New Content - Implemented September 2018 IotM - The Neverending Party

Malibu Stacey

Active member
Using it opens a new zone in the wrong side of the tracks (on the square to the left of the department of shadowy arts and crafts). Looks like there's a fair bit to spade.

Looking at item #9942...
Unknown item found: Neverending Party invitation envelope (9942, 412296986)
9942 Neverending Party invitation envelope 412296986 npartyinv.gif usable t 0
# Item Neverending Party invitation envelope

Unknown Adventure #528 = adventure.php?snarfblat=528

This was acquired from a non-combat.
2416 Tomes of Opportunity book4.gif 5fbe49340d363d6d76c84b69b32b55c4
Effect Tomes of Opportunity Experience Percent (Mysticality): +20

These dropped from "a jock"
Unknown item found: unremarkable duffel bag (9957, 164906791)
9957 unremarkable duffel bag 164906791 duffelbag2.gif usable t,d 30
# Item unremarkable duffel bag
Unknown item found: Purple Beast energy drink (9958, 522759471)
9958 Purple Beast energy drink 522759471 purplebeast.gif spleen, usable t,d 30
Purple Beast energy drink 3 1 crappy 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item Purple Beast energy drink
Unknown item found: cosmetic football (9959, 648525413)
9959 cosmetic football 648525413 football2.gif offhand t,d 60
cosmetic football 0 none
Item cosmetic football Muscle: +10

Using the duffel bag gave me 4 random booze (2* tomato daiquiri, lumbering jack, Supernova Champagne).

These dropped from "a burnout"
Unknown item found: denim jacket (9969, 439326125)
9969 denim jacket 439326125 punkjacket.gif shirt t,d 60
denim jacket 50 none
Item denim jacket Mysticality: +10, MP Regen Min: 4, MP Regen Max: 8
Unknown item found: ratty knitted cap (9970, 441589556)
9970 ratty knitted cap 441589556 dirtybeanie.gif hat t,d 60
ratty knitted cap 50 none
Item ratty knitted cap Sleaze Damage: +15, Sleaze Spell Damage: +15

These dropped from "a "plain" girl" (yes plain is in quotes in the monster name)
Unknown item found: electronics kit (9952, 391996195)
9952 electronics kit 391996195 electronicskit.gif none, combat t,d 30
# Item electronics kit: Shocks your opponent, weakening and briefly stunning them.Also restores 30-40 MP.
Unknown item found: PB&J with the crusts cut off (9953, 783390636)
9953 PB&J with the crusts cut off 783390636 pbjnocrust.gif food t,d 30
PB&J with the crusts cut off 2 1 good 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item PB&J with the crusts cut off
Unknown item found: dorky glasses (9954, 399015753)
9954 dorky glasses 399015753 dorkglasses.gif accessory t,d 60
dorky glasses 0 none
Item dorky glasses Moxie: -30, Mysticality: +30, Single Equip
Unknown item found: ponytail clip (9955, 255134168)
9955 ponytail clip 255134168 ponytailclip.gif accessory t,d 60
ponytail clip 0 none
Item ponytail clip Moxie: -30, Initiative: +30

These dropped from "a biker"
Unknown item found: gas can (9947, 259109785)
9947 gas can 259109785 gascan.gif none, combat t,d 30
# Item gas can
Unknown item found: Middle of the Road™ brand whiskey (9948, 561291924)
9948 Middle of the Road™ brand whiskey 561291924 middlewhiskey.gif drink t,d 30
Middle of the Road™ brand whiskey 2 1 good 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item Middle of the Road™ brand whiskey
Unknown item found: neverending wallet chain (9949, 822762744)
9949 neverending wallet chain 822762744 walletchain.gif accessory t,d 60
neverending wallet chain 0 none
# Item neverending wallet chain: +30% Meat Drops at the Neverending Party
Unknown item found: pentagram bandana (9950, 642156828)
9950 pentagram bandana 642156828 pentadana.gif hat t,d 60
pentagram bandana 50 none
Item pentagram bandana Mysticality: +15, Maximum MP: +15

These dropped from "party girl"

