New Content - Implemented The Haunted Sorority House

I might have been a bit overboard with this change, so I'll post it as a patch instead of submitting it. Basically, some options are changed so that Mafia automatically stops once one-time actions are done.

These would be the new settings available for the three main noncombats:
Dark in the Attic - choiceAdventure549

0 - show in browser
1 - acquire staff guides
2 - acquire ghost trap
3 - mass kill werewolves with silver shotgun shell
4 - raise area ML, then acquire staff guides, then stop
5 - raise area ML, then acquire ghost trap
6 - raise area ML, then mass kill werewolves
7 - lower area ML, then acquire staff guides, then stop
8 - lower area ML, then acquire ghost trap
9 - lower area ML, then mass kill werewolves

The Unliving Room - choiceAdventure550

0 - show in browser
1 - mass kill zombies with chainsaw chain
2 - mass kill skeletons with funhouse mirror
3 - get costume item
4 - raise area ML, then mass kill zombies, then stop
5 - raise area ML, then mass kill skeletons, then stop
6 - raise area ML, then get costume item
7 - lower area ML, then mass kill zombies, then stop
8 - lower area ML, then mass kill skeletons, then stop
9 - lower area ML, then get costume item

Debasement - choiceAdventure551

0 - show in browser
1 - Prop Deportment
2 - mass kill vampires with plastic vampire fangs
3 - raise area ML, then Prop Deportment
4 - raise area ML, then mass kill vampires, then stop
5 - lower area ML, then Prop Deportment
6 - lower area ML, then mass kill vampires, then stop
For example, Mafia when mafia encounters "Dark in the Attic", and "raise area ML, then acquire staff guides, then stop" is selected, it will abort after choosing the "staff guide" option:
Request 23 of 50 (Clan Basement: The Haunted Sorority House) in progress...

[1513] The Haunted Sorority House
Encounter: Dark in the Attic
[color=red]Staff guides acquired.[/color]
Another example: after choosing a mass-killing options, the text is different when you had the correct item and killed, when you didn't have the correct item, and when the monster is already extinct. With the patch, selecting "raise area ML, then mass kill zombies, then stop" in The "Unliving Room" will result in:
Request 15 of 73 (Clan Basement: The Haunted Sorority House) in progress...

[1527] The Haunted Sorority House
Encounter: The Unliving Room
[color=red]All the zombies have been defeated.[/color]
if Mafia encounters the text for when zombies are extinct.

I don't think I will be committing this, since it seems out of place in Mafia's choice adventure handling. Maybe I should turn this into an ASH script à la slime.ash instead.


I don't know if I should make a new thread or comment here, but here goes.

I don't know if it's HSH-specific, but none of my HSH items are being counted properly. Mafia usually tells me I have zero of everything unless I manually pick one up, then it goes up to one. This would be fine, except that I received a bunch of stuff (specifically silver hammers, chainsaw chains, and funhouse mirrors) in a Kmail and those are not being counted in the relay browser or in the inventory window in mafia itself. Doing /count produces the correct amount, and the correct amount is displayed on the inventory screen in the relay browser, but when adventuring and when using the inventory window of the desktop program incorrect amounts are displayed. I'm running r9909.
Isn't this standard for Kmails? At least, the Cell37 reward always works like this... if I want the items from Kmails, I always just have to refresh inv after I get it...
With the latest version available I appear to get staff guides from the Atic non-combat no matter what my setting. Is anyone else experienceing this?
Is anyone else experienceing this?
I can't reproduce this:
> get choiceAdventure549

Request 5 of 10 (Clan Basement: The Haunted Sorority House) in progress...

[1994] The Haunted Sorority House
Encounter: Dark in the Attic
You acquire an item: ghost trap
I had mine set to either 7 or 2 depending on situation and I never lost any silver bullets nor gained any ghost traps. There are a lot of instances in my log of the type:
[3282] The Haunted Sorority House
Encounter: Dark in the Attic

despite me never setting it to 1 anywhere (I can see changes to 2,3 and 7). The other choices work just fine, it's just this one that plays silly bugger.
If I may add some total vagueness, I had to up the ML in the attic by hand as r9913 was determined to use up all my silver shotgun shells instead. Also, with the choice on ML/Ghost traps/Werewolves after setting the ML, I didn't get a single ghost trap but did wipe out the wolves.

I did triple-check the settings carefully. I can monitor it bit more closely when I have turns tomorrow.
Staff guides are not useable without adventures. Attempting to use one with zero adventures gives the message:

You don't have time to screw around in a haunted house.

