New Content January 2018 IotM: January's Garbage Tote


And with that I think we are done ?
I noticed an issue that affects both this and foldable towel. (probably other foldables too).

Mafia built in gear changer cannot handle foldable gear. For example, I fold a makeshift garbage shirt, then I go to mafia gear changer and invoke the custom outfit "aftercore_mus". The result is

[COLOR=red]You need 1 more wad of used tape to continue.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Unable     to wear outfit aftercore_mus.[/COLOR]

If I had used KOL official gear changer it will wear the entire outfit san's my head slot which would be left with whatever is in it. Due to lacking the foldable.

... also, trying to type in CLI "acquire wad of used tape" or "equip wad of used tape" gives the error
[COLOR=red]You need 1 more wad of used tape to continue.[/COLOR]
This is an issue with all foldable gear and outfits where you no longer have all the items in it.
You want "fold wad of used tape".
Yeah, in general kolmafia checks if you equip an outfit and aborts if you don't have all the items, while KoL itself just equips whatever you have and ignores the rest.
Both have their uses: I've been frustrated by kolmafia aborting when I just wanted to equip whatever I had and I have been annoyed at kol for not warning me more clearly after some item got stolen in pvp and I only equipped half the desired outfit as a result.
As it is, it's easy to replicate the kolnative version whenever you want it by simply calling cli_execute("/outfit <name>"), that way it will get passed as a chat command without interference.
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Can we get a way to turn off the warning about losing current charges?

I'm not even using fold (I'm using visit_url) and this message will stuff come up.

Nevermind, it is coming from the maximizer because I don't special case fold apparently.