My personal Meat farming script

Would you entertain the idea of adding support for automatically adventuring in the CyberRealm, to VMF, as you did for Gingerbread City, and other areas?

Your continuing work, on KoLmafia and VMF, are appreciated.
I've just installed your script but when running I am getting the following repeated and nothing occurs. Please can you point me in the right direction?

Visit to HiddenCity: The Hidden Office Building in progress...

[98630] The Hidden Office Building
Nothing more to do here.
Would you entertain the idea of adding support for automatically adventuring in the CyberRealm, to VMF, as you did for Gingerbread City, and other areas?
There are some configuration issues here.

What are your goals?
- clearing zone 1 gives you a (rapidly decreasing in value) selection from the Zone 1 dedigitizer schematics.
You have a 1/11 chance to get the one for the 3d printed server room key, which is currently pricey, but which will continue to fall - maybe
- clearing zone 2 gives you one of 3 consumable schematics - which are OK, but which will continue to fall.
- clearing zone 3 gives you a (day-cycle) schematic, including skills, familiar, and tattoo - but as more and more people get that, they will drop to being negligible.

I have HC-permed the skills, have the tattoo and have the familiar.
I also have literally all of the equipment - and, save 2, the schematics to make them.
Which is to say, this is personally unimportant to me; I have, personally, meager reason to want this.

And how to do it? Run 19 turns (-10 if overclocked) in a zone to get the goal.
Or if multiple zones, 19 adventures for each.

How to defeat the challenges?

Set an outfit? (I use the tank top, retro floppy disk, familiar-in-the-middle, and virtual packet sniffer)
It could be a preference specifying an outfit and a familiar.
I use a Mu. Don't have prismatic elemental damage? Use anything you want and swap out the virtual packet sniffer for a malware injector and add that skill first for non-hackers.

CCS? I use this:
[ hacker ]
skill saucegeyser

[ server room ]
skill throw cyber rock
(You want to use malware injector, insert that in the Server Room CCS)

So, basically, it needs a lot of configuration - or a special script, as I wrote for ShadowRealm and Gingerbread City.

Unfortunately, I see little lasting value in writing a configurable robust script for it, so I'm not feeling this.
Unfortunately, I see little lasting value in writing a configurable robust script for it, so I'm not feeling this.
Understandable. Thank you for considering it.

My main goal right now is to bank reasonable amounts of zeros and ones. Extra schematics picked up along the way are incidental benefits. For the next while I'll just adventure, semi-manually, in the CyberRealm, with an outfit, and CCS, similar to what you describe.
I'm fresh to the script. I set the pet variable and created some named outfits, but it seems to be looping and not proceeding. The only line in red is...
gallon of milk (4299 cost; 31951 expected_profit) is better than none (0)
You need 9 more autumn-spice donut to continue.
tasty tart (1799 cost; 951 expected_profit) is better than none (0)
Trying again, I had to farm some goat milk which was trivial, but then gets stuck again wanting 4 more autumn-spice donuts. I think the ship has sailed to obtain these myself so I'm dependent on shops I guess. Can i override this?
Well... this is an aftercore script.
It assumes that you are willing to buy from the mall - and npcs and coinmasters.

The consumption calculations are done by "vcon", which, based on your "meat per adventure" setting (which starts out low, but improves the longer you run VMF, based on your actual results), chooses things to eat/drink/spleen which will generate more than they cost you - hopefully a lot more - and chooses the most cost effective consumables to fill your stomach, liver, spleen.

There are way more than 10,000 autumn spice donuts selling for 100 in the mall.
Which is to say, they are cheap. Which is to say, buying 9 would cost you 900 Meat.

I assume you have at least 10 - or 20, or 100 - thousand Meat available?
You should get 100s of thousands back each day with this script, even with few skills and no shinies.

I suggest you go to Preferences/Item Acquisition and check the following checkboxes:

- Buy items from NPC stores whenever needed
- If you are out of Ronin, pull items from storage whenever needed.
- Buy items from mall whenever needed.
- Buy items with tokens at coin masters whenever needed.

I don't see a way to set (via GUI) "autoBuyPriceLimit" - but that defaults to 20000.
Which is do say: don't spend more than 20,000 on a mall purchase.
You can set it via the CLI: set autoBuyPriceLimit=20000

In summary: there is nothing wrong about depending on shops. Let VMF (via vcon) decide what are the most cost effective consumables for you, and make sure you have set the KoLmafia settings to allow it to do so.

Edit: Regarding goats milk: yeah, I remember when there was a shop which would sell you one milk of magnesium per day for 100.
Now, there is a shop which will sell 1 per day for 1,700. Since that will give you 5 extra adventures, assuming your Meat per Adventure is more than 340, it is still cost effective. You shouldn't have to farm/make it yourself.