Feature - Implemented Maximizer Goals


I've been thinking about this, and I've had many times where I wanted a goal to be met, then maximize the rest. Say for instance you were basementing (like me). You want about 22 prismatic resist, then buff the rest in HP. You can do that now by hand-picking some prismatic resists and getting the rest of the HP manually. This would be very useful in other cases too, for example if you needed 2000 HP for the deep dark visions skill, and the rest spooky resist. I'd imagine the way to mark it as a goal is either something like

[5 spooky res, 2 hot res], hp


!5 spooky res, !1500 hp, mp


Edit: Might as well stick this here, I was also wondering if there'd be support for items Mafia cannot obtain (e.g. plexiglass, stainless steel, fudge wand(?!)). As in, an option to show unobtainable [by Mafia] items. This would also help maximizing as you can see what you need to get to be even better.
What you want is "max", which is covered in the Help dialog for the maximizer (the button below "update" is "help").

Since the main thing you made this thread for is already in mafia, marking it implemented.
Yea, that is doing squat. Could you tell me how to use it? The wiki and the help gui (which totally help when they're the exact same thing, btw) just say "after the numeric keyword", and I don't know what that means. I tried putting in 5 mp regen max, and it appeared to just max mp regen normally. The number is misleading, what does the "5" represent?
You want "mp regen 5 max". What you did was make mp regen 5x as effective in the maximizer evaluation (only relevant if you are maximizing multiple things and want to prioritize), and I suspect that "max" does nothing without a numerical value of its own.

Also, that tone of yours is why I stopped helping you in /hardcore a few days ago when you ranted about it there.
This would be very useful in other cases too, for example if you needed 2000 HP for the deep dark visions skill, and the rest spooky resist. I'd imagine the way to mark it as a goal is either something like
hp 2000 max, spooky res
Question: does
0 hp 2000 min, spooky res
work as I expect it to? That is, does it not care about increasing HP aside from meeting the specified threshold (as opposed to treating 1 HP as equivalent to 1 spooky resist)?
That's almost certainly going to fail (unless you have 2000 HP naturally), because there will be no reason to include any HP-increasing items in the shortlists.
hee^3, you seem to have them rather mixed up... min means to try to get there and consider maximization a failure if you don't get there. Additionally, as you've given it a weight of 0, 0*hp will never equal 2000.

The min means to consider maximization a failure if you don't reach that number.
The max means to stop counting something after you reach that number.

If you want to reach at least - but not limited to - 5 spooky res and at most 2000 hp, you want:
maximize hp, 2000 max, spooky res, 5 min

Because of the way the maximizer was changed to work a year or two ago, it might still fail. That means that your best results will probably come from running two separate maximizations, namely:
maximize spooky res, -tie
maximize hp, 2000 max, spooky res, 5 min

This will definitely get the spooky res, if it's possible for you. It will then try to raise your hp without breaking the requirement you had set. If you don't guarantee the requirement yourself, the maximizer will no longer guarantee that it will succeed there, but will fail instead even though it could have easily met your request. :(
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Hm. simply "hp 2000 min, spooky res" will prioritize HP way over spooky res, since it's a lot easier to increase HP by 10 than it is to increase spooky res by 1, in general. Do I just have to play around with the weights until I get what I want? :(

Edit: Oh, I see. min and max aren't just opposites in terms of what they mean. Okay.
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