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Malibu Stacey

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Drip Institute Armory	driparmory	Drip harness	50000	ROW1128
10441	Drip harness	785395340	dripharness.gif	container		0
Drip harness	0	Mus: 100
# Item Drip harness: Allows you to enter The Drip
Item	Drip harness	Muscle Limit: 100, Mysticality Limit: 100, Moxie Limit: 100
Drip Institute Armory	driparmory	drippy truncheon	20000	ROW1129
10442	drippy truncheon	204573919	drippyclub.gif	weapon	t	0
drippy truncheon	5	Mus: 0	1-handed club
# Item drippy truncheon: +30 Damage vs. creatures of The Drip
Item	drippy truncheon	Single Equip
Drip Institute Armory	buy	30	drippy khakis	ROW1130
10451	drippy khakis	426201773	drippykhakis.gif	pants	t	0
drippy khakis	50	none
# Item drippy khakis: Limited protection from damage in The Drip
10443	Driplet	877617676	driplet.gif	none		0
# Item Driplet

Drip Institute Cafeteria	dripcafeteria	drippy nugget	10000	ROW1131
10445	drippy nugget	872053470	drippynugget.gif	food	t	0
drippy nugget	5	1		0	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item drippy nugget: Puts 5 µg of Drippy Juice into your blood
Drip Institute Cafeteria	dripcafeteria	glass of drippy wine	10000	ROW1151
10446	glass of drippy wine	499425032	drippywine.gif	drink	t	0
glass of drippy wine	5	1		0	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item glass of drippy wine: Puts 5 µg of Drippy Juice into your blood
Drip Institute Cafeteria	dripcafeteria	drippy caviar	1000000	ROW1152
10447	drippy caviar	170861825	drippycaviar.gif	food	t	0
drippy caviar	5	1		0	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item drippy caviar: Puts 5 µg of Drippy Juice into your blood


You need the Harness equipped to enter The Drip. Will try it out later after I've done some adventuring.
Revision 20001 adds initial support for drippy caviar, nugget, wine:
Add _drippyCaviarUsed, _drippyNuggetUsed, and _drippyWIneUsed properties to track whether we've used the once-per-day items.
Add drippyJuice to track the amount of Drippy Juice in your blood, 5 µg per consumable used.
I assume it accumulates over rollover. I assume it is not cleared on ascension.
The Drip Institute Armory has two items for meat and (for now) one item for Driplets.
Fortunately, we have the technology for this: consider the Black Market where everything is Meat except for one item you can buy with a priceless diamond.

I'm going to bed. we-all can look at this further tomorrow. :)
Revision 20003 adds the coinmaster, the adventure location, the new monster.
Adventuring there decrements drippyJuice by 1 each fight.
Supposedly there is a NC - and we'll have to decrement it there, too. Didn't see it.

Unfortunately, my Wiener Dog appeared and used up one µg of Drippy Juice.
I reported it as a bug.
r20004 - I am seeing the following message at the beginning of each encounter with a drippy tree?

Unrecognized monster modifier: drippy
Ha ha. KoL puts "drippy" into the "ocrs" array for the monster.
In other words, it's a modifier you apply to base monster.
I wonder if we will see regular monsters who are "drippy" eventually?
Revision 20006 special cases that mponster, since Manuel says the name is "drippy tree".
If we start to see "drippy smut orc perverts" which are not actually new monsters, we'll handle them.
If they are new monsters, I'll ignore the "drippy" OCRS modifier in general.
Further data needed.
Now that we have 2 "drippy" monsters and 2 choice options in The Drippy House on the Prairie, generalize:
- "drippy" appears in the OCRS array, but is actually part of the monster name, per Manuel.
Ignore "drippy" as an OCRS modifier.
- Both options - 1 & 2 - deduct one Drippy Juice, but option 9 - Leave - does not.
(Yes, it deducted two Drippy Juice: first when I entered the house and again when I dislodged bats.)
Deduct one Drippy Juice for each option you take other than 9.

[2229] The Dripping Trees
Encounter: Drippy House on the Prairie
Took choice 1406/1: Explore the house
Encounter: Drippy House on the Prairie
Took choice 1406/2: Dislodge some bats

Revision 20008
Now I'm wondering about that. The charpane indicated I spent 2 Drippy Juice in the Drippy House on the Prairie, but I actually had 15 turns in the Drippy Forest - the choice, and 14 fights.

Also notice that there is a "Leave" option on the initial entrance to the house, but dislodging the bats exited the choice by itself.


