New Content - Implemented The Haunted Sorority House


I'm going to finish my run tomorrow, so if people could help out with gathering the information needed to implement the new clan dungeon, it would be great.

link to The Haunted Sorority House: clan_hh.php
adventuring in The Haunted Sorority House: adventure.php?snarfblat=269

There is a host of new items and effects for which the Mafia overrides are needed.

There are quite a few choice adventures for which spoilers/names for the choice settings are needed:

Behind Closed Doors (548)
1 - Yes, yes I am. (fight The Necbromancer, costs 3 adventures)
2 - Not... quite yet (does not cost an adventure?)

Dark in the Attic (549)
1 - Take some mimeographs (acquire 3 Haunted Sorority House staff guides, once per instance)
2 - Poke around in the broken appliances (acquire 1 ghost trap)
3 - Turn up the boombox
4 - Turn down the boombox
5 - Investigate the banging (with a silver shotgun shell, mass kill werewolves and loose shell)

The Unliving Room (550)
1 - Close the windows
2 - Open the windows
3 - Enter the dining room (with a chainsaw chain, mass kill zombies)
4 - Look in the closet (with a funhouse mirror, mass kill skeletons and loose mirror)
5 - Open the box (acquire a costume item)

Debasement (551)
1 - Check out the props room: Prop Deportment (choice adventure 552)
2 - Investigate the coffins (with plastic vampire fangs equipped, once per run, mass kill vampires)
3 - Turn up the fog machine
4 - Turn down the fog machine

Prop Deportment (552)
1 - Examine the chainsaw (acquire 1 chainsaw chain)
2 - Examine the reloading bench (choice adventure 553)
3 - Examine the mirror (acquire 1 funhouse mirror)

Relocked and Reloaded (553)
- Melt down your <silver item> (acquire 1 silver shotgun shell, loose item)
- Don't melt anything (does not cost an adventure?)
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Some minor corrections bolded.

The Unliving Room (550)
- Open the windows/Close the windows (needs to be tracked, adds ML when closed)

The Unliving Room (550)
- Open the box (acquire 1 necrotizing body spray or other costume item)

Debasement (551)
- Investigate the coffins (with plastic vampire fangs equipped, mass kill vampires once per run)

Prop Deportment (552)
- Examine the chainsaw (acquire 1 chainsaw chain)

Also, lose instead of loose. Hopefully me pointing it out is helpful rather than annoying.
Looking at item #5326...
Unknown item found: Bone's Farm "wine" (5326, 152114626)
5326 Bone's Farm "wine" drink all 50
5326 152114626 beerbottle.gif Bone's Farm "wine"
# Bone's Farm "wine"
Looking at item #5324...
Unknown item found: Blood Light (5324, 779639287)
5324 Blood Light drink all 50
5324 779639287 beer.gif Blood Light
# Blood Light
Looking at item #5322...
Unknown item found: Ecto-Cooler (5322, 188640459)
5322 Ecto-Cooler drink all 50
5322 188640459 winecooler.gif Ecto-Cooler
# Ecto-Cooler
Looking at item #5323...
Unknown item found: Bartles and BRAAAINS wine cooler (5323, 520362125)
5323 Bartles and BRAAAINS wine cooler drink all 50
5323 520362125 winecooler.gif Bartles and BRAAAINS wine cooler
# Bartles and BRAAAINS wine cooler
Looking at item #5314...
Unknown item found: bite-me-red lipstick (5314, 992265372)
5314 bite-me-red lipstick multiple all 75
5314 992265372 lipstick.gif bite-me-red lipstick
bite-me-red lipstick Effect: "Vampin'", Effect Duration: 30
939 Vampin' vampirefangs.gif 29e8c2f8cd929bc59b4a569a0269d66c use 1 bite-me-red lipstick
# Vampin'
Looking at item #5313...
Unknown item found: necrotizing body spray (5313, 728903824)
5313 necrotizing body spray multiple all 75
5313 728903824 bodyspray.gif necrotizing body spray
necrotizing body spray Effect: "Dead Sexy", Effect Duration: 30
938 Dead Sexy nopic.gif 1538dfcf845858a2b5d59b7e8eee0d86 use 1 necrotizing body spray
# Dead Sexy
Looking at item #5316...
Unknown item found: press-on ribs (5316, 206212551)
5316 press-on ribs multiple all 75
5316 206212551 bonechest.gif press-on ribs
press-on ribs Effect: "The Bone Us Round", Effect Duration: 30
941 The Bone Us Round brokeskull.gif 9bc403e94e6faaeef0679a9c3f23a331 use 1 press-on ribs
# The Bone Us Round
Looking at item #5315...
Unknown item found: whisker pencil (5315, 188973115)
5315 whisker pencil multiple all 75
5315 188973115 pencil.gif whisker pencil
whisker pencil Effect: "Yiffable You", Effect Duration: 30
940 Yiffable You wolfmask.gif 31faf7e2b7adda23a4206bfad4499f53 use 1 whisker pencil
# Yiffable You
Looking at item #5312...
Unknown item found: ghostly body paint (5312, 530711589)
5312 ghostly body paint multiple all 75
5312 530711589 tube.gif ghostly body paint
ghostly body paint Effect: "Haunting Looks", Effect Duration: 30
937 Haunting Looks famspirit.gif c7a917e9cb59af786895110a9bdc00c1 use 1 ghostly body paint
# Haunting Looks
Looking at item #5310...
Unknown item found: silver shotgun shell (5310, 253570967)
5310 silver shotgun shell none all 150
5310 253570967 shotgunshell.gif silver shotgun shell
# silver shotgun shell
Looking at item #5308...
Unknown item found: ghost trap (5308, 132358159)
5308 ghost trap none, combat all 120
5308 132358159 ghosttrap.gif ghost trap
# ghost trap
Anyone fancy Whitelisting me, my "leader" isn't around and hasn't logged in for about a week. I think this seems like halloween content so may not be around for long! I'd like to run around mindlessly clicking things!
Jick said this was a temporary clan dungeon. I guess adding the location, the new items/effects and the choice adventures will be enough for this.