Unknown item found: runproof mascara (9962, 634650553)
9962 runproof mascara 634650553 mascara2.gif usable t,d 30
Item runproof mascara Effect: "Unrunnable Face", Effect Duration: 20
2420 Unrunnable Face mascara2.gif 717c38b91a319f392117b4b146cffd2b use 1 runproof mascara
Effect Unrunnable Face Moxie Percent: +50
Unknown item found: very small red dress (9963, 912594104)
9963 very small red dress 912594104 tinydress.gif none, combat t,d 30
# Item very small red dress: Angers enemies (making them harder but worth 50 additional substats)
Unknown item found: noticeable pumps (9964, 357274006)
9964 noticeable pumps 357274006 lovemepumps.gif accessory t,d 60
noticeable pumps 0 none
Item noticeable pumps Moxie: +10, Experience: +1, Single Equip
Unknown item found: surprisingly capacious handbag (9965, 698400231)
9965 surprisingly capacious handbag 698400231 npartyhandbag.gif offhand t,d 60
surprisingly capacious handbag 0 none
# Item surprisingly capacious handbag: +50% Item Drops at the Neverending Party

Also, encounters seem to be turn free like the Tunnel of L.O.V.E/Snojo.

11th encounter cost me a turn.
My 10 free encounters were 1 non-combat, 7 combats, 1 non-combat & 1 combat in that order (I had -5 encounter rate from having the protonic accelerator pack equipped). The second NC I got a bunch of myst stats from.

Apparently everyone else is getting 7 combats, 1 NC then 3 more combats. My first NC may have been influenced by Clara's bell.
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r18853 adds this.

Stuff I think we'll want:
Preference that we have it - updated from using item and seeing Party in town.
Add to free fights daily deed
Quest tracking - when quests have the missing text
Rare items - as there are gaps and this has become traditional (And maybe two unimplemented ones on burnout, by the item numbers)
Scaling data - Would have got that but didn't realise completing quest would lock me out.
Any other missing items - sweet party mix
Add new masks
Using r18853:

Encounter: Gone Kitchin'Took choice 1326/2: Check out the muscle spice
2417    Spiced Up    spice.gif    fd48c1ec282c87b017e49193e91144b5
Effect    Spiced Up    Experience Percent (Muscle): +20
You acquire an effect: Spiced Up (20)

Encounter: Forward to the BackTook choice 1327/2: Rub the candle wax under your arms
2418	Citronella Armpits	fatcandle.gif	2b257efe0c6b365afef1117850603017
Effect	Citronella Armpits	Monster Level: +30
You acquire an effect: Citronella Armpits (50)

Unknown item found: intimidating chainsaw (9972, 584621883)
9972 intimidating chainsaw 584621883 chainsaw.gif weapon q 0
intimidating chainsaw 100 Mus: 35 2-handed chainsaw
Item intimidating chainsaw Weapon Damage Percent: +100, Reduce Enemy Defense: 10, Lasts Until Rollover
edit: nevermind, i was using a mafia version from a few hours ago, but the latest version already fixed this issue

On an account without access to the party, in ronin, allowing pulls. item manager tells me
"beer bomb (1 quater, 7 possible, 0 current)"
trying to consume it silently fails but decreases the possible count. restarting mafia causes it to reset and show 7 possible again
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The beer bomb from the Neverending Party favor has been renamed to "party beer bomb".
Also the Neverending Party favor is now untradable.

Not sure if these need changes but thought I should mention them.
New effect and a rare drop from the jock:
2419	The Best Hair You've Ever Had	pompadour.gif	eb7f7c048c571f753caf076870be0da7
Effect	The Best Hair You've Ever Had	Experience Percent (Moxie): +20
9961	pump-up high-tops	740438811	hightops.gif	accessory	t	0
pump-up high-tops	0	Mox: 20
Item	pump-up high-tops	Moxie: +15, Initiative: +10, Single Equip

Unexpected plural of 'PB&J with the crusts cut off' found: PB&Js with the crusts cut off
Unexpected plural of 'Middle of the Road™ brand whiskey' found: bottles of Middle of the Road™ brand whiskey
Unexpected plural of 'noticeable pumps' found: pairs of noticeable pumps
Unexpected plural of 'runproof mascara' found: tubes of runproof mascara
Unexpected plural of 'very small red dress' found: very small red dresses
Unexpected plural of 'dorky glasses' found: pairs of dorky glasses

