Scripting the birth of a new life.

So this always chooses choice 1 for Mr. Alarm.
Can this be randomized? I mean, all of them do the same thing.
So this always chooses choice 1 for Mr. Alarm.

This doesn't choose anything for Mr. Alarm. That's the KoLmafia default and you are welcome to change it yourself without fear that this script will mess with your preference.
For some reason, this script isn't pulling Boris's helm in HC Boris. At least, when I ascended I had to go to Hangk's and manually pull it myself.
It doesn't pull anything in hardcore ever. It cannot. If you don't have your Boris' Helm as the Avatar of Boris, then that is a KoL bug because KoL has always pulled that item in the past. At least that is what I remember. That's why I never added such a feature.
Boris was the first avatar path with a path-specific IOTM. The item description says:

Free pull from Hagnk's (for Avatar of Boris only)
This item cannot be equipped while in Hardcore. (Except in Avatar of Boris)

Later avatar-path-specific IOTMs were auto-pulled for you when you ascended, but not this one.
Yeah, you're misremembering that one Bale. My post-ascension script pulls boris's helm if I'm boris (I probably never will be again, but that's irrelevant).
Huh. My bad. Then I'll have to fix that. Thanks for pointing out the strange fluke.

I'm not going to be on a dev enviroment until Saturday. (Right now I'm at the happiest place on Earth so it can wait.)
I have a bug to report: newLife.ash is GREAT when it works. When ascending into Bad Moon, though, is where things got wonky. newLife.ash assumed I have free smashes thanks to the Barrel God IOTM, but Bad Moon renders all that moot... and I got beaten up because of it. D:
No barrel god in bad moon. Got it. I'll update that now.

Edit: Committed the fix.
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I'm chaining Jarlsbergian runs right now, and it doesn't seem to be able to push through the opening noncombat. I find myself clicking through that, and then invoking newlife.ash from the GCLI.

Dunno if this is a mafia thing or a newlife.ash thing, but I thought I'd mention it.
It isn't supposed to push through that noncombat. It is supposed to be called by KoLmafia AFTER you click through that. (That is how it works for other paths with an introductory noncombat and I'm pretty darn sure it once worked for Jarlsberg also so something may have changed.) If needs to be invoked manually afterwards instead of being called by KoLmafia at the correct time, then that is a KoLmafia issue. Please report. Though it would be an awkard report if you don't have the html to report with.
No way I know to make mafia ignore any choice adventure if you are playing in the relay browser. If you have a script ascending through Valhalla for you, then set choiceAdventure### = 1 to make it skip.