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I cannot find a preference that shows the item that I am currently collecting in Walford's bucket. Can I have one?

I just want it to display in a label in ChIT, but I imagine that someone else might think it was good to have in a script which collects it, in case the script got interrupted and wants it able to resume without issue.
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I found something else to request and this one is really needed.

Could you add an underline preference to indicate if Walford's bucket was turned in today? It turns out that if the quest is finished, then the next day questECoBucket is still finished. There's no way to know if it was marked finished today or yesterday without more information. It just won't go back to unstarted on its own.
r16462 - Added tracking for quest item being collected (walfordBucketItem) and quest being picked up (_walfordQuestStartedToday) as it's quest being started which is limited.
skill Beardfreeze gives $effect[Frostbeard]

> ash to_effect($skill[Grease Up]);

Returned: Takin' It Greasy
default => cast 1 Grease Up
note =>
all => aggregate boolean [string]
**cast 1 Grease Up => true
image =>
descid => 1ecd5486cb371daa243193f4d9054937

> ash to_effect($skill[Beardfreeze]);

Returned: none
default =>
note =>
all => aggregate boolean [string]
image => /images/debug.gif
descid =>
That 2-d EFFECT_SKILL array can probably be replaced with parsing "cast" commands from statuseffects.txt. I have some code written, but I need to look at it more to make sure I'm not breaking anything before committing.
In other words, something like building a map from effect to skill (and/or a reverse map) when we parse statuseffects.txt? Seems like a solid idea which would make one fewer change we need to make for cases like this.

Something is still not right. Using r16508:
> ash to_effect($skill[Beardfreeze]);

Returned: none
default =>
note =>
all => aggregate boolean [string]
image => /images/debug.gif
descid =>
16510 fixes that, and removes the large array that was previously needed to handle it.

The effect and skill were in the wrong order in 16505, for anyone curious.