libramBurn: Summon libram items to burn MP between battles, for profit!


So, doing what I should've done right away and getting the latest Mafia build seems to have fixed it. Kind of embarrassing, but hey, it works!
Live, love, learn! Don't you just enjoy problems that fix themselves? Have fun ^^
Trying slyz' command returned, "No setting named 'preference' exists."
Just to clarify this part: when I said people should do
zlib preference = value
in the gCLI, "preference" should be replaced by the name of the pref, and "value" should be replaced by its value.

For example, in tipmon's case, he should have done:
zlib verbosity = 4
Simply addition until official release comes out. Add towards the top of the script.:
setvar("libramburn_summontaffy", false);

libram_record libramTaffy;
	libramResolutions.shortName = "Taffy";
	libramResolutions.libramSkill = $skill[Summon Taffy];
	libramResolutions.useLibram = vars["libramburn_summontaffy"].to_boolean() && have_skill(libramTaffy.libramSkill);
	libramResolutions.totalSummonedKey = "_taffySummoned";
	libramResolutions.totalSummoned = get_property(libramTaffy.totalSummonedKey).to_int();	

	libramResolutions.itemList[$item[pulled red taffy]] = "_libram_taffy_red";
	libramResolutions.itemList[$item[pulled orange taffy]] = "_libram_taffy_orange";
	libramResolutions.itemList[$item[pulled yellow taffy]] = "_libram_taffy_yellow";
	libramResolutions.itemList[$item[pulled green taffy]] = "_libram_taffy_green";
	libramResolutions.itemList[$item[pulled blue taffy]] = "_libram_taffy_blue";
	libramResolutions.itemList[$item[pulled indigo taffy]] = "_libram_taffy_indigo";
	libramResolutions.itemList[$item[pulled violet taffy]] = "_libram_taffy_violet";

	libramList[libramTaffy.libramSkill] = libramTaffy;
Also, might help the guy updating to make it quicker.
Released v2.02 to support the Taffy Libram. Couldn't release it last night or there would have been Mafia diarrhea on the floor due to unknown skills. Don't forget to update your summoning prefs via zlib:

zlib libramburn (just to display your current settings)
zlib libramburn_summonhearts = true/false
zlib libramburn_summonfavors = true/false
zlib libramburn_summonsongs = true/false
zlib libramburn_summonbrickos = true/false
zlib libramburn_summondice = true/false
zlib libramburn_summonresolutions = true/false
zlib libramburn_summontaffy = true/false

Thanks for the post Fluxx, slight problem though the refs to libramResolutions need to be changed to libramTaffy. No matter now it's all in the release

Also I'm always looking for code suggestions if people see a better/cleaner/faster/easier way to do things in my crappy code!
Last edited:
>.< Sorry, HAd Ctrl-D'd it and had woken up previously from a very bad dream. 1000 apologies and a free spit shine.
Haha, yeah I did the exact same thing when I Ctrl-D'd libramDice, and I'm sure I'll do it on the next libram release too. Hence I'm always looking for code suggestions because whenever I think I really nailed something bale/winterbay/lostcalpoly/veracity or someone shows me how wrong I am :)
So... minmp has a bit confused... it says minmp in addition to auto recover amount. I want to make sure that I have enough mp to olfact which cost 40mp... but I have mafia set to not auto-recover mp (I regen mp via heart of the volcano) So... would I just set minmp to 40? Or does it mean that if I have at least 40 mp cast?
Set minmp to 40 then libramBurn will never leave you with less than 40mp. So if you have 120mp libramBurn will only fire if summoning an item will cost < 80mp

Whenever I use a build of mafia that is newer than, build 14750, I get the following error message when trying to run my turns.

Bad skill value: "Summon Candy Hearts" (libramBurn.ash, line 53)

How do I fix this so I can use newer builds?????
Whenever I use a build of mafia that is newer than, build 14750, I get the following error message when trying to run my turns.

Bad skill value: "Summon Candy Hearts" (libramBurn.ash, line 53)

How do I fix this so I can use newer builds?????

IIRC, the skill name changed so you would probably need to change "Summon Candy Hearts" to "Summon Candy Heart" on line 53.
Whenever I use a build of mafia that is newer than, build 14750, I get the following error message when trying to run my turns.

Bad skill value: "Summon Candy Hearts" (libramBurn.ash, line 53)

How do I fix this so I can use newer builds?????

Just download the updated script from the first post, the value in kolmafia changed a couple weeks back to match KOL itself
LibramBurn is great and i use it all the time! However, recently while trying to spelunk Fernswarthy's Basement it kept tripping me up on the "Festering Powder" adventure. As a workaround i applied the attached patch, which allows the "minmp" setting to be a percentage. I set libramburn_minmp to 80 and libramburn_minmp_is_percent to true, and now at least it doesn't burn away *too* much of my MP before that adventure.

Obviously i still might need to turn it off entirely in some edge cases, but this is good most of the time. I haven't really tested how this interacts with MP auto-recovery (since i don't use that) and it probably needs further testing / bounds checking, but IWFM, YMMV.

