Selecting Weapon Type in the Modifier Maximizer


New member
Would it be possible to allow a weapon-type selection in the modifier maximizer, similar to the one in the gear changer?

For example, when attempting to max item drops in early aftercore, it will suggest the bounty-hunting rifle as a muscle or myst class, which may not be ideal if you're not spell-slinging, for example.

it'd be great if there was a way to force it to select a melee weapon, or even a 1-handed weapon, so you could maybe select a less than optimal piece of gear for +items, but it would allow you to survive better.
It has had this ability for as long as it's been able to recommend weapons at all: +melee or -melee. They're slightly broken at the moment, in that they merely prevent you from using the opposite type of weapon rather than forcing the indicated type, but that will be fixed soon.
As well, you can do 1 hand or 2 hand for if you're sure that you want something specific. Or, +melee, +shield if you know that you need to protect yourself using hero...
Ah, thanks! I guess I vaguely knew you could mess with the text in the modifier dropdown, but didn't realize what I could all do there. This helps.
Ah, thanks! I guess I vaguely knew you could mess with the text in the modifier dropdown, but didn't realize what I could all do there. This helps.

Personally, I find the help window on the maximizer difficult to read, and it stays on top which means I have to open and close it over and over if I want to refer to it while I build a maximizer command.

But then I found this page, which is very handy.