New Content - Implemented The Haunted Sorority House

I like the new choice adventure spoilers. I like it that the choices to pick up this or that mass-slaying item tells you how many you already have.

- It would be nice if choice to go to the reloading bench told you how many silver bullets you already have so you could tell if you needed any. (easy)
- It would be nice if that choice told you how many meltable silver items you have so you can tell if you even CAN get another silver bullet. (not so easy)
- It would be nice if the various choices that USE a mass-slaying item would tell you how many you have of the said item in inventory
Why is that a bug to fix? If they are zappable just like the uncle hobo drops are zappable then that is as should be surely?
Loving the quick work on the choice adventures.

In the vein of nice-to-have, it would be nice if they gave the choice of "kill werewolves if i have a silver shotgun shell, else get ghost traps". or "mass kill zombies if i have a chainsaw chain, else mass kill skeletons if i have a mirror, else get a costume item"

I recognize this is basically asking for script-like functionality, so I'm not expecting it to be something that gets worked on. Still thought it might be worth posting for someone with the skills/knowledge to ponder.
In the vein of nice-to-have, it would be nice if they gave the choice of "kill werewolves if i have a silver shotgun shell, else get ghost traps". or "mass kill zombies if i have a chainsaw chain, else mass kill skeletons if i have a mirror, else get a costume item"

Someone can probably write a fairly simple betweenBattleScript to tweak the options whenever needed.
Your request was exactly what I had in mind when I wrote this.

For reference:
Dark in the Attic - choiceAdventure549

0 - show in browser
1 - acquire staff guides
2 - acquire ghost trap
3 - mass kill werewolves with silver shotgun shell
4 - raise area ML, then acquire staff guides
5 - raise area ML, then acquire ghost trap
6 - raise area ML, then mass kill werewolves
7 - lower area ML, then acquire staff guides
8 - lower area ML, then acquire ghost trap
9 - lower area ML, then mass kill werewolves

The Unliving Room - choiceAdventure550

0 - show in browser
1 - mass kill zombies with chainsaw chain
2 - mass kill skeletons with funhouse mirror
3 - get costume item
4 - raise area ML, then mass kill zombies
5 - raise area ML, then mass kill skeletons
6 - raise area ML, then get costume item
7 - lower area ML, then mass kill zombies
8 - lower area ML, then mass kill skeletons
9 - lower area ML, then get costume item

Debasement - choiceAdventure551

0 - show in browser
1 - Prop Deportment
2 - mass kill vampires with plastic vampire fangs
3 - raise area ML, then Prop Deportment
4 - raise area ML, then mass kill vampires
5 - lower area ML, then Prop Deportment
6 - lower area ML, then mass kill vampires

Prop Deportment - choiceAdventure552

0 - show in browser
1 - chainsaw chain
2 - Relocked and Reloaded
3 - funhouse mirror
4 - chainsaw chain if (chainsaw < mirror), mirror otherwise

Since the mass-killing options and the mass-killing items are obtained in different choice adventures, leaving "lower area ML, then mass kill zombies" results in leaving the adventure without using an adventure, until you acquire a chainsaw chain.

It does leave the case where you alternate between getting a ghost trap and killing werewolves though.
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The Relocked and Reloaded choice adventure has 6 choices, which appear only if you have the corresponding item to melt. Here are the choices:

1 - Maxwell's Silver Hammer
2 - silver tongue charrrm bracelet
3 - silver cheese-slicer
4 - silver shrimp fork
5 - silver paté knife
6 - don't melt anything

If the response contains "You melt", the corresponding item has to be removed.
- It would be nice if choice to go to the reloading bench told you how many silver bullets you already have so you could tell if you needed any. (easy)
- It would be nice if that choice told you how many meltable silver items you have so you can tell if you even CAN get another silver bullet. (not so easy)
- It would be nice if the various choices that USE a mass-slaying item would tell you how many you have of the said item in inventory
I forgot about 1, but it's easy to add. r9897 adds 2 and 3.

r9897 also adds a few options to the choice adventure settings:

Dark Attic:
- raise area ML, then mass kill werewolves or ghost trap
- lower area ML, then mass kill werewolves or ghost trap
Kill if you have a silver shotgun shell, get a ghost trap otherwise.

Unliving Room:
- raise area ML, then mass kill zombies/skeletons
- lower area ML, then mass kill zombies/skeletons
chooses to mass-kill depending of which item you have the most.

Also note that the monsters' name patterns have changed. Instead of "Fritzi Costington-Regency, the Sexy Vampire Magician", I was seeing names like "Krissi Thwaitgold, the Sexy Furrier Werewolf".
The Relocked and Reloaded choice adventure has 6 choices, which appear only if you have the corresponding item to melt. Here are the choices:

1 - Maxwell's Silver Hammer
2 - silver tongue charrrm bracelet
3 - silver cheese-slicer
4 - silver shrimp fork
5 - silver paté knife
6 - don't melt anything

If the response contains "You melt", the corresponding item has to be removed.

Is this a note to self for when you program the choiceadv choices so that choosing to melt down doesn't stop automation? If so, I heartily approve this message.
when using the mafia i can't distribute the loot from the hunted house. i have to exit mafia if i want to distribute the loot. using build 9898
when using the mafia i can't distribute the loot from the hunted house. i have to exit mafia if i want to distribute the loot. using build 9898
I just defeated the Necbromancer. I had no problems distributing the loot.

Build 9900, OS X, Safari 5.1
For melting silver, it's mistakenly counting silver tongue charms and not the bracelets. The bracelets are what get melted down.
Looking at item #5338...
Unknown item found: The Necbromancer's Stein (5338, 490267770)
5338 The Necbromancer's Stein offhand display 0
5338 490267770 necrostein.gif The Necbromancer's Stein
The Necbromancer's Stein 200 Mys: 200
# The Necbromancer's Stein: All Spells Cast Are Spooky
The Necbromancer's Stein Spell Damage Percent: +100, Spooky Spell Damage: +30

Adding it here for completeness.

Edit: Also had no problem distributing loot, using r9900 with FF 7.0.1 on Windows XP.
guess it might been just me then.

edit: using r9906 with FF7.0.1 windows 7

What happens when you distribute the loot?
it just say Hobopolis Loot: then blank space, and the box under it thats for flooding Hobopolis
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