Active member
Thanks Darzil!
Maximizer can consider foldables, but there is some bugs with that which I am currently working on.
Currently, the champagne bottle is used even when tie-breaking (at least according to someone in /hc), because +item and mp regen puts it really high. Is it an idea to give the champagne bottle, the crimbo tree and the shirt a breakable tag, or some variation of it?
Marked Makeshift Garbage Shirt and Broken Champagne Bottle as breakable.
And are charges that weren’t used the previous day still there to use ? Ie if you have an unused champagne bottle at the end of day one, can you use it on 11 combats, then get a new one for another 11?
And are charges that weren?t used the previous day still there to use ? Ie if you have an unused champagne bottle at the end of day one, can you use it on 11 combats, then get a new one for another 11?
confirmed, it now directly goes from garbage shirt to bottle of champagne.Hopefully r18833 prefers nothing over items that are worse, which might fix that.