is there an "all but 1" command for cli scripting?


New member
Making a simple clean up script for my inventory, i was wondering if there is a way to autosell/mallsell/case all but 1 of something.

knob goblin elite outfit, i need it to buy nasal spray and pet buffing spray, but i dont need 16 of each piece.

right now i just leave them out of the script and sell the extra by hand

if not i guess i could always have something like
closet put 1 knob goblin elite helmet
autosell * knob goblin elite helmet
closet take 1 knob goblin elite helmet

but that would be a pain
You can generally use negative quantities to mean "that many less than what I already have" - so sell -1 elite helmet should do what you want.
yeah i found that a little while ago while reading the basic scripting tutorial trying to figure out how to do something unrelated, thanks though