, the Reindeer
Zeppo, the Reindeer
Striking Factory-Worker Elf
Striking Middle-Management Elf
Striking Stocking-Stuffer Elf
gift-wrapping vampire
stocking-stuffing zombie
Arc-Welding Elfborg
golden ring
laser lancing
stomper stomping

are in Faustbot, but do not show as missing for me - because we don't have the monster IDs yet.
I guess those are priorities (for me, at least).

I also notice that the following:

rock snake
mutant gila monster
drunken zombie half-orc hobo
fiendish zombie can of asparagus
Zombie eXtreme Snowboarding Orc
Zombie Goth Giant
Zombie N00b
Zombie Quiet Healer
zombie apathetic lizardman
zombie hippy
zombie zmobie

are shown by missingManuel, because we know the IDs, but they are not in Faustbot yet. So, perhaps those are priorities for cheating from the deck - although I am trying for the Deadwood Tree and its neighbors. Maybe nobody else is trying plants, but I am sad that nobody has reported any new trees from The Shivering Timbers. I hope Riff remembered to give them factoids!