New Content - Implemented The Glaciest


Active member
Unknown item found: airplane charter: The Glaciest (8674, 509021709)
8674 airplane charter: The Glaciest 509021709 aircharter.gif usable t 0
Item airplane charter: The Glaciest Free Pull
Wal-Mart buy 5 shoulder-warming lotion ROW763
Unknown item found: shoulder-warming lotion (8676, 977832847)
8676 shoulder-warming lotion 977832847 handlotion.gif usable t,d 25
Item shoulder-warming lotion Effect: "Warm Shoulders", Effect Duration: 20
2006 Warm Shoulders blanket.gif 5fdfe2b6578a901d5a8f1173211d2e65 use 1 shoulder-warming lotion
Effect Warm Shoulders Familiar Weight: +5, Experience (familiar): +5
Wal-Mart buy 15 iceberg lettuce ROW764
Unknown item found: iceberg lettuce (8677, 160982443)
8677 iceberg lettuce 160982443 icelettuce.gif food t,d 75
iceberg lettuce 2 6 EPIC 1-1 0 0 0 Unspaded
Item iceberg lettuce Effect: "Headstrong", Effect Duration: 50
2007 Headstrong strboost.gif 2d48773c55f0fdca695a992dadbfd30d eat 1 iceberg lettuce
Effect Headstrong Weapon Damage: +25, Muscle Percent: +50, Maximum HP: +100
Wal-Mart buy 15 ice wine ROW765
Unknown item found: ice wine (8678, 987837300)
8678 ice wine 987837300 wine.gif drink t,d 75
ice wine 2 6 EPIC 1-1 0 0 0 Unspaded
Item ice wine Effect: "Brain Freeze", Effect Duration: 50
2008 Brain Freeze realbrain.gif 28bb09ee94010888ef8de0474e8f11cd drink 1 ice wine
Effect Brain Freeze Spell Damage: +25, Moxie Percent: +50, Maximum MP: +100
Wal-Mart buy 50 one-day ticket to The Glaciest ROW773
Unknown item found: one-day ticket to The Glaciest (8675, 871547416)
8675 one-day ticket to The Glaciest 871547416 airdaypass.gif usable t 0
# Item one-day ticket to The Glaciest
Wal-Mart buy 75 Wal-Mart snowglobe ROW766
Unknown item found: Wal-Mart snowglobe (8679, 675023434)
8679 Wal-Mart snowglobe 675023434 walglobe.gif offhand 0
Wal-Mart snowglobe 0 Mus: 50
Item Wal-Mart snowglobe Muscle Percent: +40, Experience (Muscle): +4, Familiar Weight: +5
Wal-Mart buy 75 Wal-Mart nametag ROW767
Unknown item found: Wal-Mart nametag (8680, 876748252)
8680 Wal-Mart nametag 876748252 waltag.gif accessory 0
Wal-Mart nametag 0 Mys: 50
Item Wal-Mart nametag Mysticality Percent: +40, Experience (Mysticality): +4, Spell Critical Percent: +10
Wal-Mart buy 75 Wal-Mart overalls ROW768
Unknown item found: Wal-Mart overalls (8681, 654491169)
8681 Wal-Mart overalls 654491169 walveralls.gif pants 0
Wal-Mart overalls 200 Mox: 50
Item Wal-Mart overalls Moxie Percent: +40, Experience (Moxie): +4, Initiative: +30
Wal-Mart buy 150 To Build an Igloo ROW769
Unknown item found: To Build an Igloo (8682, 253562962)
8682 To Build an Igloo 253562962 book3.gif usable t 0
Item To Build an Igloo Skill: "Refusal to Freeze"
Wal-Mart buy 150 The Chill of the Wild ROW770
Unknown item found: The Chill of the Wild (8683, 332648259)
8683 The Chill of the Wild 332648259 book5.gif usable t 0
Item The Chill of the Wild Skill: "Beardfreeze"
Wal-Mart buy 150 Cold Fang ROW772
Unknown item found: Cold Fang (8684, 734391994)
8684 Cold Fang 734391994 book4.gif usable t 0
Item Cold Fang Skill: "Frost Bite"
Wal-Mart buy 250 Wal-Mart tattoo kit ROW771
Unknown item found: Wal-Mart tattoo kit (8685, 547207087)
8685 Wal-Mart tattoo kit 547207087 waltat.gif usable t 0
# Item Wal-Mart tattoo kit


