[All Covered In Whatsit] does not match anything in the status effect database.
[Jabañero Saucesphere] does not match anything in the status effect database.
[Jalapeño Saucesphere] does not match anything in the status effect database.
Update both zlib and mafia. Both needs to be updated to work properly.
Feature request: A way to deal with stuffies (send to kbay, send in a trade to a user defined person). There are a couple of scripts that sort of do this, but none of them terribly elegantly. Hey, if I wasn't OCD I wouldn't be in this thread would it?Bonus addition: Print a rough estimate of how much meat to expect in return for each trade (based on hard coded or user defined values) to reduce risk of being ripped off.
string min_bid(item doodad) {
OCD[doodad].message = kbay_type(doodad);
switch(OCD[doodad].message) {
case "Stuffies":
return "100";
case "The Klaw": // Non-stuffy Klaw items
return "600";
case "VIP Klaw Prizes":
return "1000";
case "Hilarious Objects":
return "500";
case "Tasteful Gifts":
return "50";
case "Found under the Crimbo Tree":
return "1000";
case "For an ittah bittah hookah":
return "5000";
return "100";