9975 party balloon 742059476 partyballoon.gif spleen, usable t,d 11 party balloons
party balloon 1 2 good 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
Item party balloon Effect: "Lifted Spirits", Effect Duration: 50
2421 Lifted Spirits partyballoon.gif 6b9a5c708de930de26abd253ef3bbea3 chew 1 party balloon
Effect Lifted Spirits Initiative: +25, Experience: +5
Unknown item found: party crasher (9983, 949262587)
9983 party crasher 949262587 partycrasher.gif offhand 0
party crasher 0 Mus: 20 shield
# Item party crasher: Lets you crash into your foes, stunning them
Item party crasher Initiative: +25, Spooky Resistance: +2, Stench Resistance: +2, Hot Resistance: +2, Cold Resistance: +2, Sleaze Resistance: +2, Damage Reduction: 9

Apparently it's the 5th reward from the party favour.
Unknown item found: party crasher (9983, 949262587)
9983 party crasher 949262587 partycrasher.gif offhand 0
party crasher 0 Mus: 20 shield
# Item party crasher: Lets you crash into your foes, stunning them
Item party crasher Initiative: +25, Spooky Resistance: +2, Stench Resistance: +2, Hot Resistance: +2, Cold Resistance: +2, Sleaze Resistance: +2, Damage Reduction: 9

Apparently it's the 5th reward from the party favour.

Can you run "checkpowers" in CLI, so it shows the power of the shield, it's pretty important for shields.

r18867 adds it, assuming 50 power (will correct if needed) and that it grants skill "Party Crash".
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Can you run "checkpowers" in CLI, so it shows the power of the shield, it's pretty important for shields.

r18867 adds it, assuming 50 power (will correct if needed) and that it grants skill "Party Crash".

I don't have one myself. I haven't been doing the daily quests yet. (#2078640) is the player who is wearing it. The item info in game says:

Type: off-hand item (shield)
Damage Reduction: 9
Muscle Required: 20
Cannot be traded or discarded
[COLOR="#0000FF"]Combat Initiative +25%
So-So Resistance to All Elements (+2)
Lets you crash into your foes, stunning them[/COLOR]
Some items that can be pickpocketed at the Never-ending Party:
  • “plain” girl
    • electronics kit
    • dorky glasses
    • ponytail clip
  • party girl
    • surprisingly capacious handbag
    • runproof mascara
  • jock
    • shoe ad T-shirt
    • unremarkable duffel bag
    • Purple Beast energy drink
  • biker
    • neverending wallet chain
    • gas can
    • pentagram bandana
    • Middle of the Road™ brand whiskey
  • burnout
    • denim jacket
    • van key
    • jam band bootleg
It will be all of them except the rares I’m betting - in fact, I'm not even betting, I've seen the rest.

More interestingly, my pickpockets (at +20%) have never failed, even when the drop rates drop off. And be really careful spading drop rates here, as they drop off. It is (probably) safe to spade first 9 fights a day.
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All the items you mentioned are tradable.
So, KoLmafia assumes you can pickpocket them, and no special annotation is needed to indicate such.
Why are you sharing this? What am I missing?
During the party fair quest (that is the name that appears in your quest log), there are 5 different versions of that quest. 1 requires you to deliver 10 food to the kitchen, the other requires you to deliver 10 booze to the backyard. Inventory does not correctly update the loss of the items when turning in the quest

Mafia output when I picked up the quest on first visit to the party
[2] The Neverending Party
Encounter: [Neverending Party intro]
Took choice 1322/1: "Sure, I'll help"

mafia output when I learned what 10 items i need to turn it
[2] The Neverending Party
Encounter: It Hasn't Ended, It's Just Paused
Took choice 1324/3: Go to the back yard
Encounter: Forward to the Back
Took choice 1327/3: Find Gerald

Mafia output when I finished the quest by giving 10 elemental caipiroska to gerald
[231] The Neverending Party
Encounter: It Hasn't Ended, It's Just Paused
Took choice 1324/3: Go to the back yard
Encounter: Forward to the Back
Took choice 1327/4: Give Gerald the booze
You acquire an item: Neverending Party favor
inventory became desynced. Thinking I still had 12 of them when in fact I only had 2.
Yeah, we have no quest tracking for that yet. It's hard to add with so much missing text. Maybe I'll find a way.