Well-known member

8672	Walford's bucket	874617975	pail.gif	offhand	q	0
Walford's bucket	0	none
# Item Walford's bucket

Drops found in VYKEA:

8719	VYKEA meatballs	666514481	vykballs.gif	food	t,d	50
VYKEA meatballs	2	7	awesome	1-1	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item VYKEA meatballs
8720	VYKEA mead	210477648	vykmead.gif	drink	t,d	55
VYKEA mead	2	7	awesome	1-1	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item VYKEA mead
8723	VYKEA blood rune	646944996	vykrune1.gif	none	t,d	26
# Item VYKEA blood rune
8727	VYKEA bracket	779732940	vykbracket.gif	none	t,d	17
# Item VYKEA bracket
8728	VYKEA dowel	609821681	vykdowel.gif	none	t,d	9
# Item VYKEA dowel
8726	VYKEA rail	286416420	vykrail.gif	none	t,d	15
# Item VYKEA rail
8721	VYKEA woadpaint	165534547	balm.gif	usable	t,d	20
Item	VYKEA woadpaint	Effect: "This Is Where You're a Viking", Effect Duration: 30
2010	This Is Where You're a Viking	balm.gif	bfd287f0d0282da6f3e4f501a290c30f	use 1 VYKEA woadpaint
Effect	This Is Where You're a Viking	Cold Damage: +25, Weapon Damage Percent: +25
8725	VYKEA plank	764156127	vykplank.gif	none	t,d	11
# Item VYKEA plank
8729	VYKEA hex key	667635420	hexkey.gif	weapon	t,d	66
VYKEA hex key	125	Mus: 47	1-handed club
Item	VYKEA hex key	Muscle: +6, Mysticality: +6, Moxie: +6, HP Regen Min: 6, HP Regen Max: 6, MP Regen Min: 6, MP Regen Max: 6, Weapon Damage: +6
8673	Wal-Mart gift certificate	882474988	walcert.gif	none		0	Wal-Mart gift certificates
# Item Wal-Mart gift certificate
8730	VYKEA instructions	560068358	vykinstructions.gif	usable	t,d	111
# Item VYKEA instructions
8723	VYKEA blood rune	646944996	vykrune1.gif	none	t,d	26
# Item VYKEA blood rune
8722	VYKEA frenzy rune	715122573	vykrune2.gif	none	t,d	22
# Item VYKEA frenzy rune
8724	VYKEA lightning rune	569479825	vykrune3.gif	none	t,d	31
# Item VYKEA lightning rune
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Well-known member
Drops from The Ice Hotel

8690	exotic travel brochure	922037447	travelbrochure.gif	multiple	t,d	25
Item	exotic travel brochure	Effect: "Expert Vacationer", Effect Duration: 20
2011	Expert Vacationer	travelbrochure.gif	7a59246c3e406dc71356ab6ed2cb7c99	use 1 exotic travel brochure
# Effect Expert Vacationer: +25% to all stat gains in exotic travel destinations
8686	perfect ice cube	627519104	perf_icecube.gif	none	t,d	9
# Item perfect ice cube
8689	ice porter	405574007	beerbottle.gif	drink	t,d	45
ice porter	2	5	good	1-1	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item ice porter
8693	hotel minibar key	406128837	srkey1.gif	multiple	t,d	99
# Item hotel minibar key
8691	bag of foreign bribes	597574332	bribebag.gif	multiple	t	0
# Item bag of foreign bribes
8694	ice hotel bell	380862076	hotelbell.gif	none, combat	t,d	88
# Item ice hotel bell
8692	frozen shampoo-conditioner	239858553	frozshampoo.gif	multiple	t,d	59
Item	frozen shampoo-conditioner	Effect: "Spiky Frozen Hair", Effect Duration: 20
2012	Spiky Frozen Hair	spikyhair.gif	507eb44ad38f5d8e8378a2f63d7e13fc	use 1 frozen shampoo-conditioner
# Effect Spiky Frozen Hair: Deals 40-60 Cold Damage to attacking foes
8687	The Fun-Guy Cold Weather Bartender's Guide	293008569	book3.gif	usable	t	0
Item	The Fun-Guy Cold Weather Bartender's Guide	Skill: "Perfect Freeze"
8688	bellhop's hat	254146151	bellhophat.gif	hat	t,d	180
bellhop's hat	120	Mox: 35
# Item bellhop's hat: Helps you blend in at the Ice Hotel
Item	bellhop's hat	Muscle: +10


