I've been using this script for a few months, and it's wonderful! I've been having a recurring bug, though. Every once in a while, for no apparent reason, the script will apparently forego the requirement that there be a certain amount of mana to try casting. I get the error, "Not enough mana to cast Summon Love Song." Previously, it seemed to fix itself after a few days, but this time it's different, because it stops my autoadventuring every adventure, regardless of how much mana I have.
For example, if I have 3,000MP and Love Songs are about 1,200MP each, the script will summon two songs and then throw the error instead of continuing to the next adventure.
I've tried deleting, redownloading and resetting the script, but the problem persists. I even changed the minimum MP from the default of 150 to 42. I noticed that Tipmon upthread had a similar issue, but I'm not versed enough in coding scripts to be able to follow his instructions (couldn't find vars_valys.txt). Trying slyz' command returned, "No setting named 'preference' exists."
So, doing what I should've done right away and getting the latest Mafia build seems to have fixed it. Kind of embarrassing, but hey, it works!