One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion


Well-known member
The highest verbosity setting is 2147483647. But none go that high -- 10 would be roughly functionally equivalent.


I tried looking through this thread for an update on my issue, but couldn't find anything, so here goes. I'm sorry before hand if this has been answered.

Since the Turtle Totem was made into a weapon, my version of OCW won't properly get the molybdenum items. I tried searching the script, but couldn't find anything that pointed to the use of the totem. I'm sure this is an easy fix. If you could point me in the right direction to correct this, I would appreciate it, because I love this script! I haven't done the quest manually since I discovered it!!



Active member
It's not an issue with Wossname, but with Smart Stasis. Delete the line in it about the Turtle Totem and all should work again.


Active member
Discovered something interesting about the Wossname quest yesterday, and verified it today... Cast cleesh on a battlefield enemy, and they always count as 1 kill, regardless of quests completed. This can screw up your count, if you do something like auto-cleesh NSNs, or fix your count, if you notice it before the end of the series and you need to tweak your numbers.


Active member
I think this is a mafia bug as wossname seems to depend on the internal properties "hippiesDefeated" and "fratboysDefeated".


Active member
No... I mean that KoL itself considers it to be one enemy. It's not a bug, it's a feature that killing the squashables allows for fixing up your numbers, if lag screwed up your kills.


Active member
Hmmm... That would seem a bit of a bug then, because killing a CLEESHed Battlefield enemy should count as zero kills. How does mafia tally up defeats on the Battlefield? Checks your location and then whether you win or lose?

Come to think of it, is there any special handling for CLEESH in mafia?


Staff member
Here is what the Wiki says:

Trying to CLEESH either hippies or frat orcs will change the opponent into a amphibian as normal. However, said amphibian will not count toward hippies or frat orcs killed. A player dressed in Frat Warrior Fatigues who has killed 63 hippies, then CLEESHes and kills another hippy, will still not have access to The Organic Orchard, etc.

That directly contradicts what Theraze reports.

Who is correct? Theraze, or the Wiki (and KoLmafia)?


Active member
Hey, I get a babysitting character in the war right now! I can easily check. BRB!

edit: >.< Nevermind, I forgot I had just finished the war with him yesterday.
re-edit: I've got another on the rise, so I should be able to help before too long. And I misunderstood what Theraze said. Thought he was saying it was a wossname bug. My bad.
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Active member
Depends on if the mafia relay handling is what's telling me how many kills I have, or if that's coming from KoL itself. If that's mafia, then it's likely that the Cleeshed mobs are a mafia bug. If it's KoL itself, then the wiki is probably out of date. :) Part of my session logs from today:
[2733] Battlefield (Hippy Uniform)
> You have a current version of First Things First.
> Checking for updates (running SmartStasis ver. 2.6)...
> You have a current version of SmartStasis.
Encounter: Sorority Nurse
Round 0: Theraze wins initiative!
Round 1: Theraze attacks!
Round 2: sorority nurse takes 109 damage.
Round 2: Theraze attacks!
Round 3: sorority nurse takes 99 damage.
You gain 18 Fortitude
You gain 12 Mysteriousness
You gain a Mysticality point!
You gain 17 Cheek
8 frat boys defeated; 544 down, 456 left.
[2734] Battlefield (Hippy Uniform)
Encounter: Beer Bongadier
Round 0: Theraze wins initiative!
Round 1: Theraze casts CLEESH!
Round 2: Theraze attacks!
Round 3: beer bongadier takes 252 damage.
You gain 7 Meat
You acquire an item: squashed frog
You gain 1 Strengthliness
You gain 2 Mysteriousness
1 frat boy defeated; 545 down, 455 left.
[2735] Battlefield (Hippy Uniform)
Encounter: War Frat Wartender
Round 0: Theraze loses initiative!
You lose 17 hit points
Round 1: Theraze casts CLEESH!
Round 2: Theraze attacks!
Round 3: war frat wartender takes 260 damage.
You gain 7 Meat
You acquire an item: salamander spleen
You gain 1 Strengthliness
You gain 2 Smarm
1 frat boy defeated; 546 down, 454 left.
[2736] Battlefield (Hippy Uniform)
Encounter: War Frat 110th Infantryman
Round 0: Theraze wins initiative!
Round 1: Theraze casts CLEESH!
Round 2: Theraze attacks!
Round 3: war frat 110th infantryman takes 255 damage.
You gain 7 Meat
You acquire an item: salamander spleen
You gain 1 Strengthliness
You gain 1 Wizardliness
You gain 1 Sarcasm
1 frat boy defeated; 547 down, 453 left.
[2737] Battlefield (Hippy Uniform)
Encounter: War Frat Elite 500th Captain
Round 0: Theraze wins initiative!
Round 1: Theraze casts CLEESH!
Round 2: Theraze attacks!
Round 3: war frat elite 500th captain takes 250 damage.
You gain 8 Meat
You acquire an item: squashed frog
You gain 1 Strengthliness
You gain 2 Smarm
1 frat boy defeated; 548 down, 452 left.
[2738] Battlefield (Hippy Uniform)
Encounter: War Frat 500th Infantrygentleman
Round 0: Theraze loses initiative!
Round 1: Theraze casts CLEESH!
Round 2: Theraze attacks!
Round 3: war frat 500th infantrygentleman takes 246 damage.
Round 3: Grot sucks some blood out of your opponent and injects it into you.
Round 3: war frat 500th infantrygentleman takes 11 damage.
You gain 11 hit points
You gain 7 Meat
You acquire an item: eye of newt
You gain 1 Beefiness
You gain 1 Enchantedness
You gain 1 Cheek
1 frat boy defeated; 549 down, 451 left.
[2739] Battlefield (Hippy Uniform)
Encounter: Sorority Operator
Round 0: Theraze loses initiative!
Round 1: Theraze casts CLEESH!
Round 2: Theraze attacks!
Round 3: sorority operator takes 249 damage.
Round 3: Grot sucks some blood out of your opponent and injects it into you.
Round 3: sorority operator takes 8 damage.
You gain 8 hit points
You gain 8 Meat
You acquire an item: salamander spleen
You gain 3 Mysteriousness
1 frat boy defeated; 550 down, 450 left.
[2740] Battlefield (Hippy Uniform)
Encounter: War Frat 500th Infantrygentleman
Round 0: Theraze wins initiative!
Round 1: Theraze casts CLEESH!
Round 2: Theraze attacks!
Round 3: war frat 500th infantrygentleman takes 249 damage.
You gain 8 Meat
You acquire an item: salamander spleen
You gain 1 Strengthliness
You gain 2 Mysteriousness
1 frat boy defeated; 551 down, 449 left.
[2741] Battlefield (Hippy Uniform)
Encounter: War Frat Wartender
Round 0: Theraze loses initiative!
You lose 20 hit points
Round 1: Theraze uses the facsimile dictionary!
You lose 22 hit points
Round 2: Theraze uses the facsimile dictionary!
You lose 21 hit points
Round 3: Theraze uses the facsimile dictionary!
Round 4: Grot sucks some blood out of your opponent and injects it into you.
Round 4: war frat wartender takes 1 damage.
You gain 1 hit point
You lose 20 hit points
Round 4: Theraze uses the facsimile dictionary!
Round 5: Grot sucks some blood out of your opponent and injects it into you.
Round 5: war frat wartender takes 3 damage.
You gain 3 hit points
You lose 20 hit points
Round 5: Theraze uses the facsimile dictionary!
Round 6: Theraze uses the facsimile dictionary!
You lose 19 hit points
Round 7: Theraze uses the facsimile dictionary!
You lose 20 hit points
Round 8: Theraze uses the facsimile dictionary!
You lose 22 hit points
Round 9: Theraze uses the facsimile dictionary!
You lose 20 hit points
Round 10: Theraze uses the facsimile dictionary!
Round 11: Theraze executes a macro!
Round 11: Theraze attacks!
Round 12: war frat wartender takes 92 damage.
You lose 18 hit points
Round 12: Theraze attacks!
Round 13: war frat wartender takes 80 damage.
Round 13: Grot sucks some blood out of your opponent and injects it into you.
Round 13: war frat wartender takes 3 damage.
You gain 3 hit points
You lose 20 hit points
Round 13: Theraze attacks!
Round 14: war frat wartender takes 87 damage.
You gain 20 Strengthliness
You gain 16 Magicalness
You gain 15 Smarm
8 frat boys defeated; 559 down, 441 left.