Since using one consumes an adventure, It seems probably that it is also not useable whilst other adventuring-preventing conditions are also true (drunk, beaten up)
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Staff guides are not useable without adventures. Attempting to use one with zero adventures gives the message:

Since using one consumes an adventure, It seems probably that it is also not useable whilst other adventuring-preventing conditions are also true (drunk, beaten up)

Yep. I tried that yesterday (in an attempt to get in on a run after I had overdrunk) and got a message about being drunk and it being a bad idea to be in a haunted house while drunk or something like that.
Yep. I tried that yesterday (in an attempt to get in on a run after I had overdrunk) and got a message about being drunk and it being a bad idea to be in a haunted house while drunk or something like that.

Just finished for today, so i've got the exact drunk message:
You're too drunk to hang out in a sorority house. You might get taken advantage of.

The wiki also gives 2 other situations, which would prevent the guide being consumed (and an adventure being used.)
(Wiki accuracy was 100% with the first 2, so theres probably only a 50/50 chance that these 2 are wrong! :P)

When the house isn't opened yet:
You don't know where any haunted sorority houses are right now.
after the boss has been killed:
No way. It's boring in there now that everybody is dead.

for completion (so all four are in one place for the person copying and pasting into an IDE) when out of adventures:
You don't have time to screw around in a haunted house.
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So, it happened again and being a bit more prepared this time I did this:
> get choiceAdventure549


> get choiceAdventure554


> haunted

You have 4 of ghost trap.
You have 3 of silver shotgun shell.
You have 2 of chainsaw chain.
You have 2 of funhouse mirror.
You have 1 of Haunted Sorority House staff guide.
Returned: void

> use 1 staff guide

MCD: Using your 'unknown_ml' value (680).
Using 1 Haunted Sorority House staff guide...
Finished using 1 Haunted Sorority House staff guide.

I got no result which would not be what is expected. I had expected that it would kill some wolves.

I then acquired a new staff guide (easiest way to get the choice adventure) and did it in the relay browser (using the guide from the inventory page) and it dutifully clicked it's way to the Attaic and then I got the following message:
You already took some of those mimeographs. You don't want to get any more of that purple crap on your hands.
indicating that it did indeed choose the mimeograph-option. It didn't happen for the first few times though which is slightly odd.
> get choiceAdventure549


> get choiceAdventure554


> inv silver shotgun shell

> use 1 staff guide

Using 1 Haunted Sorority House staff guide...
Encounter: Behind the Spooky Curtain
Encounter: Dark in the Attic
You acquire an item: ghost trap
Finished using 1 Haunted Sorority House staff guide.
Apparently I can't reproduce this.
Yeah, it's a really annoying error. Changing the settings to a "simple" option, adventuring one turn at a time to get the adventure and then switch back has solved the problem for now at least.
I'm not seeing the new drinks in the item/booze tab yet. The wiki appears to have most of the details settled. Would it be helpful if I pasted all the information here? I'm concerned about putting it in the wrong format.
I made a patch to add /hauntedhouse to the channels you're allowed to use with a chatbot and chat_clan() so it's consistent with the other clan channels


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The wiki appears to have most of the details settled.
You and I apparently have a different definition of "settled". It looks like most of the Wiki's numbers are the result of using a single drink. Which is to say, if we enter the numbers as-is into OUR data files, we'll be pretty comprehensively wrong.

Based on the small data sets I see, I suspect that the five non-boss drinks are like this:

1 Drunk
30 turns of an effect
3-4 Adventures
5-10 Mus
5-10 Mys
5-10 Mox

(Which is what somebody put in for Blood Light, as it turns out. I have no reason to think that the other 4 drinks differ in any way except the granted effect.)

The Wiki says this for The Cooler Out of Space:

You gain 8-9 Adventures.
You gain 20-50 Strongness.
You gain 20-50 Magicalness.
You gain 20-50 Roguishness.
You gain 2 Drunkenness.

... based on 3 samples on the Discussion page. Seems plausible.
Silver Bullet beer was marked as 4-5 on the Wiki, hence the 3-5 I put for all the drinks. Whoever put that number probably forgot to remove 1 from Ode, though.

EDIT: modified in r9918
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haunted house noncombat options

Bug/feature I suppose.

Bug would be that I chose "Lower the ML, then mass kill zombies/skeletons" yet every single time, Mafia chose to collect a costume item. Would be awesome if this could be fixed (using r9913)

As for feature, could there just be a "mass kill zombies/skeletons" that way I don't have to figure out the current state of the windows manually before setting up mafia?