Okay... so in order to get it working the way I hope it will, I've got to empty my closet before running the script. Got it.
Alrighty, now that I've solved that problem now it's acting in a strange way. I have Wet Stew set up to mall all (keep is set to 0), but it continually closets the one I have.
That's not even slightly what I said.
I can't say that I really remember how it works anymore, but I think you might be using the stock feature?
You cannot transform a Sneaky Pete's key into a Sneaky Pete. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You could try editing the data file directly to add the recipe.
Here's the circumstances:
Code:[8829]replica bat-oomerang DISP 1
Now in theory this should KEEP one bat-oomerang in my inventory and display any others.
But it left the one that was gifted to me today (and was subsequently put in hangk's, and when hangk's was emptied, was put in the closet), so I wound up with one in my inventory and one in my closet.
The expected behaviour (for me) was to just put the one in the closet into my display case. And keep the one in my inventory.
But now, I've ascended and there's 2 replica bat-oomerangs in Hangk's.
I'll admit, I have no idea what marking the closet as auto-satisfy is, or where to go to set it. but a prefref 'closet' tells me that autoSatisfyWithCloset is set to true but has a default of false.
I hope that helps.
Would it be possible to modify this to multi-smash barrels to save on server hits, or would it be better to just write up a pre-script that does that and then calls this one?
int barrelcount()
int count = 0;
for x from 8568 to 8577
count += item_amount( to_item( x ) );
return count;
for x from 8568 to 8577
if ( item_amount( to_item( x ) ) > 0 )
visit_url( "inv_use.php?pwd&whichitem=" + x + "&choice=1" );
while ( barrelcount() > 0 )
run_choice( 2 );
// Barrels from the barrel god
if(get_property("barrelShrineUnlocked") == "true")
for x from 8568 to 8577
if(item_amount(to_item(x)) > 0 && be_good(to_item(x)))
use(item_amount(to_item(x)), to_item(x));
All item information is corrupted or missing. Whoooah! I hope you didn't lose any data...
Hi - I tried to use this script but I immediately got this message:
Not sure what I missing here....
Multiple matches for "rock"; using "[8042]rock". (relay_OCD_dB_Manager.ash, line 268) Clarify by using one of:
Multiple matches for "rock"; using "[8042]rock". (relay_OCD_dB_Manager.ash, line 268) Clarify by using one of:
Multiple matches for "rock"; using "[8042]rock". (relay_OCD_dB_Manager.ash, line 268) Clarify by using one of:
Multiple matches for "rock"; using "[8042]rock". (relay_OCD_dB_Manager.ash, line 268) Clarify by using one of:
Multiple matches for "rock"; using "[8042]rock". (relay_OCD_dB_Manager.ash, line 268) Clarify by using one of:
Multiple matches for "rock"; using "[8042]rock". (relay_OCD_dB_Manager.ash, line 268) Clarify by using one of:
Unexpected error, debug log printed.
Script execution aborted (java.lang.NullPointerException): (relay_OCD_dB_Manager.ash, line 392)