// PAtoOCD.ash
// by Zarqon
// adds PA's recommended course to OCD for all items not currently in your OCD database
// Like it? Send batbits!
import <zlib.ash>
import <priceadvisor.ash>
int keepgear = 2; // keep equipment
int keepother = 5; // keep non-equipment
int keepvalue = 100000; // keep all of anything worth more than this
record ocd_data {
string act;
int keep;
string info;
}[item] ocdata;
if (!file_to_map("OCDdata_"+my_name()+".txt",ocdata) || count(ocdata) == 0) file_to_map("OCD_"+my_name()+"_data.txt",ocdata);
price_advice course;
foreach it in get_inventory() {
if (ocdata contains it) continue;
ocdata[it].keep = (to_slot(it) != $slot[none]) ? keepgear : keepother;
course = best_advice(it,true);
if (mall_price(it) >= keepvalue) ocdata[it].act = "KEEP";
else switch (excise(course.action,""," ")) {
case "smash": ocdata[it].act = "PULV"; break;
case "use": ocdata[it].act = "USE"; break;
case "autosell": ocdata[it].act = "AUTO"; break;
case "mallsell": ocdata[it].act = "MALL"; break;
case "untinker": ocdata[it].act = "UNTN"; break;
case "make":
case "acquire": if (contains_text(course.action,"make ")) {
item tomake = to_item(excise(course.action,"make ",";"));
if (tomake == $item[none]) { ocdata[it].act = "KEEP"; break; }
int[item] ings = get_ingredients(tomake);
if (count(ings) == 0 || !(ings contains it)) { ocdata[it].act = "KEEP"; break; }
ocdata[it].act = "MAKE"; ocdata[it].info = to_string(tomake); break;
default: ocdata[it].act = "KEEP"; break;
print("Added "+it+" ("+item_amount(it)+"): "+ocdata[it].act+" "+ocdata[it].info+" (keep "+rnum(ocdata[it].keep)+")");
if (map_to_file(ocdata,"OCDdata_"+my_name()+".txt")) print("OCD map updated for "+my_name()+". Please check the above output to make sure nothing stupid was done.");