Tickle, then stasis till your item has been loogied and removed, then kill to end the fight and get your slimed up gear back. Should take only one turn to accomplish this... unless someone else is in your slime tube using up your tickle for themself. So yes, there is a chance you'll see the message if you simply 1-hit kill, but if you stasis... and can survive the process, you should be fine.
Leave it to me to screw this up...
I was trying to slime a second baneful bandolier. A clannie tickled the uvula for me and I entered battle with a slime wearing a rusty chain necklace. I used a dictionary for stasis until I saw the message that my item had been loogied and it was unequipped. Hoping to save a turn, I CLEESHed the slime and killed the resulting amphibian.
I was surprised that KoLmafia didn't show a bandolier as being creatable. No problem, it's probably just not aware the slime-covered necklace was added to inventory. -Refresh- Still nothing...
No problem, I'll just do it in the relay browser. Hmmm... No slime-covered necklace in the creation drop down. Search my inventory. Nothing.
OK, maybe CLEESH interfered because the game doesn't think I killed the slime. No problem, I'll try that again.
I no longer have a rusty chain necklace in my inventory anymore! It's gone.

No slime-covered necklace
or rusty chain necklace!
So I'm extremely bummed because I only had two Yossarian rewards that I could zap.
I've submitted a bug report and hopefully I'll get my necklace back, but whatever you do, don't CLEESH the slime that loogies your item!