Monster Manuel checker 2

Yes - that first number is a unique monster ID #, so that monsters of the same name / image / stats can be seperated from each other. I have been putting them in the same order they appear in the Manuel because this makes the list a bit easier to track.
I will get started on updating the data list with all these new and exciting monsters.
Thanks for all your help!

New version is up, using data from RNGHeHateMe. Not all has yet been verified, but I will do this as I finalize my factoids.

(Also, RNG - the "Tin can conspirator" should be "tin can conspirator" in your list)
Heh - I was just coming here to correct this. Also the gif name for the tin can conspirator should gourd_can.gif - not Gourd_can.gif
I need to update the list for the new Gamer magazine (Which I have yet to complete). If anyone has the monster factoid details, I can add them to the data... otherwise it may be a while before I complete it.

Video Game Boss
Video Game Miniboss
Video Game Minion (moderate)
Video Game Minion (strong)
Video Game Minion (weak)

all icons are qmark.gif
all stats are ?
lvl 10 revamp
Neckbeard Giant	giant_neckbeard.gif	125	120	150	The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Basement)
Fitness Giant	giant_fitness.gif	150	140	200	The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Basement)
Foodie Giant	giant_foodie.gif	130	120	150	The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor)
Renaissance Giant	giant_renfair.gif	125	110	150	The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor)
Punk Rock Giant	giant_punk.gif	150	140	150	The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Top Floor)
Steampunk Giant	giant_steampunk.gif	145	135	150	The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Top Floor)
Updated script to v2.12, including the AoJ monsters, new Giants castle monsters, and updated Giants castle images for the old monsters. double thanks to charred for the new data. Enjoy!
sea cowboy	seacowboy.gif	750	585	700	Coral Corral
Mer-kin rustler	merkinspear.gif	700	675	750	Coral Corral
sea cow	seacow.gif	600	675	900	Coral Corral

theres also a wild seahorse (seahorse.gif) in that area but it not killable.
Update to add new sea monsters (from charred) and fix the CARNIVORE and lonely construct that KOL finally fixed.
sea update:
Mer-kin teacher	merkinteacher.gif	600	700	700	Mer-kin Elementary School
Mer-kin monitor	merkinmonitor.gif	700	600	800	Mer-kin Elementary School
Mer-kin punisher	merkinpunisher.gif	650	650	750	Mer-kin Elementary School
Mer-kin specter	merkinghost.gif	750	600	600	Mer-kin Elementary School

Mer-kin researcher	merkinresearcher.gif	800	750	900	Mer-kin Library
Mer-kin drifter	merkindrifter.gif	850	800	1000	Mer-kin Library
Mer-kin alphabetizer	merkinalphabet.gif	750	800	900	Mer-kin Library

Mer-kin trainer	merkintrainer.gif	750	700	800	Mer-kin Gymnasium
Mer-kin poseur	merkinposeur.gif	720	750	750	Mer-kin Gymnasium
Mer-kin juicer	merkinjuicer.gif	780	650	900	Mer-kin Gymnasium

Mer-kin balldodger	merkinballer.gif	0	0	0	Mer-kin Colosseum
Mer-kin netdragger	merkindragger.gif	0	0	0	Mer-kin Colosseum
Mer-kin bladeswitcher	merkinswitcher.gif	0	0	0	Mer-kin Colosseum
Georgepaul, the Balldodger	merkinballer2.gif	1200	1150	1400	Mer-kin Colosseum
Johnringo, the Netdragger	merkindragger2.gif	1250	1200	1500	Mer-kin Colosseum
Ringogeorge, the Bladeswitcher	merkinswitcher2.gif	1300	1250	1600	Mer-kin Colosseum
Happy Spectral Pickle Factory Day!

carnivorous dill plant	dillplant.gif	200	180	180	Spectral Pickle Factory
ghostly pickle factory worker	worker.gif	200	180	180	Spectral Pickle Factory
vine gar	gar.gif	200	180	180	Spectral Pickle Factory
the mer-kin monitor and punisher arent being recognized for some reason. theyre showing 0 even though i have all 3 factoids of each.
a quick look and i didnt notice anything out of order with the names or anything

edit: got it. i must have swapped their stats on my initial report
monitor is 650 650 750
punisher is 700 600 800
Last edited:
4/11 update
Peanut	peanut.gif	650	700	1200	Caliginous Abyss
school of many	schoolofmany.gif	625	600	20000	Caliginous Abyss
eye in the darkness	darkeye.gif	600	650	700	Caliginous Abyss
slithering thing	slithering.gif	600	675	700	Caliginous Abyss