First I gave ASH all the info about candies.
Then I gave it access to the internal methods that the GUI frame uses to display its candy lists.
Then I gave it access to the internal methods I wrote today to pick a pair of candies.
Finally, I gave you a function to use if/when you decide that you trust those algorithms.
You might be amused by the Java code for the two algorithms.
This is the one that picks a pair of candies, favoring the most numerous in inventory:
This is the one that favors the cheapest total mall price for the two candies:
I say you might be amused because you could just about translate those directly in to ASH, since I exposed the same internal Candy functions to ASH.
is essentially
is essentially
First I gave ASH all the info about candies.
Then I gave it access to the internal methods that the GUI frame uses to display its candy lists.
Then I gave it access to the internal methods I wrote today to pick a pair of candies.
Finally, I gave you a function to use if/when you decide that you trust those algorithms.

You might be amused by the Java code for the two algorithms.
This is the one that picks a pair of candies, favoring the most numerous in inventory:
private static Candy[] synthesisPairByCount( final int effectId, final int flags )
int tier = CandyDatabase.getEffectTier( effectId );
List<Candy> candy1List = CandyDatabase.itemIdSetToCandyList( CandyDatabase.candyForTier( tier, flags ) );
Collections.sort( candy1List, INVERSE_COUNT_COMPARATOR );
for ( Candy candy : candy1List )
if ( candy.getCount() == 0 )
// Ran out of available candies
return NO_PAIR;
int itemId = candy.getItemId();
List<Candy> candy2List = CandyDatabase.itemIdSetToCandyList( CandyDatabase.sweetSynthesisPairing( effectId, itemId, flags ) );
Collections.sort( candy2List, INVERSE_COUNT_COMPARATOR );
for ( Candy pairing : candy2List )
int count = pairing.getCount();
if ( count == 0 )
// Nothing left in this list. Select a new candy1
if ( candy.equals( pairing ) && count == 1 )
// Pairs with itself but only have one.
Candy[] result = new Candy[2];
result[0] = candy;
result[1] = pairing;
return result;
return NO_PAIR;
private static Candy[] synthesisPairByCost( final int effectId, final int flags )
int tier = CandyDatabase.getEffectTier( effectId );
int bestCost = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Candy candy1 = null;
Candy candy2 = null;
List<Candy> candy1List = CandyDatabase.itemIdSetToCandyList( CandyDatabase.candyForTier( tier, flags ) );
Collections.sort( candy1List, MALL_PRICE_COMPARATOR );
for ( Candy candy : candy1List )
int cost1 = candy.getCost();
if ( cost1 > bestCost )
int itemId = candy.getItemId();
List<Candy> candy2List = CandyDatabase.itemIdSetToCandyList( CandyDatabase.sweetSynthesisPairing( effectId, itemId, flags ) );
Collections.sort( candy2List, MALL_PRICE_COMPARATOR );
for ( Candy pairing : candy2List )
int cost2 = pairing.getCost();
int currentCost = cost1 + cost2;
if ( currentCost >= bestCost )
candy1 = candy;
candy2 = pairing;
bestCost = currentCost;
if ( candy1 == null || candy2 == null )
return NO_PAIR;
Candy[] result = new Candy[2];
result[0] = candy1;
result[1] = candy2;
return result;
List<Candy> candy1List = CandyDatabase.itemIdSetToCandyList( CandyDatabase.candyForTier( tier, flags ) );
Collections.sort( candy1List, INVERSE_COUNT_COMPARATOR );
is essentially
item [int] list = candy_for_tier( tier, flag );
sort list by -available_amount( value );
List<Candy> candy2List = CandyDatabase.itemIdSetToCandyList( CandyDatabase.sweetSynthesisPairing( effectId, itemId, flags ) );
Collections.sort( candy2List, INVERSE_COUNT_COMPARATOR );
item[ int] list = sweet_synthesis_pairing( effect, item, flags );
sort list by -available_amount( value );