My personal Meat farming script

Illiterate character failed to fight a non-embezzler, as expected.

Illiterate character is sad because some of the new Crimbo content is delivered via a chat channel :-) That's what multis are for.
Would you consider an option to not consume government per-diem?

I have VMF.SellBreakfastLoot set to false. I run Oliver manually and before I run VMF. There may be one in inventory but I could argue that since it didn't drop while VMF was running VMF should leave it alone. Allowing VMF to consume it immediately (and only) after it drops would also be acceptable although that implementation would require me to continue completing Oliver's before starting VMF.

Thank you.
I apologize if something like this was posted before, but I'm getting the error:
VMF.SourceTerminalEnhancement: 'meat.enh' is not installed in your Source Terminal.
It had been working fine up until about a week ago when all of my settings for all my scripts seemed to have reset. I do have the Source Terminal and it should have everything unlocked. I appreciate any help! Thank you!
From your description it appears that your <KoLmafia directory>\settings\<character name>_prefs.txt file may be corrupt. The script above will help with some things.
VMF tried to create, and consume, 13 tankards of spiced Goldchschlepper this morning. It failed, because there were only 2 gaffled gold available in the character's TakerSpace, but it kept looping trying to do so.

Drinking to capacity, manually, fixed the problem but may I suggest that Takerspace items be excluded from the consumables considered by VMF?
I will be trying out the Takerspace for the first time when I ascend - tomorrow?
what does ash creatable_amount($item[tankard of spiced Goldschlepper]) say?
> ash creatable_amount($item[tankard of spiced Goldschlepper])

Returned: 0
Which is a bit odd as, this morning, it should be "1".
Interesting. I ran the above command before visiting the Takerspace, in the relay browser. After visiting I get the expected result of "1".
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For now, you can tell vcon to skip specific items by adding them to the VCON.ExcludedConsumables property. It's a set of item names, separated by "|" characters.
If _takerSpaceSuppliesDelivered is false, you need to visit the TakerSpace (
) to update the ingredients before the creatable_amount call is correct.

I recently fixed it to refresh concoctions when you create things in r28233.
For now, you can tell vcon to skip specific items by adding them to the VCON.ExcludedConsumables property. It's a set of item names, separated by "|" characters.
Thank you for reminding me about that property. It turned out that I'm already using it to exclude the legendary pizzas from vcon.
VMF tried to create, and consume, 13 tankards of spiced Goldchschlepper this morning. It failed, because there were only 2 gaffled gold available in the character's TakerSpace, but it kept looping trying to do so.

Drinking to capacity, manually, fixed the problem but may I suggest that Takerspace items be excluded from the consumables considered by VMF?
You know, I was just hit by this.

Yesterday, it drank a tankard of spiced Goldchschlepper (which I guess I had in inventory) and then made 5 more and did not drink them.
I had 5 gaffled gold in my Takerspace and was going to buy the jolly roger tattoo kit when I got another one this morning.
Oh, well!

I'll put the Takerspace consumables into vcon's built-in exclude list - which already has the legendary pizzas, BTW.
I released new versions of vcon, VMF, and BeachComber with minor tweaks.

vcon - adds TakerSpace consumables to "do not consider" list.
VMF - Knob Goblin Embezzler cannot be faxed, so is no longer the default.

I did not add a default. I've been using pumpkin spice wraith, for the .1% chance to get a pumpkin spice whorl, but if you want More Meat Now, there might be a better option, although I don't know what would be best.

Which led me to add OnlyFax as the first faxbot to check.
From the Request a Fax GUI:

Easyfax: pumpkin spice wraith<!-- monsterid:2486 --> [pumpkin spice wraith]
OnlyFax: pumpkin spice wraith [[2486]pumpkin spice wraith]

> ash can_faxbot($monster[pumpkin spice wraith])

Returned: true

> ash can_faxbot($monster[pumpkin spice wraith], "Easyfax")

Returned: false

> ash can_faxbot($monster[pumpkin spice wraith], "OnlyFax")

Returned: true

Makes me wonder if KoLmafia can still fax from EasyFax anymore.

I'll look at that, by and by, but, for now, VMF will look at OnlyFax first.
I released new versions of vcon, VMF, and BeachComber with minor tweaks.

vcon - adds TakerSpace consumables to "do not consider" list.
VMF - Knob Goblin Embezzler cannot be faxed, so is no longer the default.

I did not add a default. I've been using pumpkin spice wraith, for the .1% chance to get a pumpkin spice whorl, but if you want More Meat Now, there might be a better option, although I don't know what would be best.

Which led me to add OnlyFax as the first faxbot to check.
From the Request a Fax GUI:

Easyfax: pumpkin spice wraith<!-- monsterid:2486 --> [pumpkin spice wraith]
OnlyFax: pumpkin spice wraith [[2486]pumpkin spice wraith]

> ash can_faxbot($monster[pumpkin spice wraith])

Returned: true

> ash can_faxbot($monster[pumpkin spice wraith], "Easyfax")

Returned: false

> ash can_faxbot($monster[pumpkin spice wraith], "OnlyFax")

Returned: true

Makes me wonder if KoLmafia can still fax from EasyFax anymore.

I'll look at that, by and by, but, for now, VMF will look at OnlyFax first.

See which is when I "discovered" EasyFax doesn't.

I may have mentioned it elsewhere including someplace where I wondered about removing EasyFax (and CheeseFax) because they effectively weren't working. No one seemed to like the idea enough to comment and I decided not to make such a visible change without some consensus.