Staff member
Interesting. VYKEA Instructions lead to a chain of choices that let you build a VYKEA Companion.

I did: 5 planks + blood rune + 37 dowels + 5 rails and got CHEBLI the 5th level lamp.

I think there it will take a lot of experimentation to see what all the combinations produce - assuming it is deterministic.

The VYKEA Companion appears in the charpane, but I see nothing in api.php to tell who/what you currently have with you.


Staff member
After combat messages:

CHEBLI lights up the area, making it easier for you to loot the bodies.
CHEBLI spotlights your opponent's pockets for you.

Item Drop? And it's a level 5 companion.

Yeah. We will need to track this - which means we need it in api.php.

Perhaps a dev could lobby for that. ;)


Staff member
[7225] VYKEA
Encounter: Hænunnskil Thorbiornsen and ÙWGÛM the bookshelf
Round 0: Veracity wins initiative!
Round 1: Veracity tries to steal an item!
Round 2: Thct'ul Grrl caresses your mind with gentle ethereal tentacles.
Round 2: You gain 12 Mojo Points
Round 2: VYKEA viking (male) takes 104 damage.
Round 2: VYKEA viking (male) takes 26 damage.
Round 2: VYKEA viking (male) takes 18 damage.
Round 2: You lose 40 hit points
Round 2: You lose 23 hit points
Round 2: Veracity casts WEAPON OF THE PASTALORD!
Round 3: VYKEA viking (male) takes 540 damage.
Round 3: Thct'ul Grrl caresses your mind with gentle ethereal tentacles.
Round 3: You gain 11 Mojo Points
Round 3: VYKEA viking (male) takes 108 damage.
Round 3: VYKEA viking (male) takes 23 damage.
Round 3: VYKEA viking (male) takes 20 damage.
Round 3: Veracity wins the fight!
You acquire an item: VYKEA rail
You acquire an item: VYKEA dowel (2)
After Battle: A love cricket plays a jaunty tune for you. You tap your feet.
After Battle: Thct'ul Grrl surveys the scene from your back and sighs.
After Battle: Elvis Grrl does a couple of karate moves, then swivels his hips and gyrates his pelvis.
You acquire an item: VYKEA woadpaint
You acquire an item: weathered barrel
After Battle: You gain 58 Strongness
After Battle: You gain 57 Magicalness
You gain a Mysticality point!
After Battle: You gain 141 Roguishness
We are not logging the companion messages, either during or after battle. That presumably means that they are not tagged with "familiarmessage" comments. I'll have to look at the fight HTML.

Notice that I was getting 3 sources of damage each round - gross foreign snacks, CHEBLI's attack, and CHEBLI-induced bleeding, from the blood rune.


I'm probably done implementing for the day, other stuff discovered but not implemented:


1114 - Walford Rusley, Bucket Collector (can walk away)
1 - Turn in the Bucket
2 - I'll get you some bolts
3 - I'll get you some chum
4 - I'll get you some chicken
5 - Ask him to tell you a joke
7 - Take your leave

1116 - All They Got Inside is Vacancy (and Ice)
3 - Look for some bolts - +11% bucket filling
4 - raid the bar - cocktail ingredients
5 - raid some guest rooms (1/day) - 3 Wal-Mart gift certificates
6 - Raid... your way... out of the hotel - leave

1115 - VYKEA!
1 - Head to the cafeteria (1/day) - acquire VYKEA meatballs and mead
2 - Poke around in the back
4 - Check the employee lounge (1/day) - acquire 3 Wal-Mart gift certificates
5 - Dig through the garbage - acquire VYKEA rune
6 - Don't bother

