Bug - Fixed r9981 fails to launch main interface, quitting after refreshing session instead

ok...I have found a 'work-around'

If you open your prefs before you log on, and leave it open until you are all the way logged in, it appears to work. (every time that I've done it, 10+ times so far)

without the Prefs open, Java closes after it does the main loading.
If you open your prefs before you log on, and leave it open until you are all the way logged in, it appears to work.
That's another interesting puzzle piece. I really hope Hola will be able to make something of this, because I'm completely lost.
Thanks for the workaround, Donavin69. It worked for me. Oh, and I've got build 9982, Java version on OS X 10.7.2.
ok...I have found a 'work-around'

If you open your prefs before you log on, and leave it open until you are all the way logged in, it appears to work. (every time that I've done it, 10+ times so far)

without the Prefs open, Java closes after it does the main loading.
Many thanks, this works for me as well :)

Based on my (limited) understanding of the changes in r9979, I think there's a race condition. It looks like the code that makes the main window visible is firing off after whatever causes mafia to quit when no windows are visible.
Just adding my stuff: the preferences workaround works for me. Version 9977 is the only version I can launch without an issue, and it worked fine for me last night. I am running Windows 7 x64 and Java 6b29, as I thought Java 7 didn't work yet.
I can log on with r9984 without any problem, even when my "Startup as window" list is empty. I'm not running Java 7, but I have a clanny who can't log in, and who isn't using Java 7 either.

I'll re-open this since there must be something else going on.

EDIT: it works for her if she has something in "Startup as window".
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Hmm... for curiosity's sake, does she run breakfast? I'd guess you do... 9984 works for me, I run breakfast. Just trying to think about what things are 'traditionally' a part of logging in that not everyone does.
My guess is still that you need to change something in the "window"-section of the preferences and that thus something is odd with a preference not being set as it should until you change it.
Hola already changed
if ( GenericFrame.existingFrameCount == 0  )
	System.exit( 0 );
if ( GenericFrame.existingFrameCount == 0 && !LoginRequest.isInstanceRunning() && GenericRequest.passwordHash.length() == 0 )
	System.exit( 0 );
so having another window at startup isn't the only condition to prevent Mafia from exiting prematurely anymore.

My multi can log in with r9984 whether he has something in "Startup as Window" or not, and I checked that the "initialFrames" preference is empty

He also logs in successfully whether the breakfast and/or the auto login checkboxes are checked or not.
She logged off now, but I tested removing everything from initialDesktop (to reset to the default AdventureFrame,CommandDisplayFrame,MallSearchFrame,GearChangeFrame,SkillBuffFrame), and I could login.

Is there any particular tab you are suspecting?
I would be surprised if that is the issue. I started mafia with only the chat window (with an empty initialDesktop preference, to avoid running KoLDesktop.displayDesktop() ), and could log on successfully.
Even r9991 hasn't fully solved this issue for me. Now, KoLmafia doesn't quit like it used to... but it never shows the main window either, unless some other window is already open, like Preferences, during the login process.