I won't add tracking for the windows/boombox/fog machine (just like Mafia doesn't track squeezed bladders).

I'm not sure what to do with the Relocked and Reloaded adventure.
Veracity already added some support to allow auto-adventuring.

Regarding the "Turn up/down the boombox", "Open/close the windows" and "Turn up/down the fog machine", does each version of these options has the same option number? Or do we have, for example:

Debasement (551)
option 1: Check out the props room
option 2: Investigate the coffins
option 3: Turn up the fog machine
option 4: Turn down the fog machine

with either option 3 or 4 appearing?
Yes, there's only one choice. Each machine only has an on state and off state.

Would it be possible to code in some support to check the status of your inventory?

For the various trap adventures, you need to have an item in order to have them work. All of the adventures consume one of the item except for the vampire.

Silver shotgun shells are used in the werewolf adventure (attic->investigate banging).

Fun house mirrors are used against the skeleton choice (living room -> closet)

Chainsaw blades are used against zombies (living room -> dining room)

The current of the IOTM is needed against vampires (basement -> coffins)
Going by that exact example that I just got it appears that "Turn down the fog machine" is option 4 so it appears your assumption of 3 or 4 appearing is correct.
As soon as I finish testing the way I implemented the choice adventure handling, I'll commit the change.
r9893 adds a setting and a use button for the Haunted Sorority House staff guide in the Items side-tab of the Choice Advs panel, like for llama gongs.

I also added a 4th choice for the Prop Deportment, "chainsaw/mirror". This will make Mafia choose whatever item you have the smallest quantity of (or a funhouse mirror if you have the same quantity of both items)

All that is left to do now is to add support for silver item creation in the Relocked and Reloaded adventure.
Well, and the items dropped by the Necbromancer. And the outfit. And the skill.

I haven't gotten there yet in my solo dungeon instance. I'll be making three runs, but they'll be fairly leisurely, I expect, since I'm not willing to spend big bux in the mall to get the items which allow multi-kills.

I also hear that some of the "potions" are not multi-usable. Currently. Apparently, we can't win: if a "potion" is not multi-usable and we mark it as such, KoLmafia can't "use" it and somebody files a bug report. If a "potion" IS multi-usable but we don't mark it as such, somebody notices that KoLmafia uses them one at a time and files a bug report.

I suppose the latter is a better default, since KoL frequently forgets to mark things multi-usable when they are first introduced and comes back later to fix them - and therefore single using is the default which will always work.

5343 The Necbronomicon (used) usable display 1000
5343 862597561 necbronomicon.gif The Necbronomicon (used)
# The Necbronomicon (used)

For whatever reason, it didn't put up an override for the unused version when I refreshed my inventory before using it.
May I ask here, that the sorority house NC's choices be changed, slightly?

The mimiograph and the vampire are once per instance, so can we have it so that we get both single occurance activities, the raised ml, and then ... whatever?
New clan dungeon channel: hauntedhouse
Can we have this merged with /clan like /hobopolis and /slimetube?
The mimiograph and the vampire are once per instance, so can we have it so that we get both single occurance activities, the raised ml, and then ... whatever?
If we were to combine all the different possibilities, it would be too many options. Another very simple reason is that Mafia simply can't know if you have already gotten the guides or killed vampires in this instance. On the other hand, we know from the choice adventure text if the ML is raised or not.

That's why I prefer to leave the settings as they are. I did add "1 choiceadv" as a default goal for the zone, to make it easier for players to stop and change their settings after doing once per instance stuff.

Someone can probably write a fairly simple betweenBattleScript to tweak the options whenever needed.
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have it watch for the defeat of the necbromancer's 3 forms, have that cause it to reset flags that are set if you visit the coffins and lead them to the light and/or gotten the guides
if it can track the flushing of the sewer, then is this harder?
By "watch" do you mean parse all of the text in a chat channel that players might not have open? Does mafia actually track when the hobopolis sewer is flushed?