1120 - Some Assembly Required

1 - Start with 5 planks - to 1122
2 - Start with 5 rails
6 - Don't build anything

1122 Some Assembly Required
1 - Add 1 dowel
2 - Add 11 dowels - to 1123
3 - Add 23 dowels
4 - Add 37 dowels
6 - Don't add any dowels

1123 - Some Assembly Required
1 - Add 5 planks
2 - Add 5 rails
3 - Add 5 brackets

5 planks, 11 dowels, 5 rails - A dresser - Sleaze damage + Moxie stats

Quest log

<b>Filled to the Brim</b><br> Equip <a class=nounder target=mainpane href=inventory.php?which=2><b>Walford's bucket</b></a>!<

<b>Filled to the Brim</b><br> <a class=nounder target=mainpane href=place.php?whichplace=airport_cold><b>Walford</b></a> wants you to fill his bucket with bolts. The bucket is currently <b>1% full</b>.

<b>Filled to the Brim</b><br> Take Walford's bucket back to <a class=nounder target=mainpane href=place.php?whichplace=airport_cold><b>his shack</b></a>.

Fight text: (Walford's bucket filled by 1%)

Consumption spading: (moonsign factored out - have added adv range 18-19 to Mafia)
perfect paloma - 19 adv, 13-21 mus, 5-8 mys, 26-27 mox
perfect old fashioned - 18-19 adv, 21-34 mus, 7-11 mys, 16-22 mox
perfect negroni - 19 adv, 3-9 mus, 12-22 mys, 27-33 mox
perfect mimosa - 19 adv, 16-18 mus, 25-30 mys, 8-9 mox
perfect dark and stormy - 18-19 adv, 7-9 mus, 27-29 mys, 18-19 mox
perfect cosmopolitan - 18-19 adv, 17-27 mus, 17-28 mys, 5-9 mox
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I guess perfect cocktails are a new type, they require Queue Du Coq cocktailcrafting kit to be installed like fancy drinks, but don't cost a turn to make. Not sure if they need skills.


Octopus oculus is listed in mafia as one adventure, but it is two:

> ash $item[octolus oculus].adventures
Returned: 1-1

Chewing 15 octolus oculus...
You gain 2 Adventures
You gain 15 Roguishness
You gain 2 Adventures
You gain 27 Cheek
You gain 2 Adventures
You gain 27 Roguishness
You gain 2 Adventures
You gain 29 Sarcasm
You gain 2 Adventures
You gain 26 Sarcasm
You gain 2 Adventures
You gain 23 Sarcasm
You gain 2 Adventures
You gain 30 Sarcasm
You gain 2 Adventures
You gain 30 Sarcasm
You gain a Moxie point!
You gain 2 Adventures
You gain 27 Chutzpah
You gain 2 Adventures
You gain 24 Roguishness
You gain 2 Adventures
You gain 19 Smarm
You gain 2 Adventures
You gain 21 Roguishness
You gain 2 Adventures
You gain 22 Cheek
You gain 2 Adventures
You gain 16 Roguishness
You gain 2 Adventures
You gain 17 Cheek
Finished chewing 15 octolus oculus.

> ash numeric_modifier("moxie experience percent")

Returned: 0.0

Plural is "octolus oculi". Maybe 15-30 moxie stat gain?


Staff member
walfordBucketProgress does not seem to be tracking the extra progress granted by doing the thing that grants extra progress (depends on what you are collecting). Here is the text for collecting milk:

<blockquote><table><tr><td>On your way out, you stop by the bar and collect the milk from some mostly-drunk White Russians in the hotel bar. (Walford's bucket filled by an additional 1%)</td></tr></table></blockquote>

Also, visiting the quest log does not reset the walfordBucketProgress, though it probably should:

> get walfordBucketProgress

<p><b>Filled to the Brim</b><br> <a class=nounder target=mainpane href=place.php?whichplace=airport_cold><b>Walford</b></a> wants you to fill his bucket with milk.  The bucket is currently <b>79% full</b>.
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Have a patch for the former, but not able to commit to Sourceforge at present for some reason.

There are many quests now which show progress in the quest log but this is not used to correct the quest. If someone wants to code it they are welcome to.