raidlog override a la Dr. Evi1

By the way, I'm finding I love this table:


I modified the code to make that the default for my totals table.

If anyone else also wants to make that standard, modify the version of clan_raidlog.ash in the /svn directory. Lines 1469 and 1490. Switch DreadTotsTable2 with DreadTotsTable and display:none with display:inline

1469- [COLOR="#FF0000"]write("<tr><td><center><div id=\"DreadTotsTable\" style=\"display:inline;\"><table class=\"tableD TST\"><tr><th class=\"TSI\">Players</th>");[/COLOR]
1469+ [COLOR="#008000"]write("<tr><td><center><div id=\"DreadTotsTable2\" style=\"display:none;\"><table class=\"tableD TST\"><tr><th class=\"TSI\">Players</th>");[/COLOR]

1490- [COLOR="#FF0000"]write("<div id=\"DreadTotsTable2\" style=\"display:none;\"><table class=\"tableD TST\"><tr class=\"RowD\">");[/COLOR]
1490+ [COLOR="#008000"]write("<div id=\"DreadTotsTable\" style=\"display:inline;\"><table class=\"tableD TST\"><tr class=\"RowD\">");[/COLOR]

Then in the CLI type svn sync
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As I work on the options page I'm actually going to make that an option, so if you guys are scared of editing code, it'll be out soon as a feature.

Also, like with the Hobopolis "count to totals" I'm wondering if there are any things we may want to do with Dread in the same vain. I'll have Defeats as an option, but so far that's it.
Okay, the script should now remember the last tab you were on and load that by default when it can, otherwise falling on some dungeon with data.
Options tab has been wiped, and now each dungeon's options are displayed between tables and raw logs.
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Forgot who asked, but I made the tables sortable. Getting those nth-child()s to be even for some tables and odd for others took a bit of googling. I like the solution I came up with ;)

I noticed sorttable.js was already in my relay folder, but I wasn't sure if that was some script's addition, or if mafia includes it by default. If the latter, I'll gladly remove it from the repo.
I'm 100% sure that sorttable.js is in relay folder by default! (I just checked KoLmafia's jar and found it in the /relay directory there!)

Please remove it from the script. Just use the version that was already there. (I got an overwrite notice when I updated so...)
I'm 100% sure that sorttable.js is in relay folder by default! (I just checked KoLmafia's jar and found it in the /relay directory there!)

Please remove it from the script. Just use the version that was already there. (I got an overwrite notice when I updated so...)

Removed. Though it wouldn't have hurt anything in the meantime, as the file I had put in the repo is the file from the mafia relay folder.
It would hurt something. It opens up the possibility of your script causing conflicts with KoLmafia. What if KoLmafia wants to update that to a new version? Unlikely, but possible. And what if someone deletes the script, do you want them to delete part of KoLmafia?

Actually, this makes me think roippi needs to fix it so that it cannot happen.
Was hoping for a bit more feedback from fellow coders :) So I make it easy for you, aside from the standard log parsing on the clan_raidlogs page with the breakdowns per character, I put this on the main dread page. It's dynamically driven and gives most of the information at a glance about the instance. Was wondering what critiques you guys have and so forth. I have tested it and it plays nice with your script as well, though obviously it repeats information on the logs page, though I am trying to get away from that page as being the main page a bit.

I suppose it is pretty enough, but it has unnecessary information about unlimited events. Who cares how many people made ghost shawls? I prefer the more compact information from the item table in this script.
I suppose it is pretty enough, but it has unnecessary information about unlimited events. Who cares how many people made ghost shawls? I prefer the more compact information from the item table in this script.

Its intention is more for showing available item gains possible from the dungeon and what their area / requirement is. I suppose to a seasoned veteran like yourself, such information is extraneous, but to many it has been helpful in either remembering or tracking. Seeing what banishings have been done in an area was requested a lot as well to help speed up dungeon "setup" time. I approached this version of my script with the thought that showing the current status of the zone and showing what noncombats you have engaged in as paramount for what my code should do to present meaningful data. The table is 1) On the main dread page not in the logs, which to me makes sense from a contextual view 2) Shows adventure requirements at a glance by hovering over the cells (again I realize this does not apply to kol experts) 3) The columns for each NC area make a lot of sense to me as that is the 1-time / restrictive aspect of this dungeon.

But point taken, I shouldn't be in a mafia script forum asking for input :P Just sort of figured getting and giving input from other coders would be valuable. I've talked with a lot of the community and tried to implement everything that has been asked for, and I figured passing off some of that and gathering another perspective would be beneficial. If you actually try it out and have any more feedback let me know.

I suppose I could work on a compact mode option for the table that would remove all of the "pretty" fluff in my options section. I

Thanks for the input.
Seeing what banishings have been done in an area was requested a lot as well to help speed up dungeon "setup" time.

Seeing what has been banished is important to everyone. Making ghost shawls is different since every player in the kingdom can make one in a single instance, theoretically.
It would hurt something. It opens up the possibility of your script causing conflicts with KoLmafia. What if KoLmafia wants to update that to a new version? Unlikely, but possible. And what if someone deletes the script, do you want them to delete part of KoLmafia?

Actually, this makes me think roippi needs to fix it so that it cannot happen.

Meh, if it were updated and mafia wanted it updated, so would I. And were the user to delete my script, the file would get added back the next time they started mafia. Not terribly worrisome. Besides, what parts of mafia use it? Ascension log comes to mind, and that's about it.
Feature Request:

Can we add a line in the totals to indicate if a skill capacitor has been used or not, as it's once per instance ?

If "X fixed the machine" appears, skill capacitor has been used.

(Coincidentally, just got a team organised to help me get a skill, then found it'd already been used today in this instance!)
Note that "X fixed the machine" will be overridden by "Freddies" or "blood kiwitini" or anything else in the castle, if the character did something after using the machine. So, yes - some other mechanism for the machine being fixed.

I don't believe the log shows when somebody has gotten a skill, so there isn't currently a way to know if the machine is available any more, even if it's been fixed. Perhaps we could suggest that they add "X learned a skill in The Machine (0 turns)" to the log or something.