The discussion, there and elsewhere, suggested that it was EasyFax's job to adhere to the contract - i.e. provide a command that would work - and not KoLmafia's to fix a special case. The owner of EasyFax or someone who knew more than I did said that the easyfax.xml was autogenerated and self-correcting so presumably the problem would go away. I have seen a few EasyFax entries that can be faxed "as is" but the correction process is pretty slow. Maybe your interest will generate some activity?

There was a recent PR that added a preference for the last fax provider used. The intent as I recall was to try that fax first. You might just want VMF to use it. I can search if my memory is not reliable enough to point you in the right direction.

My illiterate character often got faxes while running VMF because other characters in the clan ran VMF, used the default and the preferred fax remained in the machine. VMF having a default saved me the time of researching a good choice and increased the chances that the desired fax was in the machine. I can get similar behavior by setting the fax choice but the VMF default was a feature that was appreciated and used.
When mafia goes to update scripts I get this

Updating project Veracity0-meat-farm
Failed to update project Veracity0-meat-farm: org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.NoHeadException: Cannot check out from unborn branch

I can certainly uninstall and reinstall but this "feels" like a configuration error that might get corrected.
See which is when I "discovered" EasyFax doesn't.

The discussion, there and elsewhere, suggested that it was EasyFax's job to adhere to the contract - i.e. provide a command that would work - and not KoLmafia's to fix a special case. The owner of EasyFax or someone who knew more than I did said that the easyfax.xml was autogenerated and self-correcting so presumably the problem would go away. I have seen a few EasyFax entries that can be faxed "as is" but the correction process is pretty slow. Maybe your interest will generate some activity?
My investigation (posted in your thread) indicates that Easyfax does provide commands that work.
The issue seems to be that KoLmafia can't lookup the Easyfax monster entry by monster name.

Here are two monsters with the same name - as far as KoL is concerned - but different monster IDs.
Astronomer    184    astronomer.gif    Atk: 168 Def: 151 HP: 150 Init: 70 P: constellation EA: hot EA: none Article: The    star chart (100)
Astronomer (obsolete)    354    astronomer.gif    Atk: 168 Def: 151 HP: 150 Init: 70 P: constellation EA: hot Article: The Manuel: "Astronomer"    star chart (100)

Here is how Easyfax names them:

<name>Astronomer&amp;lt;!-- monsterid: 184 --&amp;gt;</name>
<command>Astronomer&amp;lt;!-- monsterid: 184 --&amp;gt;</command>

<name>Astronomer&amp;lt;!-- monsterid: 354 --&amp;gt;</name>
<command>Astronomer&amp;lt;!-- monsterid: 354 --&amp;gt;</command>

Here is how OnlyFax names them:


            <name>Astronomer (obsolete)</name>
            <command>[354]Astronomer (obsolete)</command>

Note that both of them tell you the monster ID.
Note that OnlyFax makes KoLmafia's disambiguated name visible.

Here is another pair:

erudite gremlin    546    gremlinglasses.gif    Atk: 171 Def: 152 HP: 170 Init: 60 Meat: 50 P: humanoid Article: an    gremlin juice (3)
erudite gremlin (tool)    547    gremlinglasses.gif    Atk: 171 Def: 152 HP: 170 Init: 60 Meat: 50 P: humanoid Article: an Manuel: "erudite gremlin" Wiki: "erudite gremlin (quest)"    gremlin juice (3)    molybdenum crescent wrench (c0)


<name>erudite gremlin&amp;lt;!-- monsterid: 547 --&amp;gt;</name>
<command>erudite gremlin&amp;lt;!-- monsterid: 547 --&amp;gt;</command>


            <name>erudite gremlin</name>
            <command>[546]erudite gremlin</command>

            <name>erudite gremlin (tool)</name>
            <command>[547]erudite gremlin (tool)</command>

Easyfax provides only the quest version.
OnlyFax provides both

I think KoLmafia's fax support could parse the "command" and extract the monsterId - in either format - and make the "display" name be KoLmafia's internal name for that monster - and, primarily, look up monsters by monsterId, rather than monster name.

My illiterate character often got faxes while running VMF because other characters in the clan ran VMF, used the default and the preferred fax remained in the machine. VMF having a default saved me the time of researching a good choice and increased the chances that the desired fax was in the machine. I can get similar behavior by setting the fax choice but the VMF default was a feature that was appreciated and used.
That still works. VMF's fax support still checks first to see if the desired monster was already in the fax machine.
When mafia goes to update scripts I get this

Updating project Veracity0-meat-farm
Failed to update project Veracity0-meat-farm: org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.NoHeadException: Cannot check out from unborn branch

I can certainly uninstall and reinstall but this "feels" like a configuration error that might get corrected.
This looks like an issue on your machine. I don't have the foggiest idea what an "unborn branch" is.
What did you do when I switched VMF from svn on sourceforge to git on github?
This looks like an issue on your machine. I don't have the foggiest idea what an "unborn branch" is.
What did you do when I switched VMF from svn on sourceforge to git on github?

I don't recall specifically what I did. I think I uninstalled the SVN version - either via KoLmafia, manually deleting files or both. I then reinstalled from the Scripts menu.

I'll just uninstall and reinstall.

I wondered if it was on your end because some of other scripts had problems updating when the committer deliberately or unknowingly changed a branch name or changed what branch was actually main. Stand by.
I deleted and reinstalled and the "error" disappeared. I have no clue why but accept that whatever it was, it was my problem.