KoLmafia Praise

Hi all, just wanted to pop in and say that you all do some nice work.

I expected to find alot of slapped together questionable stuff when i first heard about mafia, however, I seem to be pleasantly surprised at every turn.

Keep up the awesome work all!

Nobody's been here for a while, so let me get the juice flowing again:

Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. When I tell people about KOL, I usually tell them about KOLmafia in the same breath, because it makes the game that much cooler. It's so awesome, it has its own scripting language!

I start every day with breakfast.ash. Then I bring up the relay browser and poke around the kingdom a bit. Then I run auto bountyhunt.ash. Then, depending where I am in my ascension run, I fire off the appropriate script: quest-giant.ash, quest-pagoda.ash, or quest-wossname.ash for example (some written by me, many written by forum posters). Then I bring up the item browser, look at recently gained items, mallsell them, pop over to the store manager, and autoprice them. Then I run goodnight.ash, and log off!
I just wanted to hop in and express my sincere gratitude for the Mafia project.

Also, happy birthday H!!!
Before changes to the game borked Mafia, I have to say it was amazing to me just how well it was working, how fast it was running and how fantastic it is to have all the new features.

I had planned on saying it sooner, but I thought it was even more important to say it in light of these changes and the to game itself and the additional work it is going to require to get it back there.

I don't say thank you enough, I think it is a shame that so many take Mafia running so smoothly for granted.

To everyone that spends time working to put this labor of love out my deepest thanks.
I'll second dangerpin's sentiment.

Kol is a great game with more than its share of drudgery. mafia removes that drudgery so I can fully enjoy as much of the game as I want. Thank you hola, veracity and everyone else who has contributed to making this program.

And a second thank you to everyone who is working on un-breaking mafia.
Hi Guys

this is the first time I have posted since I just registered, but I have been a mafia user for the last couple of years and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all your hard work on it. IT is an excellent tool.
Like Makarina, I just joined the forums but I've been using mafia pretty much from when I started playing KOL. It enhances the game no end for me and I especially appreciate how quickly you respond the increasingly frequent mafia-breaking changes going on in KOL. Thanks guys!
I only joined the forums to download scripts and daily builds--I have the coding abilities of an eggplant--but I'm happy to make my one, and probably only, post here a warm thank you to the hardworking developers of mafia, and to all the script writers, too! :)

A nice little hardcore present.
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I have a little ash script that I run before I ascend that sends items I have in inventory to people who I know who collect them. Basically its a bunch of lines like...
cli_execute("send * stuffed cocoabo to holatuwol || End of Run Collection Items!");
So if any of the mafia developers or forum admins want in on this, send me a PM with your character name and items you collect. As long as the item isn't rare or expensive (don't tell me you collect Mr. A's or hockey sticks, even if it is true) or being collected by someone on already on the list, I'll add you to the script.

Consider this my way of saying thanks.

(Yes, the line I used as an example is an actual line in the script.)
i <3 kolmafia

I wish I'd understood earlier that it's not about not playing the game at all, it's about distilling the fun bits. I think that's a common misconception.

I think I wouldn't have wandered off for most of '09 if I'd known.
I like that! It could be KoLmafia's motto: It's not about playing the game. It's about distilling the fun bits!
I like that! It could be KoLmafia's motto: It's not about playing the game. It's about distilling the fun bits!

Missed his negative in there: "It's not about not playing the game...", addressing the concern/complaint about mafia, "Oh, I want to play the game, not just click a button and have everything done for me."
From the Thread "Add version / build# to Main Interface titlebar":

Try doing "ant clean" first.
Yeah, who wants dirty bugs? :D

Hey, I keep noticing the version and release (revision?) number in the titlebar while using the daily build lately. I realized something: it comforts me. I guess it's related to my... compulsive? desire for information. I really do feel like it's a good idea in general, though.

So thank you for considering the change, and for implementing it. And thank you for the daily builds. Though I still stick with the full versions, the times I start using daily builds they're very valuable to me. And thanks for KoLmafia! Other than the things that might seem obvious, it's a really nice help when babysitting accounts.
I thought this would be a good place to repeat the thanks and express my gratitude. Also to repeat the ant joke, poking fun at my own ignorance -- and pointing out the superness of the people who do understand it!
KoLmafia is a wonderful time-saver. It makes so many parts of KoL so much more... bearable :p I'm also glad that it's being continually improved.
This was a really enjoyable Crimbo, the update availability in Mafia made it even more so. I hope the change in crimbo release philosophy made things more calm and less frustrating for all the people who work hard to keep Mafia up to date. Thank you for giving me more options and time to think about my game strategy. Thank you for giving me more time with my family.