missingManuel.ash - Yet Another Manuel Script!

I just checked this out -- exactly what the doctor ordered!

Just a suggestion: you could avoid a lot of repeated code in your parseall() by using entities:

void parseall() {
	for i from 65 to 90 {
	print("Now I know my ABCs!");
"Bad monster value: "Baiowulf" (missingManuel.ash, line 103)"

Easily fixed by just removing the value, but...
Some monsters appear to be incorrect (e.g., Principal Mooney is not categorized as KOLHS, general seal and Sagittarian are on here despite not having factoids), so they will probably need more special-case handling (or a fix to mafia's data files, or both? I'm not sure what should happen with these).

Also, could the number of factoids remaining be delimited by curly braces {} instead of parentheses ()? Since there's other stuff in parentheses, putting it in curly braces makes it easier to manipulate the output.
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Some monsters appear to be incorrect (e.g., Principal Mooney is not categorized as KOLHS, general seal and Sagittarian are on here despite not having factoids), so they will probably need more special-case handling (or a fix to mafia's data files, or both? I'm not sure what should happen with these).

I think they should all be special cases. Mafia doesn't track whether things have factoids or not, and Principal Mooney doesn't appear in a KOLHS zone.
Version 1.16 is up. Fixes a bunch of unsorted monsters and hides some factoidless monsters. Also, factoid counts are now in braces rather than parentheses for easier parsing.
Could you please switch to svn distribution so that I can more easily manage version control? I maintain some small personal differences in function to your script. If it was on svn I wouldn't have to manually merge our copies each time you update.

I know that you don't use svn so there is a bit of a learning curve. I know that would be annoying for you, but Roippi is currently working on a KoLmafia GUI so that users can install SVN maintained scripts with a single click. Once that is a feature of KoLmafia your script will become marginalized if it isn't in the GUI. That means now is a really good time to learn how to use it. I don't push all scripters to switch to SVN. You're the only one I'm bugging because this is the only script I really like which isn't there yet.

Roippi wrote up a nice guide on SVN for KoLmafia. Read it HERE.

Short version: register an account on sourceforge, if you run windows install TortoiseSVN. Once you've got the tools it gets pretty simple.
Seems to have worked. For the record. The code to check out the script is
svn checkout      http://svn.code.sf.net/p/missingmanuel/code/trunk/
Or you could recognize the difference between not adding a script to SVN because of learning curve as opposed to not adding because of a strong desire to not add. The difference is that I'm starting to find it annoying.
Can you hide Frank "Skipper" Dan, the Accordion Lord, as he doesn't do factoids.

Edit - also it appears that 9 don't show up, as it's giving me 1189 rather than 1198, trying to work out which.

I think it's missing 4 Protector Spirits, Clingy Pirate (female), Gnollish Bodybuilder, not sure on the other three.
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Version 1.17 is up. Removes Skipper Dan and fixes a bunch of missing monsters.

Thanks for finding some of the missing monsters, Darzil. I hadn't had time to search for them. Those you found helped me find the rest easily. Also, it seems there are now 1201 monsters.