Just to clarify, your iconic topmenu only works if KoL is set to use the link style menu? What it really does is to change KoL's link menu into a custom iconic menu of your design?
"repo": "https://svn.code.sf.net/p/ckbiconmenu/code/",
"author": "ckb",
"name": "ckb's Iconic topmenu",
"forumThread": "http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?16445-ckb-s-Iconic-topmenu",
"shortDesc": "Alternate topmenu relay overide, with fun icons!",
"category": "relay",
"longDesc": "Changes KoL's link style top menu into something similar to KoL's iconic top menu, but an original creation.<p>Icons are smaller than KoLs menu, and so this is more compact, and it does not have the large description popup (alt text only), and I added some color highlighting to more easily find what you want. The basic structure is utility on line 1, locations on line 2."
"repo": "https://svn.code.sf.net/p/eodscascension/code-0/",
"author": "Eliteofdelete",
"name": "EoD Softcore Ascension Script",
"forumThread": "http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?14814-EoD-Softcore-Ascension-Script",
"shortDesc": "Does 100% automatic softcore ascension runs",
"category": "adventure",
"longDesc": "This script automatically does softcore ascension runs with moxie classes. <b>Features include:</b> <ol><li>Ascends Moxie characters in 4-5 days.</li><li>Requires no skills permed.</li><li>Handles all pulls using ~100k meat.</li><li>Very customizable if desired.</li><li>Reports how many adventures were spent doing quest related things and saves the info.</ol> More classes may be officially supported in the future."
"repo": "https://svn.code.sf.net/p/eodascensionchecklist/code/",
"author": "Eliteofdelete",
"name": "Ascension Checklist Handler",
"forumThread": "http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?17230-EoD-SC-Ascension-Checklist-Handler",
"shortDesc": "Helps with daily pulls",
"category": "information",
"longDesc": "This stores all your ascension relevant items into an easy to view relay script, based on on a variety of factors such as path, class and astral items. It helps you build a pull lists based on the factors that matter to you. It will even alert you to type69 status if your path is current. Finally, it will help you to buy and pull items in run based on your decisions."
"repo": "https://svn.code.sf.net/p/relaywtf/code/inventorywtf/",
"author": "ckb",
"name": "Inventory WTF",
"forumThread": "http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?15696-WTF-Relay-script-collection",
"shortDesc": "Display information about the items in your inventory",
"category": "relay",
"longDesc": "Updates your inventory page with WTF-style descriptions for items and effects. This is a modified version of rlbond86's Enhanced Inventory Spoilers, which is a modified version on my original Inventory SPOILERZ relay override script. It will display information about the items in your inventory below their name. This script uses the same basic WTF code as the others, so you get standardized colors and fonts and look and feel."
Great news! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TortoiseGitI'm not familiar with git and I like Tortoise