Ok, I just used it with another multi, and for some reason, it picked the wine racks to farm and only made me 50k.

With 200 adventures. Anyways, why is it doing this? My character is a level 17 Seal Clubber that has access to Giant Castle which would obviously make at least twice as much as the wine racks made me... My character had buffs and could farm at about 300% meat and 10% items, so it should have farmed at the castle which would most likely be the best option. Instead, it picks the racks...
My first thought is that if you think you should be farming the castle and disagree with the script, then just farm the castle and don't run the script.
My second thought is have you modified the script so that it works best for you and your given situation? dj_d has offered us the necessary framework to do this, but it's up to each of us to provide the script the necessary settings to make it consider what what would be best for the character in question. At least that is my impression of the script.
The script, as is, considers two outfits derived by maximize meat drops and maximize item drops. For me, maximize item drops involves using my sticker sword. This is not ideal for me as I have only one and I reserve it for hobo boss kills. I could take the time to change the outfit it considers to be what I use for my item drop outfit, but I haven't gone to that length yet as I use the script for merely informational purposes and curiosity. Mostly I don't have the patience to wait for it to run lol. Granted, I don't think I've pulled the latest version down as yet.
Next, consider non-combat/combat boosters:
The script, at present, has 4 preset groups it uses to determine +/- combat enhancers. These groups include the use of: smooth movements/sonata/rock salt or deodorant/ring of conflict & musk of the moose/cantata/pine needles or reodorant/monster bait.
If you do not have all of these skills, items available to you, then create a group (groups) that will work for you.
It also considers the use of knob goblin nasal spray and knob goblin eyedrops.
There's a lot of code in this script and YMMV. My view of the script is that it's a guide, not a bible, but a guide. I can listen to the advice it offers or make my own choices. It sounds like you're not happy with the choices the script is making, but perhaps the script is not optimized to you yet and you need to take care of that.