[1835] The Dripping Trees
Encounter: Drippy House on the Prairie
Took choice 1406/1: Explore the house
Encounter: Drippy House on the Prairie
You acquire Driplet (10)
Took choice 1406/9: Leave

[2223] The Dripping Trees
Encounter: drippy tree

[2224] The Dripping Trees
Encounter: drippy tree

[2225] The Dripping Trees
Encounter: drippy tree

[2226] The Dripping Trees
Encounter: drippy tree

[2227] The Dripping Trees
Encounter: drippy tree

[2228] The Dripping Trees
Encounter: drippy tree

[2229] The Dripping Trees
Encounter: Drippy House on the Prairie
Took choice 1406/1: Explore the house
Encounter: Drippy House on the Prairie
Took choice 1406/2: Dislodge some bats

[2230] The Dripping Trees
Encounter: drippy bat

[2231] The Dripping Trees
Encounter: drippy bat

[2232] The Dripping Trees
Encounter: drippy bat

[2233] The Dripping Trees
Encounter: drippy tree

[2234] The Dripping Trees
Encounter: drippy tree

[2235] The Dripping Trees
Encounter: drippy bat

[2236] The Dripping Trees
Encounter: drippy tree

[2237] The Dripping Trees
Encounter: drippy tree
I think I need a different way to count down Drippy Juice.
Revision 20011 counts down drippyJuice when you enter The Drippy Forest, rather than when you enter a fight or a choice.
That seems to be how KoL does it.
10444 drippy snail shell 876508657 drippyshell.gif none 0
# Item drippy snail shell
You acquire an item: drippy snail shell

Talking to Jeremy Science
Drip Institute Armory buy 50 drippy shield ROW1132
Unknown item found: drippy shield (10452, 727176523)
10452 drippy shield 727176523 drippyshield.gif offhand 0
drippy shield 0 none
# Item drippy shield: Moderate protection from damage in The Drip
Thanks. Revision 2009.

I'm not surprised that we unlok new things in the Armory; when you visit Jeremy Science and it says something like "He looks really busy. You should leave him alone unless you have something to show him." implied that we'd have things to show him, by and by.

The Coinmaster for the armory needs to only let you buy things that you've unlocked. We have the technology for that, but I need some tracking properties for that. The message from Jeremy Science when you bring him something new would do that. So would seeing the item in the Armory. The drippy shield is not tradeable. I wonder if it is a one-time purchase - like seasonal PVP rewards in a given season?
Revision 20012 adds some settings:

drippyBatsUnlocked - set to true when you dislodge bats in the Drippy House on the Prairie
drippyShieldUnlocked - set to true when you give Jeremy the snail shell or see the shield in the Armory.
Not sure what's really known about that.

I dislodged some bats and got 4 bats that day.
I dislodged some bats and got 4 bats that day.
I got 6 bats the next day.

A total of 14 bats so far with 2 dislodgings.

Veracity_20200417.txt:305:Encounter: drippy bat
Veracity_20200417.txt:338:Encounter: drippy bat
Veracity_20200417.txt:368:Encounter: drippy bat
Veracity_20200417.txt:453:Encounter: drippy bat
Veracity_20200418.txt:243:Encounter: drippy bat
Veracity_20200418.txt:306:Encounter: drippy bat
Veracity_20200418.txt:393:Encounter: drippy bat
Veracity_20200418.txt:551:Encounter: drippy bat
Veracity_20200419.txt:99:Encounter: drippy bat
Veracity_20200419.txt:158:Encounter: drippy bat
Veracity_20200419.txt:191:Encounter: drippy bat
Veracity_20200419.txt:225:Encounter: drippy bat
Veracity_20200419.txt:294:Encounter: drippy bat
Veracity_20200419.txt:381:Encounter: drippy bat
I dislodged yesterday and didn't today and only was able to fight the 5 yesterday. I was using macrometorite yesterday to swap bats in from trees and after defeating 5 I started getting tumbleweeds, I'm not really sure of the mechanic yet, I thought it was just 5 bats per choice but maybe not.
Last edited:
Ha ha. KoL puts "drippy" into the "ocrs" array for the monster.
In other words, it's a modifier you apply to base monster.
I wonder if we will see regular monsters who are "drippy" eventually?

superechidna Today at 3:30 PM
heh, using a bitspider to change the creature sprite still has them dripping everywhere

The Disembodied Hand cannot equip a drippy trunchen or a drippy stake.

Today I entered the Drippy House on the Prairie with a drippy stake as my weapon and a drippy truncheon as my off-hand.
I converted the truncheon into a stake and it ended up in inventory; my offhand was empty.
(You can't equip two stakes, so it was a waste, but I wanted to see how it worked. For Science!)
Tomorrow I will go in with just a truncheon in my Weapon and no stake. Will it convert it in place? Probably.
In any case, we have an inventory/equipment management issue with the workbench, at the moment.
I just bought a drippy shield. Unsurprisingly, this is a a one-time purchase. (After all, it says that it looks like they just put a handle on the snail shell and sold it back to you.)
You can visit the woodworking bench to convert drippy truncheons to drippy stakes even if they are in inventory. I had a stake equipped and a truncheon in inventory and visited the bench, got the "You use the tools to carve your truncheon into a sharp stake." message, and noted that mafia didn't account for the loss of the truncheon. Refreshing inventory let mafia see that I no longer had a truncheon.