It'd be easy if KoLmafia kept a tally of Meat (and items) obtained during adventuring.
Well, actually, it does - that is what is in the "session results" display of the main GUI.
There is not currently a way for a script to access that info.
I'll think about it.
How do you anticipate using this?
// Which monsters to fight.
// We will fight them using your CCS directly (no combat filter).
// Your CCS must be set up to do the right thing, if you want the rewards.
// LOV Enforcer defeat using normal attacks to (maybe) get LOV Elixir #3
// LOV Engineer defeat using spells to (maybe) get LOV Elixir #6
// LOV Equivocator pickpocket to (maybe) get LOV Elixir #9
// LOV Elixir #3 (40 The Power of LOV) Muscle +40, Weapon Damage +50%, Critical Hit +15%
// LOV Elixir #6 (40 The Magic of LOV) Mysticality +25, Spell Damage +100%, Spell Critical Hit +15%
// LOV Elixir #9 (40 The Moxie of LOV) Moxie +25, Ranged Damage +50%, Initiative +50%
boolean [monster] lov_enemies = define_property( "VMF.LOVEnemies", "monster", "LOV Enforcer|LOV Engineer|LOV Equivocator", "set" ).to_set_of_monster();
set VMF.LOVEnemies=
> call scripts\VeracityMeatFarm.ash
Validating configuration.
All is well!
Acquiring necessary adventuring gear
You need 1 more Fog Murderer to continue.
Net income = 0 Meat in 0 turns. Meat/Adventure = 0
Cumulative income = 0 Meat in 1 turns. Meat/Adventure = 0
// What to drink for a nightcap. If "" or "none", will not overdrink.
item nightcap = define_property( "VMF.Nightcap", "item", "Fog Murderer" ).to_item();
// ***************************
// Requirements *
// ***************************
// Hobo Monkey (or Leprechaun) (configurable)
// ittah bittah hookah (or universal familiar equpment of your choice) (optional/configurable)
// Preconfigured outfits (configurable)
// "Barf Mountain" - for adventuring in Barf Mountain
// "Deep Machine Tunnels" - for adventuring in The Deep Machine Tunnels
// "Gingerbread City" - for adventuring in the Gingerbread City
// "Tunnel of LOVE" - for adventuring in the Tunnel of L.O.V.E.
// "Icy Peak" - for adventuring in The Icy Peak
// "Item Drop" - for adventuring where items are more important than Meat
// "Meat Drop" - for adventuring anywhere else
// "Velvet" - for collecting a reward from The Towering Inferno Discotheque
// CCS configured
// HP & MP restoration configured
// Mood configured
// Breakfast configured
// Trick or Treating Tot
// --> Will acquire and use li'l pirate costume
// --> You must have pirate fledges
// --> You should have li'l unicorn costume
I don't believe it. You need to wear either the Swashbuckling Getup or pirate fledges to go to any location other than the Obligatory Pirate Cove. If you are not wearing one or the other, you are told "You shouldn't be here dressed like that. It's just not safe."I don't think you need pirate fledges to go to *any* pirate locations? It's just that the poop deck and belowdecks are unlocked at the same time you get the fledges ... I see what you mean.
That is the default nightcap. 450 Meat seems cheap for 21 rollover adventures, but if you have a better choice - or don't want to overdrink at the end - you can configure it.