Feature - Implemented Major Ray counters now give 150 turn effects


Now that the major rays (and pumpkin bomb) give effects that tell you when their time is up, it seems redundant to have mafia introduce an extra counter. The counter should probably be removed, although that would possibly break some scripts.

If you decide to keep the counter, the cooldown period has been increased by 1 adventure (now set to 150 after the fight ends), so the counter should be adjusted appropriately.


The fact that the counters could be deleted made them undesirable to rely on in a script, anyway. I say this as someone who previously had a script that checked them, and have since removed such checks. I really don't think they should be left in for any scripts that make use of them, as those scripts could trivially be updated to use have_effect() instead, now. To me, it seems that temporarily breaking such scripts is a reasonable price to pay to get rid of side-pane clutter. (I don't feel the counters were clutter before, but they are now.) Though, this is far from the most pressing change to address, so I also would be fine with this being back-burnered. :)


You should be able to replace the functionality with a relay override containing the following on charpane.php:
void main()
	buffer text;
	matcher m = create_matcher( "<font size=2>Everything Looks ([^ ]) \\((\\d+)\\)</font>" , text );
	if( m.find() )
		m.replace_all( "<font size=2 color=" + m.group(1) + ">Everything Looks " + m.group(1) + " (" + m.group(2) + ")</font>" );


Staff member
We should consider building that in, actually.

Although, the fellow who complained about the orange Dig signs on the main forum will complain here, too, since his major issue seemed to be that KoL is a black and white game...


If it matters, I quite liked that feature as well, it allowed me to see at a glance which (major) rays I could still use.


Although, the fellow who complained about the orange Dig signs on the main forum will complain here, too, since his major issue seemed to be that KoL is a black and white game...

Screw him. Sometimes color is good. Other times it is bad. You agreed that the huge orange dig diamonds weren't aesthetically pleasing. That was a bad use of color. The colored ray counters were a good use of color.

Speaking of which. Have you considered changing to the non-blinking mine sparkles I proffered? I've been trying them out and they're quite nice and helpful. HERE!
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+1 vote for colorizing the Everything Looks... effects. I'm finding that I leave the recharge counters there just so I have the color cue.


+1 more in support of colorizing the Everything Looks effects.

Mostly though, this post is an excuse to share a lol about what happens when the currently redundant pair of counters is followed immediatly by a counter with a pants icon. (Use an elemental powder when you have 4 turns of "Everything Looks" remaining to see what I mean.)


Oh man, thank you so much for colorizing the text.

Could I request a slightly more readable color for the yellow ray effect, though? I think I remember being able to read the old yellow ray effect fine, but this one I have to highlight to be able to see it.


Staff member
I can make it "olive", as it was before. I'll try it out...
It is more readable. Looks pretty green, rather than yellow, though. Maybe a dark yellow would be better.
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