Monster Manuel checker 2

Shub-Jigguwatt, Elder God of Violence	shub-jigguwatt.gif	4000	4000	3000	Mer-kin Temple
Yog-Urt, Elder Goddess of Hatred		yog-urt.gif	400	400	750	Mer-kin Temple
Dad Sea Monkee	dad-machine.gif	42000	42000	4200	Mer-kin Temple
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Did you get the 3000 Hp from Manuel? Showed 10k for me (and I had to do around 7.5k to kill it, it's health may depend on level or equipment or buffs or something).
Did you get the 3000 Hp from Manuel? Showed 10k for me (and I had to do around 7.5k to kill it, it's health may depend on level or equipment or buffs or something).

Hm. I glommed that from the wiki. Maybe we should ask cannon.
HP seems to be variable despite what both the wiki and Manuel display. Nobody has yet spaded what it is dependent upon.
yea, my HP listing for Shub-Jigguwatt is 10000. Though I don't think I use HP as an actually differentiator in the script, so it might not matter exactly what it is.
That, and I can probably safely assume there is only going to be a single monster named "Shub-Jigguwatt, Elder God of Violence"
Yea, I assume this breaks plenty of things. It should not be too bad of a fix, just some parsing changes. I also have all the info for all the monsters except for Yog-Urt and dad sea monkey. I will start looking through this.

if he was scaling, then the manuel wouldnt list a specific hp amount.

inside the manuel, not when fighting
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You're assuming that Jick actually standardizes everything. That assumption would be false.

This. This is the reason this checker exists in the first place... because specifying exceptions and explicit data is mostly what makes this work with the mishmash that is the manuel monster list. Capitalization alone is enough to drive you batty.
Updated script to v3.00: Update for new Manuel facts (phylum, element, init) and Mer-kin temple monsters

This works correctly for all my factoids, but I am missing procedurally-generated skeleton, Dad Sea Monkee, Yog-Urt, Elder Goddess of Hatred, and Bowling Cricket.

Let me know if these are not showing up correctly.
little canadia revamp
mega frog	megafrog.gif	14	16	20	The Edge of the Swamp
huge mosquito	giantmosquito.gif	16	14	18	The Edge of the Swamp

swamp hag	swamphag.gif	35	28	40	The Dark and Spooky Swamp
smell-o-the-wisp	smellothewisp.gif	28	35	35	The Dark and Spooky Swamp

bog skeleton	bogskeleton.gif	50	52	50	The Corpse Bog
bog leech	bogleech.gif	44	50	60	The Corpse Bog
the ghost of Phil Bunion	bunionghost.gif	72	68	60		The Corpse Bog

bogart	bogart.gif	54	48	48	The Ruined Wizard Tower
haunted skullabra	skullabra.gif	48	52	50	The Ruined Wizard Tower

swamp gator	swampgator.gif	36	32	32	The Wildlife Sanctuarrrrrgh
swamp beaver warrior	beav_warrior.gif	28	35	40	The Wildlife Sanctuarrrrrgh

swamp owl	swampowl.gif	56	48	46	The Weird Swamp Village
mud turtle	swampturtle.gif	48	56	56	The Weird Swamp Village
swamp skunk	swampskunk.gif	68	66	65	The Weird Swamp Village

swamp beaver lumberjack	beav_jack.gif	54	48	50	Swamp Beaver Territory
swamp beaver shaman	beav_shaman.gif	52	46	46	Swamp Beaver Territory
conservationist hippy	conhippy.gif	64	68	70	Swamp Beaver Territory

some of these monsters also appear in other areas but i just listed where the first showed up.
there is also a monster named swamp entity, but he's not dropping any factoids.

new total 1117
I was just about to make an update to fix the angry (annoying) pinata, glad I procrastinated until this came out.
Charred - I also need the other manuel info now (phylum, element, init) for the script data. If you have that and don't mind posting, I can add it to the data. Otherwise it will wait until my next ascention next week.
Script updated to add Dreadsylvania monsters.
I have not personally verified all of these, because I am still missing some boss factoids. Let me know if anything is awry.