In set_choice_adventures() choice 182 is always set to get the airship, which is good because it makes the castle faster. Down below in the if/else path specific zone, we have this:Fantasy Airship: Get the model airship
choiceAdventure182 => 4
Fantasy Airship, Lack of an Encounter: Fight MechaMech for metallic A if you turn up the ML
choiceAdventure182 => 1
if(have_skill($skill[Torso Awaregness]) && have_skill($skill[Armorcraftiness]) || have_skill($skill[Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance]))
set_choice(182, 1, "Fantasy Airship, Lack of an Encounter: Fight MechaMech for metallic A if you turn up the ML");
set_choice(182, 3, "Fantasy Airship, Lack of an Encounter: Get Stats");
Presumptuous to tell me what you think would make the script better? Nope! Thanks for pointing that out. The feature request will be granted as soon as I have a chance.
Wouldn't everyone need to use their head before the other choices become meaningful? Is there a different path?
[size=+1]newLife 1.14.4[/size]
- Normally, this script will not call for the Guy Made of Bees in the Haunted Bathroom. If you like to set up the guy made of bees use the CLI command (capitalization counts, so use copy/paste):
zlib newLife_SetupGuyMadeOfBees = true
- newLife will chose to get meat in the Bedroom instead of fighting bedstands. If you think you can defeat the bedstands use the CLI command (use copy/paste):
zlib newLife_FightBedstands = true
- If you want the script to smash your hippy stone (it is best to break it before your first rollover) use the CLI command (use copy/paste):
zlib newLife_SmashHippyStone = true
- There is an option to have the script sell off pork gets to ensure you acquire a detuned radio, seal tooth and stolen accordion. If you do want this, then use the CLI command (use copy/paste):
zlib newLife_SellPorkForStuff = true
Enjoy the script.
Nope, won't change it if you've ever run the script before. If you've never run the script, that will indeed do it for you. One obvious thing is that you're doing newLife. instead of newLife_, but... there may be more bits as well.In general, you'll get better luck posting the output rather than your interpretation of the error message.
// NOTE: after running this script, changing these variables here in the script will have no
// effect. You can view ("zlib vars") or edit ("zlib <settingname> = <value>") values in the CLI.