New Content January 2018 IotM: January's Garbage Tote

Currently, the champagne bottle is used even when tie-breaking (at least according to someone in /hc, I have way too many alternatives to replicate it), because +item and mp regen puts it really high. Is it an idea to give the champagne bottle, the crimbo tree and the shirt a breakable tag, or some variation of it?
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Maximizer can consider foldables, but there is some bugs with that which I am currently working on.

BTW, I only recently realized there's a checkbox for that. I normally don't see it, because the maximizer's window pops out too small to fit the checkbox in, so it doesn't appear unless I resize the window (which I often do just to see more suggestions at a time, and give more room for the suggestions to fit on a line). I guess I am basically saying that maximizer's default window size is way too small?
Currently, the champagne bottle is used even when tie-breaking (at least according to someone in /hc), because +item and mp regen puts it really high. Is it an idea to give the champagne bottle, the crimbo tree and the shirt a breakable tag, or some variation of it?

That would be nice. (also the burning newspaper derivatives, which "break" on rollover. They are why I forbid foldables - I don't want to spend (currently) 40k meat on something that's considered free).
Sounds a plan. Though the burning newspapers are not foldables, as they are a one use creation. Which ironically means that of the new items, the item with the fold link is not foldable, and the one without it is !
Marked Makeshift Garbage Shirt and Broken Champagne Bottle as breakable.

For completeness/consistency, the deceased crimbo tree is also breakable. Not likely to be heavily used, though.
So this just became a little more complicated. The equipment no longer disappears at rollover. However, the items with charges will lose their charges at rollover, and not get a new set of charges until a replacement is picked up.

Tracking if the item has been picked up is easy enough (I was thinking _garbage[itemname]Collected), and applying that to modifiers is straightforward (even though these modifier expressions are becoming horribly long at this point). However, that would make the items look useless for maximizing if you haven't already collected them, which seems undesirable. Also, the fold command won't create an item you already have in your inventory for easily resetting the charge.
And are charges that weren’t used the previous day still there to use ? Ie if you have an unused champagne bottle at the end of day one, can you use it on 11 combats, then get a new one for another 11?
And are charges that weren?t used the previous day still there to use ? Ie if you have an unused champagne bottle at the end of day one, can you use it on 11 combats, then get a new one for another 11?

Apparently the answer to this is yes. But picking up an item will lose all of the previous day's charge. So this simplifies the modifier handling, but introduces other new handling that will be a bit messy but probably fairly straightforward.
Started looking at this. Boy will it be a dogs breakfast of special cases.

I think we just need some preferences that aren't underscore for the bonuses, and daily one for taking an item (once we swap an item for the first time we know all are at max charge).

But then we need maximizer to consider items to have charges if non zero OR not taken today, and calculate modifiers based on that, but only when using maximizer. We need maximizer to know to recreate an item if zero charges and not taken today. We need fold to allow items to be folded into themselves.

Anything else ?
You might want the maximizer to pop a warning the first time you do fold for the day, since that would lose you all those charges you carefully saved from the previous day.
Noticed something a bit odd.

use maximizer to maximize for "item" with a folded item (worn or not is irrelevant)

Fold a garbage shirt, doesn't matter if worn or not. Then maximize "item".
It will want to fold and equip used tape as a hat. Only once I let it do so will it display the option to fold and equip a broken champagne bottle.

Fold tinsel tights or crimbo tree, and it wants to immediately go to champagne bottle without using wad of tape as an intermediary.
Naturally having pre-folded champagne bottle or wad of used tape (in the inventory and not worn) will make it also go straight to using champagne bottle.

So basically, if I have folded any item other than garbage shirt in my inventory and not worn, it will want to fold and wear the champagne bottle. But if I have folded a garbage shirt it will want to fold a wad of tape which gives lower +item bonus.

For clarity:
Currently Folded -> Wants to Equip (and acquire if needed)
deceased crimbo tree -> broken champagne bottle
broken champagne bottle -> broken champagne bottle
tinsel tights -> broken champagne bottle
wad of used tape -> broken champagne bottle
makeshift garbage shirt -> wad of used tape, giving inferior results and immediately upon refresh will suggest switching to broken champagne bottle.
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I think this is a variation of the maximizer always prefers an item to no item bug. In this case I suspect you have no other shirt, so it prefers garbage shirt to all.
Hopefully r18833 prefers nothing over items that are worse, which might fix that.
confirmed, it now directly goes from garbage shirt to bottle of champagne.

edit: wait, nope. still doing it while in run itself. (doing HCCS runs on day 1, i have practically nothing to wear).
I had tested it in aftercore where it worked correctly. But in aftercore i had plenty of alternatives.
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r18849 handles case where you only have one item in a slot, and it's foldable and might be needed elsewhere.

ie. When you have Makeshift Garbage Shirt as your only shirt and would be better off without it.