Staff member
How strange. KoLmafia increments the frat and hippy kills based on the message it finds in the WINWINWIN response from fight.php, but only for monsters that appear on the Battlefield. CLEESHED monsters do not appear in combats.txt as Battlefield monsters..

I'd be interested in seeing the HTML from a win against a CLEESHed monster in the Battlefield. In all of my testing, the "win" message did not match the hardcoded list of possible Battlefield kills. Perhaps something has changed?

Edit: Ah. I see that after you cast CLEESH, it did not recognize that you had changed the monster to a salamander or a frog or a newt. It used to. Obviously something got busted in FightRequest.

Edit 2: Holy shit. I took a multi in to fight a monster in the Relay Browser, went to cast CLEESH, opened up the skill dropdown - and it is not there.

Edit 3: None of my characters have CLEESH available in battle. Sure looks like a KoL bug to me! I'll report it.
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Active member
Out of adventures myself for tonight, but I'll try to remember to run 8 more cleeshes tomorrow and drop the HTML from a win into here. Or if someone else is running anyways, that probably works better. :)


Staff member
Edit 3: None of my characters have CLEESH available in battle. Sure looks like a KoL bug to me! I'll report it.
I found character who can cast CLEESH. I have no explanation why my other multis can no longer cast it.

However, it turns out that KoL has changed the HTML generated when you CLEESH a monster. Previously, it called the "newpic" function with 2 arguments. It now calls it with 4 arguments - and we did not recognize it.

Fixed in revision 8758.


Active member
Thanks Veracity. :) Suppose I didn't just find an awesome way to fix slightly screwy numbers, but instead a mafia bug and something weird about your characters to boot. :) I'll edit that number set to put it -8. Hope that's all it had. Heh. Anyways, they already have a Wossname, I just tend to do that each time for fun when I can. :)


This is about the 3rd ascension that I have hit this infinite loop bug:

Out of adventures.
You need 1 more filthworm royal guard scent gland to continue.
You smell like a guard.
You need 1 more filthworm royal guard scent gland to continue.
Conditions list cleared.
Condition added: filthworm royal guard scent gland
filthworm royal guard scent gland
Out of adventures.
You need 1 more filthworm royal guard scent gland to continue.
You smell like a guard.
You need 1 more filthworm royal guard scent gland to continue.
Conditions list cleared.
Condition added: filthworm royal guard scent gland
filthworm royal guard scent gland
Out of adventures.

The orchard routine needs an exit condition if obtain fails due to lack of adventures.