I'm working on a Spacegate script. I'm naming it VeracitySpacegate because Ezandora already has a script named Spacegate. Mine will be better, but hers came first, so she has precedence for the simple name. 
My script will allow you specify a primary goal (and optionally a secondary goal). I'm thinking the following:
Space Pirate
Space Baby
(the above are multi-day quests. Where you are in the quest is determined by current items you own and/or current language proficiency. This is the same kind of thing I do in my GingerbreadCity script.)
Research (all rocks)
Anomalous Plants
Anomalous Animals
Trophy (hostile alien rare item - blowgun, loincloth, necklace, spear, totem)
Trade Item (food, booze, medicine, mask)
(Maybe Spants and Murderbots; personally, I don't see the point, but if you are farming the outfit, say, why not?)
You can specify the maximum difficulty you're prepared for - A-Z (or 0-25)
You can specify the minimum level of language proficience before proceeding in the skill quests
When you visit a planet with this script, it will record all the encounters and generate a "planet" record with all the things that the Spacegate terminal doesn't tell you: what kind of Spants or Murderbots, which Ancient Ruins are there, what trade item is available for how much, and so on. It will save this in SpacegatePlanetsMine.txt.
I don't have that script coded yet because it depends on a solid planet database - and that is what I am releasing here.
It may be useful to others, and I welcome comments and suggestions.
You get three scripts in "scripts"
SpacegateData.ash - the data structures
SpacegateExplorer - simple (for now) way to look at planets
SpacegateImport - imports the public spreadsheet into my required data format
You get four data files in "data"
Spacegate.tsv - the "tab separated values" from the public spreadsheet: exported, concatenated, headers and blank lines removed
SpacegatePlanetsPublic.txt - the result of "importing" Spacegate.txv into my "planet" data structure, indexed by coordinates
SpacegatePlanetsPublicCompact.txt - an experimental compact representation which puts the non-cosmetic data into a single 32-bit code
SpacegatePlanetsVeracity.txt - planets that I have personally visited over the last few weeks. Contains, for example, trophies.
Loading data goes like this:
Load SpacegatePlanetsPublic
Load SpacegatePlanetsVeracity - my validated planets supersede (frequently erroneous) planets from the Public data
Load SpacegatePlanetsMine - planets you have visited also override (possibly erroneous) Public planets - but not the built-in Veracity planets, which have trophies and such.
Here is what SpacegateExplorer does, at the moment:
Reminiscent of what the terminal tells you, but with additional annotations.
There is a large comment at the top of SpacegateData.ash which explains my reasoning about what (non-cosmetic) data distinguishes a planet. In brief, I posit that the first letter determines the difficulty but nothing about what is on the planet, and the other 6 letters provide about 28.5 bits of information which determines everything the terminal (and the annotations) displays. Things like which images are used for plants, animals, aliens, the planet name, the flavor text of suns, moons, clouds, et.c when you visit, and so on, are constant for a particular planet - and are obviously determined from the letters, and are also procedurally generated by selecting bits from the letters. It would be fun to figure that out, but it's not worth storing that info in the planet data structure, in my opinion.
I am sure that the encounter mix is randomized, with parameters. The spreadsheet saying "such-and-such a planet has maximum anomalous plants - 6" - is based on a sample of one visit; when I went there, there were 3, and correspondingly more of the other life forms. If you really want to "maximize" the number of a particular life type, you likely have to go to a planet which has no other kinds of life.
Comments and suggestions welcome.

My script will allow you specify a primary goal (and optionally a secondary goal). I'm thinking the following:
Space Pirate
Space Baby
(the above are multi-day quests. Where you are in the quest is determined by current items you own and/or current language proficiency. This is the same kind of thing I do in my GingerbreadCity script.)
Research (all rocks)
Anomalous Plants
Anomalous Animals
Trophy (hostile alien rare item - blowgun, loincloth, necklace, spear, totem)
Trade Item (food, booze, medicine, mask)
(Maybe Spants and Murderbots; personally, I don't see the point, but if you are farming the outfit, say, why not?)
You can specify the maximum difficulty you're prepared for - A-Z (or 0-25)
You can specify the minimum level of language proficience before proceeding in the skill quests
When you visit a planet with this script, it will record all the encounters and generate a "planet" record with all the things that the Spacegate terminal doesn't tell you: what kind of Spants or Murderbots, which Ancient Ruins are there, what trade item is available for how much, and so on. It will save this in SpacegatePlanetsMine.txt.
I don't have that script coded yet because it depends on a solid planet database - and that is what I am releasing here.
It may be useful to others, and I welcome comments and suggestions.
git checkout Veracity0/spacegate
You get three scripts in "scripts"
SpacegateData.ash - the data structures
SpacegateExplorer - simple (for now) way to look at planets
SpacegateImport - imports the public spreadsheet into my required data format
You get four data files in "data"
Spacegate.tsv - the "tab separated values" from the public spreadsheet: exported, concatenated, headers and blank lines removed
SpacegatePlanetsPublic.txt - the result of "importing" Spacegate.txv into my "planet" data structure, indexed by coordinates
SpacegatePlanetsPublicCompact.txt - an experimental compact representation which puts the non-cosmetic data into a single 32-bit code
SpacegatePlanetsVeracity.txt - planets that I have personally visited over the last few weeks. Contains, for example, trophies.
Loading data goes like this:
Load SpacegatePlanetsPublic
Load SpacegatePlanetsVeracity - my validated planets supersede (frequently erroneous) planets from the Public data
Load SpacegatePlanetsMine - planets you have visited also override (possibly erroneous) Public planets - but not the built-in Veracity planets, which have trophies and such.
Here is what SpacegateExplorer does, at the moment:
[color=green]> SpacegateExplorer ZDPZSCS[/color]
Planet Name: Sigma North VI (difficulty = 25)
Coordinates: ZDPZSCS
Environmental Hazards:
magnetic storms
high gravity
Elemental Hazards:
hot solar flares
frigid zones
nasty gases
Plant Life: primitive
Animal Life: none detected
Intelligent Life: detected (hostile) (primitive alien totem}
DANGER: Murderbot frequencies detected (drones and soldiers)
ALERT: ANCIENT RUINS DETECTED (Procrastinators 1: That's No Moonlith, it's a Monolith!)
There is a large comment at the top of SpacegateData.ash which explains my reasoning about what (non-cosmetic) data distinguishes a planet. In brief, I posit that the first letter determines the difficulty but nothing about what is on the planet, and the other 6 letters provide about 28.5 bits of information which determines everything the terminal (and the annotations) displays. Things like which images are used for plants, animals, aliens, the planet name, the flavor text of suns, moons, clouds, et.c when you visit, and so on, are constant for a particular planet - and are obviously determined from the letters, and are also procedurally generated by selecting bits from the letters. It would be fun to figure that out, but it's not worth storing that info in the planet data structure, in my opinion.
I am sure that the encounter mix is randomized, with parameters. The spreadsheet saying "such-and-such a planet has maximum anomalous plants - 6" - is based on a sample of one visit; when I went there, there were 3, and correspondingly more of the other life forms. If you really want to "maximize" the number of a particular life type, you likely have to go to a planet which has no other kinds of life.
Comments and suggestions welcome.