Active member
That's odd. It does this for me:
Huh, that looks useful. I wonder why it doesn't show up for me.
I'm running FF 23.0 on Windows XP.
That's odd. It does this for me:
1469- [COLOR="#FF0000"]write("<tr><td><center><div id=\"DreadTotsTable\" style=\"display:inline;\"><table class=\"tableD TST\"><tr><th class=\"TSI\">Players</th>");[/COLOR]
1469+ [COLOR="#008000"]write("<tr><td><center><div id=\"DreadTotsTable2\" style=\"display:none;\"><table class=\"tableD TST\"><tr><th class=\"TSI\">Players</th>");[/COLOR]
1490- [COLOR="#FF0000"]write("<div id=\"DreadTotsTable2\" style=\"display:none;\"><table class=\"tableD TST\"><tr class=\"RowD\">");[/COLOR]
1490+ [COLOR="#008000"]write("<div id=\"DreadTotsTable\" style=\"display:inline;\"><table class=\"tableD TST\"><tr class=\"RowD\">");[/COLOR]
As I work on the options page I'm actually going to make that an option
Eau de mort seems to be unlimited per instance.
I'm 100% sure that sorttable.js is in relay folder by default! (I just checked KoLmafia's jar and found it in the /relay directory there!)
Please remove it from the script. Just use the version that was already there. (I got an overwrite notice when I updated so...)
I suppose it is pretty enough, but it has unnecessary information about unlimited events. Who cares how many people made ghost shawls? I prefer the more compact information from the item table in this script.
Seeing what banishings have been done in an area was requested a lot as well to help speed up dungeon "setup" time.
It would hurt something. It opens up the possibility of your script causing conflicts with KoLmafia. What if KoLmafia wants to update that to a new version? Unlikely, but possible. And what if someone deletes the script, do you want them to delete part of KoLmafia?
Actually, this makes me think roippi needs to fix it so that it cannot happen.
Actually, this makes me think roippi needs to fix it so that it cannot happen.